asheeeeeeeeee · 6 years
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I haven't played sims3 for a long time...
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Lucas / Yukhei Wong from NCT
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
love it~soooooooo cool
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[The Sims 3] My Hero Academia - Before and After editing
A collection of pictures I made lately. 
All these were originally screenshots taken in The Sims 3, then edited with Photoshop.
MORE My Hero Academia picture: link
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
Hello, how are you? Could you show how you edit your Sims ' hair and muscles? I love your tumblr and your Instagram 😊❤
Hello there~! I am fine thank you for asking C: and sure sure, I’ll show how I edit hairs though because I don’t really edit muscles. It’s the matter of taking the picture in game XD
I used this hair brush (I know I’ve mentioned this million times XD but I really love this brush!) but bare in mind that I edit my sims using a tablet :> Also, I am not a professional as I am self-taught but this is just my way of editing/drawing hairs  (≧◡≦) Let’s get started!
TOOLS USED: Hair Brush, Eraser, Eyedropper tool, Liquify.
First take a picture of your sim with a hair appropriate to be used as a based. Like mine below, I wanna draw a spiky haired guy so I used a hair by Ade as a base.
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Then, erase the edge of the hair so that it allows you to draw and modify the current hair. I used 100% opacity with 0% brush hardness and ~30% of flow. But you can adjust these settings according to your own preference.
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Once you’ve erased it, change it to the hair brush. Set the settings accordingly ( my opacity and flow varies as well as the brush size but the hardness is always set to full). Then, create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) for you to draw the hair on. It is important when you draw the hair, always draw in one direction which otherwise would make your hair messy!
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**Optional** Make a rough sketch of your desired hair! Make sure you do this on a new layer!  I sometimes do this when I have no idea what kind of hair I want it to be but most of the time I just find a picture so that I can use it as a reference. Then, start by drawing a strand of hair first in the direction of your sim’s base hair. Use the eyedropper tool to match the colour of your sims hair so that it can blend well, you will use this alot as you progress through the editing. Since I want my sims hair to be spiky, I drew it upwards.
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Then, in the same direction, add more strands of hair. To make your way through the end of your sim’s head…? XD
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Sometimes I used the liquify tool to tweak the drawn hairs if the shape is off, but in this case I was happy with it so I don’t really use it XD So when, you’re happy with the hair, add finishing details such as shadow and highlights to the hair to give more depth and realistic look. I always do this using the same brush but the different opacity (depending on your preference). For shadowing, I used a black brush while for the highlight I just used a white brush. Make sure you do this on a new layer, incase you’ve messed up :3
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And you’re done C: Hope you find this tutorial somewhat useful though~! Because I find it hard to explain just by screenshotting everything but all you need is practice and I am sure you’ll be able to draw even better than me XP 
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Daughter of the sea
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Merry Christmas!
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Ellion & Mika | @igotsims
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Catch your sims Christmas gift
Hey, Simblrs! Have you ever received Christmas gifts from the East? Now they’re coming on the Santa’s sled and going to be delivered by 12/24.
Solve our specially designed puzzles and get lots of mysterious gifts in a special way! Let players from different regions celebrate Christmas together in the Sims world! 
·My Gift : Men’s Utral Long Sleeve Top (Not perfect yet)
·Event : Catch your sims Christmas gift
·The number of participants : 14 in total
·Gifts release date : 2017/12/24 00:00
·How it works : Players can obtain the download links of gifts(which are provided by 14 creators) by playing a quiz game(.exe).
·Hints : Please remember to save your game from time to time.
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Hey, Simblrs! Have you ever received Christmas gifts from the East?
Now they’re coming on the Santa’s sled and going to be delivered by 12/24.
Solve our specially designed puzzles and get lots of mysterious gifts in a special way!
Let players from different regions celebrate Christmas together in the Sims world!
(The number of CC is up to 58.)
嘿~ Simblr! 有收到過來自東方的聖誕禮物嗎?
Event: Catch your sims Christmas gift
The number of participants: 14 in total
Gifts release date: 2017/12/24 00:00
How it works: Players can obtain the download links of gifts(which are provided by 14 creators) by playing a quiz game(.exe).
Hints: Please remember to save your game from time to time.
活動名稱: Catch your sims Christmas gift
參加創作者: 14名
禮物發布時間: 2017/12/24 00:00
活動模式: 玩���藉由通過exe問答遊戲來獲取14名創作者提供的禮物下載連結
提示: 過程中請善用存檔功能
嗨嗨嗨我是 BUG 君~ ( ̄ω ̄( ̄ω ̄〃 ( ̄ω ̄〃)ゝ
最近參加了群裡的聖誕活動,結果直到最後一個禮拜才趕出來 orz
品質一如既往的堪憂以及 BUG 多多。
Event’s Link / 活動連接
Hi, I’m BUG ~ (¯ω¯ (¯ω¯〃) (¯ω¯〃) ゝ
I joined the Christmas event "Catch your sims Christmas gift". I made my gift for a long time. *orz* My gift may not be perfect, try it if you don't mind!
Christmas event link Hints:My quizzes are so illogical, just choose what you want! 
If you find the Chinese version of the questions too hard, you can try the English version!
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Hey, Simblrs! Have you ever received Christmas gifts from the East?
Now they’re coming in on the Santa’s sled and going to be delivered by 12/24. Solve the inconceivable puzzles to get lots of mysterious gifts in such a special way! Let players from different regions celebrate Christmas together in the Sims world!
P.S Remember to save your progress to save some time.
Event: Catch your sims Christmas gift Participating Creators: 14 in total Date to release the gifts: 2017/12/24 00:00 How does it work: We made a level game (.exe) with gifts made by 14 creators
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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嗨~ sims玩家们~ 有收到过来自东方的圣诞礼物吗? 现在它们正乘着圣诞老人的麋鹿车即將在12/24到來~
通过特别的获取方式 解开匪夷所思的谜题 获取大量神秘的礼物
让不同地域的我们一同在sims里欢度圣诞节吧! 我非常荣幸的参加了这个活动,图片中是我为大家准备的礼物~ 如果你对我的礼物感兴趣,或者想阅览更多其他作者的礼物,那么请关注这个活动~链接在下面噢~
活动名称:Catch your sims Christmas gift 参加创作者:14名 活动模式:将14名创作者提供的礼物制作成一个exe闯��小游戏 礼物发布时间:2017/12/24 00:00
Hey, Simblrs! Have you ever received Christmas gifts from the East? Now they’re coming in on the Santa’s sled and going to be delivered by 12/24. Solve the inconceivable puzzles to get lots of mysterious gifts in such a special way! Let players from different regions celebrate Christmas together in the Sims world! I am honored to join in this event, the pictures is my gifts~ If you are interested in my gifts,or you want to see gifts from other creators, please pay attention to this event ~Link below the page~
P.S Remember to save your progress to save some time.
Event: Catch your sims Christmas gift Participating Creators: 14 in total Date to release the gifts: 2017/12/24 00:00 How does it work: We made a level game (.exe) with gifts made by 14 creators
                          →【活动链接/Event’s Link】←
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asheeeeeeeeee · 7 years
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Catch your sims Christmas gift
Hey, Simblrs! Have you ever received Christmas gifts from the East?Now they’re coming on the Santa’s sled and going to be delivered by 12/24.Solve our specially designed puzzles and get lots of mysterious gifts in a special way!
Let players from different regions celebrate Christmas together in the Sims world!
I’m one of the members of this event and the sim in the picture is my avatar. I have prepared some very beautiful gifts, come to focus on our activities if you are interested in knowing what they are!
Event: Catch your sims Christmas gift
The number of participants: 14 in total
Gifts release date: 2017/12/24 00:00
How it works: Players can obtain the download links of gifts(which are provided by 14 creators) by playing a quiz game(.exe).
Hints: Please remember to save your game from time to time.
活动名称:Catch your sims Christmas gift
礼物发布时间:2017/12/24 00:00
Watch my introduction in the game may have some help~
查看我在游戏中的个人介绍可能会有一些帮助 ~
 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Event’s Link / 活动链接
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