ashatteredpeace · 6 years
“Beautiful things don’t ask for attention”
— The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
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ashatteredpeace · 6 years
I realize now that I’ll always care for you. I’ve moved on and found someone who loves me in ways you never did, but for some reason, you’ll always be in my heart and mind.
Best friend turned lover turned stranger
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ashatteredpeace · 6 years
“It was not until the day where you slowly slipped through my fingers like grains of sands, that I realized the mist of an autumn is no different from the sad blue hues that resides at each corner of the sky.”
— Lukas W. // Sad blue hues
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ashatteredpeace · 6 years
I just want someone to look at me and think: she’s worth everything
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ashatteredpeace · 6 years
A Love That Feels Like Sunlight
That's the sad thing about the sun. She never stays for long. She passes behind a cloud, And suddenly all the light is gone. And still I choose to love her. -Anna O'C
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ashatteredpeace · 6 years
“As the wind blows, I begin to wonder, who are you caring for at this very moment? Is it still me? Is it still us? I do not want to know. I am too afraid to find out.”
— Lukas W. // Do you still care about me? (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
When they ask me about my future wife, I always tell them that her eyes are the only Christmas lights that deserve to be seen all year long. I tell them that she has a walk that can make an atheist believe in God just long enough to say, ‘God damn’. I tell them that if my alarm clock sounded like her voice, my snooze button would collect dust. I tell them that if she came in a bottle, I would drink her until my vision is blurry and my friends take away my keys. I tell them that if she was a book, I would memorize her table of contents. I would read her, cover to cover, hoping to find typos, just so we could both have something to work on, because aren’t we all unfinished?
Rudy Francisco, A Lot Like You (via gosh-alex)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
I am very cruel to myself. I demand perfection, but I am very lazy. I want to become great, but I fear the result of becoming misunderstood. I desire to be loved, but I panic at the thought of becoming rejected. I yearn to heal, but I long for the things that destroy me in the end.
juansendizon  (via shareaquote)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
No matter what happens today, Wether he shows up, or doesn’t Wether he falls in love, or doesn’t Wether he becomes the person you thought he was, or doesn’t None of it will take away your beauty, your spark, or your light Because stars don’t shine for any one person
Excerpt from a girl with a wounded heart  (via sunflowerletters)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
one of the things that saddens me the most is when people are surprised when someone is kind to them. kindness should be the default.
you’re so kind // giulswrites (via giulswrites)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
he will seem perfect in the beginning. he will say all the right things, bring you flowers when you least expect it. he will do everything you’ve only ever dreamt about. but it won’t last. he will change on a dime, leaving you to wonder what you did to ruin everything. i’m telling you now, you did nothing. he was destined to destroy you from the start.
he will tell you he loves you and when he does your heart will feel more full than it ever has. there will be days when he makes you feel so loved that you will ignore all the times he hurts you. don’t. when he starts cancelling plans last minute, leave. when he stops telling you that you’re beautiful, leave. when you ignores you for hours on end, leave. save your heart. you deserve more.
this man is going to come into your life and change it in ways i can’t even describe. he will hold you while you cry, then spend other days ignoring that he’s the reason for the tears. he will say he loves you, but never show it. i know how good he may seem but please, when you fall in love with him be smarter than i was and get out before he tears your life into pieces.
to the girl who loves him next. don’t.
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
When a person tells you you hurt them, you don’t get to decide you didn’t.
Louis C.K. (via wordsnquotes)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
he will seem perfect in the beginning. he will say all the right things, bring you flowers when you least expect it. he will do everything you’ve only ever dreamt about. but it won’t last. he will change on a dime, leaving you to wonder what you did to ruin everything. i’m telling you now, you did nothing. he was destined to destroy you from the start.
he will tell you he loves you and when he does your heart will feel more full than it ever has. there will be days when he makes you feel so loved that you will ignore all the times he hurts you. don’t. when he starts cancelling plans last minute, leave. when he stops telling you that you’re beautiful, leave. when you ignores you for hours on end, leave. save your heart. you deserve more.
this man is going to come into your life and change it in ways i can’t even describe. he will hold you while you cry, then spend other days ignoring that he’s the reason for the tears. he will say he loves you, but never show it. i know how good he may seem but please, when you fall in love with him be smarter than i was and get out before he tears your life into pieces.
to the girl who loves him next. don’t.
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
i just want to write beautiful things about us again.
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
I’m getting hurt by the fact that you don’t even realize when you hurt someone. You see a rose instead of a knife and then you confuse blood with red petals.
giulswrites (via giulswrites)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
i. january it’s easy to fall back into old habits, but it’s far more rewarding to learn from them. ii. february you are capable of far more than you believe. spend your days breaking barriers you didn’t even know existed. iii. march mortality is fragile; he knew it, and you know it. there’s nothing you could have done to save someone who didn’t want to be saved. iv. april sometimes, you have to take responsibility for things you didn’t do in order to maintain necessary peace. v. may goodbyes are never easy; as your heart is ripped apart, remember they’re headed off to change the world. the opportunities are endless. be excited for them. vi. june don’t be afraid to trust; although others have torn you to shreds, the way he looks at you with soft eyes should make you believe he is different. he’s after your heart; give it to him. vii. july even an ocean between you two can’t stop the love you feel for him. no amount of vodka can drown it; learn to accept your feelings. viii. august it’s okay to put faith in your own judgements. your gut feeling is normally right, so listen to what it tells you. ix. september when you are patient, good things will come. don’t lose hope just because there’s a wait. x. october it’s important to know when to stop waiting and take matters into your own hands. if you want to know the taste of his lips, stop complaining and find out for yourself. xi. november kiss him whenever you can and tell him you love him with your words and without. take advantage of the time you have together because, soon, thousands of miles will separate you. xii. december stop holding back who you are, and allow yourself to be vulnerable for once. it will pay off, dear.
writing prompt #73: Write about the lessons you learned this year. // lemonadeangelwriting (via wnq-writers)
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ashatteredpeace · 7 years
He tried to forget her. He swore he was trying. But it was so hard to do when memories of her flash into his mind when he sees her honey-colored hair tangled in his shirts and or the way her sickly sweet perfume seemed to cling to his hoodies, no matter how many times he tried to get rid of it.
Watching him try to forget (via ashatteredpeace)
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