ashbashprincess · 11 years
Course Reflection 6
So since the last time I was on able to do my reflection it during the beggining stages of writing my essay. the journey of writing my essay as been pretty difficult least to say. It was just all about writing my claims, reasoning, and making sure everything was outlined and stated very clearly. What Ive been having trouble with is my rubbutal. I have my all my points for my argument and everything. Just I do not know how to go about my rebuttal. I did go to my professor for help to see if he can guide me in the rigt direction. He did give me some good pointers which i took note of it just now fiding a good rebuttal to go against my claim. This is one thing i do hate about argumentative papers. Here is a look at my introduction. I like the way it came out and how I set it up.
The Epidemic of Obese Young Adults: An Argumentative Essay
The increasing obesity rate among young adults has sky rocketed from 14.1% to 23.2 % in men and in women 18.5% to 28.6% (Han et al.1). With these statics we can see the overall effect obesity has on young adults in a dangerous manner. The health risk are more than likely more higher for this age group than any other age group.Young adults are unaware of what kind of nutrients are important for them such as vitamins A,C,D, E, and K, and choline, calcium, potassium, and dietary fibers(Huifen, et al.1). 
Obesity has always been one of America's top issues relating to health. Obesity has become more of an epidemic to young adults over the decades than any other age group that can be effected by obesity.(see authors) Young adults have become more at risk of being obese as they age because of numerous reason. A few of the reason are economic status, proactive living, and healthy diets. Knowing some of the reason that are the main contributor to obesity show the break in literacy of how young adults are not educated enough about a healthy living lifestyle that will suit them best. To achieve this goal this essay will elaborate on how a young adults economic status, living proactive, and changing the way they eat can be helpful to them. In addition, to this essay it will also explain the causes and prevention of obesity that can help those struggling with obesity and or starting to gain weight. 
As stated above, this essay will elaborate on how obesity is a harmful risk factor to young adults and a variety of ways of how they can reduce the risk and lower their weight. 
  The annotated bib helped out so much doing this paper, without that it would have been difficult to achieve what I have so far, because the annotated bib helped map out what sources were the best, how they related to one another, and i could pull my references and some good information there. We turned the essay in on Tuesday and are waiting on our critiques. However in the meatime I am going to work on my Causes and Prevention and rebuttal part for the paper. 
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
Course Reflection 5
With this reflection i will show some on the bibs I worked on and synthesized to see my strong points in my essay question. Starting to write the essay has been fairly hard, because I still have not found any good rebuttals that challenge my questions, so it makes me think am I looking for it wrong or something. I'll continue to search for some good articles that will be rebuttal to what my argumentitve essay question was in the last reflection. But looking at these rebuttals is somewhat starting to broading my my question of why are young adults in America obese. It raises more questions to and give fairly well information on why they think young adults are obese.
Pelletier, Luc et. al. "Why do you regulate what you eat? Relationships between forms of 
regulation, eating behaviors, sustained dietary behavior change,and psychological 
adjustment." Motivation and Emotions. 28.3 (2004): 245-273. Print. 
l This article is about how the way you eat can affect your every day life, such as a person mood, body weight, and if they will be more efficient at in the activities they participate in. Staying healthy promotes wellness and positivity in other parts of their lives. As well as being able to control themselves in a particular environment by setting up a routine to keep them from relapsing.
l The argument that is being made is that chronic over eating is a major cause in why people are very much overweight and have problems regulating their eating habits. According to the text, " Their failure to properly regulate their eating behaviors constitute an important risk factor in the development of many health problems that could be prevented if people would adopt a lifestyle that would, among other things promote proper daily regulation of healthy eating behaviors"(247).
l In another article, Social position, Psychological stress, and obesity: A systemic Review, relates to the how the mind set is very important in controlling what one put in their body. Having an alternate way to reduce stress can promote better eating habits and healthy living lifestyles that can be very beneficial. The lower the stress was the healthier the food consumption was versus the higher stress rate which 
contributed to fatty, unhealthy foods and snacks.  
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
Course Reflection 4
So we have finished our annotated bibs and that was hard to an extent but very helpful. I liked doing it, because it help weed out the the articles that were useful and the ones that were not useful to our essay. I had one article that was very difficult to interpret. it reminded me of the Brian Street article that everyone in the class had a difficult time doing, because they expected you to know some of the information that was already present in it. Over all I believe I have found some very good articles that relate to my essay and will be able to help find the answer to my argumentative answer. My question is, "Why are young adults more prone to becoming more obese during this stage in their life?" There are many reason that can contribute to this epidemic, and the main three ones I have come up with is, Economic status; Two, Physical fitness, and three, healthy eating lifestyle. I think these are the main three key points into why young adults today are obese and its becoming an epidemic in America. What I'm trying to argue is that if more young adults take care of their bodies, watch their weight and eat more healthier it can severely decrease the epidemic of having more obese young adults in America. There will be many people who disagree with my claim/thesis, but I however firmly believe that doing what needs to be done to take care of a person body is very important. It is important to fact that there health risk involved and that it can effect the person everyday lifestyle, attitude, and the way they believe in being healthier person.
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
Course reflection 3
Nothing new has been really happening in english, because we are just working on our annotated bibliography which is going to be used into making our argumentive essays. I'm doing my essay on, "Why do people go to the doctor for health problems than doing taking healthy precautions to prevent future problems?" So far with this topic I have found some really good scholarly articles, but sometimes it is hard to find what i specifically want. There are two good articles that I have to get off illad, a site where you can get articles from what the school does not have in PDF or the actually journal it came from. Glad Dr. Marquard told the class about this site, because it is very helpful with retrieving particular articles. Also, we are back to doing reader responses, I thought we were done but nope we are not! It was a nice little break while it lasted. The reader responses are about tips and guidelines to follow while we work on our final paper. The most recent ones are from Kennedy, and Academic notes from our professor. Both are very helpful in how to write an essay, and point out the most important things to pay attention to. Overall, the reader response are the same just a few more to go then we are actually officially done. The Service learning I seriously need to get to a meeting and see whats going and what I need to do for my part. I know I want to help someone in my class or who ever with their project that they have set up. So this coming up Friday I am attending a meeting and going to figure out what I am going to try and do. Have not have much of a highlight in English class beside being settled on what I want to do for my final essay paper, but I can feel the stress coming on with this particular thing. As well, there are not any really lows for english class either. Finally, things are going well in english class I can not complain, just ready to get the ball rolling for this essay paper to get it over with.
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
Course Relfection 2
In class this week we finally finished out reader responses, Thank goodness! Not that I was doing bad or anything just means no more of those long texts to read and write about. As for the text Brian Street was still the hardest but it eased up on the reading level for the last bit of them. Now we are working on our Final essay paper, I believe I have an idea of what I want to do with it. It is still sorta of messy with trying to figure out how to relate it back to literacy, but I'll find a way to connect it. The ideas that other people had around the classroom were really cool, some of ours were pretty close with dealing with the stuff and stuf but over the class had a nice starting concept with this finally paper literacy. As well I'm going to the literacy at commons meeting on friday, I really need to start on my service housrs and what I am going to do. I'm more than likely not going to pick to do a project on my own or make up a new one, but go help someone with theirs. That what I like to do is help in anyway I can. I really hope this finally paper goes well though that is the only thing that is giving me concern at the moment, but other than that the class is going over all good and I'm enjoying it. It is boring at times cause it so quiet that is the down side but oh well what can you do about it. All in all english class has been decent and easy going, but see a lot off work that is going to be done to work on this paper to get it where it needs to be.
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
Course Reflection 1
So English 1060 has been good so far, I really can't complain. We do a lot of stuff that deals with our readings. I actually like how we have do reader responses, because it enforces us to read the material that is being presented to us and to pick out the things that are very important in being able to answering the question. Overall, so far I like how we do our homework it doesn't bother me. The course material that we are given is very helpful, I'm glad Ihave Dr. Marquard, because he give material that actually will help us with our paper, teach us what we need to know about writing a good argument paper, and seeing the overall real idea behind writing an argument paper. Recently we just read a text by Brian Street, and that was the most confusing, difficult text I've ever read for a class. The text was managable to the point you would be able to graps some of what it is talking about but until it was fully explained in class what was truly going on and what the author was trying to accomplish it was confusing. Confusing because the author had already expected you to know what he was talking about but you did not because the reader walked into an ongoing conversation.However, I never want to read something like that again. Well making this blog to discuss such things as what I'm doing now is a very different appraoch than what other teachers normally take. I really like it be cause I can express my thoughts freely in the comforts of where I am and instead of a classroom somewhat feeling pressured/forced to write what I think about about this or that within a certain time span. The creating of this blog at first was pretty annoying, because I was going to connect it with my personal account(thought it would be easier to manage it like that) but that did not work out to well, but it is whatever I guess haha. Another thing in class we are doing is Literacy at Commons, it a service learing site, where a student can make his/her own project or help. For me I know I'm not making a project but I'll for sure help out, I like helping out others! So now I just got to figure out what I'm going to do, I'm going to the meeting tomrrow so I'll see what project I want to be apart, I'll for sure write it down in my blog next. Well I guess that is it all for today!
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
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Studious by jeanneoliverdesigns Price : 15.00 USD Buy here : http://etsy.me/XZ3oMy
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
This blog is dedicated to my English course 1060! I will be be blogging all about what I've been doing and the basic of this course, I hope everyone enjoys what I like and reblog to show my personality and what I have learned!
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
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ashbashprincess · 12 years
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