asher-blackwood · 6 months
The Petal's Bodyguard Master Post!
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<Part one>
[Coming December 30th 2023]
Feral Jimmy
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asher-blackwood · 1 year
Can't wait to read
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Alchemy for idiots by ZiggySnape [E, 27k]
►After years of magical abstinence, reformed Death Eater Draco Malfoy gets a chance to show his old nemesis exactly how much he has grown. Harry Potter desperately needs his help, and Malfoy maturely agrees to satisfy the request. Neither one of the two has a secret agenda. None whatsoever, no. After all, power struggles are a thing of the past now… right?
2. Dance With Me, Malfoy by ThordisPotter [M, 11k]
►Draco Malfoy needs a date to his mother’s rapidly-approaching New Year’s Ball. He can’t pretend to be sick again, but he can’t show up alone, so he does something that, if asked, he’ll never admit to - he hires a date. The man he hires, however, happens to be none other than Harry Potter himself.
3. draco malfoy’s substitute murder service by @oknowkiss [E, 10k]
►When Harry joins the Curse Breakers shortly after his twenty-fifth birthday, he’s surprised to find himself assigned to the Department of Creatures, Cryptids, and Associated Calamities. /// OR: the one where Draco goes goblin mode, and Harry has a thing for monsters.
4. You will be found by Mimbelwimbel [M, 2k]
►After the war, Harry is unhappy. So is Draco. Maybe what they need is each other.
1. and a spoonful of sugar by @corvuscrowned [G, 7k]
►Harry and Teddie’s gender potions may be life-saving, but they taste absolutely terrible. And if finding a solution to this means that Harry can spend more time with a certain blond-haired potioneer… Well, that’s nothing but a coincidence. ★ 2022 Harry Potter Trans Comfort Fest | @magicaltrans
2. Best Kept by Anonymous [E, 6k]
►Harry has never been accused of being subtle, so why did he think he could keep his boyfriend secret from his friends indefinitely? ★ HFPC Holiday Bingo 2022
3. Canary Creams and New Yellow Paint by Anonymous [E, 72k]
►It’s not Draco’s fault that Potter is seeing things and Scorpius’s campaign to be the Ministry’s Creature Liaison is struggling, it’s not. […] If that means trudging through a boggy moor in search of a fictional species Luna thinks is causing their problems, Draco will just have to pluck up the courage, march in with a team of Gryffindors, and be ready to battle any beast they meet. Even if that beast looks less like the large, bipedal talking toads they find and more like the Ministry of Magic as a whole. ★ H/D Erised 2022 | @hd-erised
★ Harry/Draco Owlpost 2022 | @hdowlpost
Run Away With Me by Anonymous [G, 1k]
Wolf Moon by Anonymous [M, 1k]
You’re The One I Want by Anonymous [E, 9k]
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asher-blackwood · 1 year
Ooooo, more to read
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The Faeries, the Prince, and the Cupboard by Anonymous [M, 24k]
►In 1967, Roy Disney made a deal with a rare species of fae to build his brother Walt’s dream on their land. Forty-seven years later, that deal will change the lives of two wizarding families forever. /// A story about stories, family, dreams, and love. ★ H/D Erised 2022 | @hd-erised
2. Holiday Trips and Sleigh Rides by Anonymous [G, 4k]
►Harry is an Auror and needs Draco’s help for an undercover mission. The two have pretend to be a couple. ★ Harry/Draco Owlpost 2022 | @hdowlpost
3. It’s All Fun and Games by Anonymous [T, 3k]
►Staying at school for the holidays has never been the most exciting thing to do, so a game of Truth or Dare should help, right? At least that’s what the rest of the year seems to think. Harry could do without it, to be honest. But, not wanting to be a spoilsport, he joins in despite knowing that a big secret could be exposed. ★ Harry/Draco Owlpost 2022 | @hdowlpost
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asher-blackwood · 1 year
Oooo, new stories to read
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Could have fooled me by suhtmuikkis [T, 19k]
►Harry is smitten by Malfoy and it’s making his life a bit inconvenient. Too bad Malfoy doesn’t feel the same way. Or does he? /// OR Five random moments where Harry thinks Malfoy does not feel the way Harry feels about him. And then that one time he knows he does.
2. Counter-Curse by Justlikewriting [T, 21k]
►When Harry took his first holiday in years, he decided to spend it house sitting Ron and Hermione’s flat in a Muggle part of London. It should have been easy enough - minding their plants, their Kneazle and their cat - and it would have been, if Harry hadn’t seen someone blacking out in the flat opposite on his first day. Of course, it was just his luck that the man in the other flat turned out to be none other than Draco Malfoy, Assistant Hotel Manager. Of a very Muggle hotel, which also happened to serve the best cake. Ever. […]
3. A Feeling So Peculiar by Dustydays8 [T, 12k]
►Draco learns to deal with his past, present and a nosy arch-rival whose unfortunate dressing sense is the least of Draco’s worries.
4. Kid’s Choir by @oohloverboyyy [?, 1k]
►James is joining the choir… Harry and Draco are cautiously excited.
1. Claim Me on a Bed of Snow by Anonymous [E, 1k]
►After a misunderstanding on Christmas Day, Draco thinks Harry still loves Ginny. Harry is determined to prove him wrong. ★ Harry/Draco Owlpost 2022 | @hdowlpost
2. everything you should say by Anonymous [E, 7k]
►They’re not friends. But when Draco offers help, Harry takes it. ★ H/D Erised 2022 | @hd-erised
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
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art by misterwalnut  |  banner by @capiturecs​
Rules and Guidelines | FAQ | AO3 Collection
Omg! Tomorrow is December first. Which means….
Are you all super excited??? We sure are. We’ve had some absolutely wonderful submissions, and we can’t wait to share them with you.
Remember, we’re posting headers on our Tumblr, with weekly round-ups and the final masterlists posting on both tumblr and dreamwidth. All content will be hosted at our AO3 Collection, where you can also leave comments to let our amazing H/D Erised creators know how much you’re enjoying their work.
A few quick reminders for our wonderful participants:
Please comment on your gift as soon as you can after it’s posted. Your gifter put a lot of work into creating something extra special just for you, and they are likely waiting anxiously to see your reaction.
With that in mind, if you see your gift has posted, but you know you won’t have time to read or view for 24 hours, it’d be awesome if you could leave a quick comment letting your gifter know, so they don’t have to spend the next few days worrying.
We know that the holiday season is a busy one both in fandom and RL, so if you’re going to be unable to access the internet for a period of time during posting, please let the mods know by sending us a quick email. If we have advance notice, we’ll do our best to try and post your gift while you’re available.
Please do not respond to any of the comments on your work until after reveals in January.
Remember that what you receive is a gift. These gifts might not follow your exact prompts or incorporate every like, but please assume that your gifter did their very best to make something special for you. Be sure to leave them a nice comment to say thank you!
We also want to encourage all our participants (and watchers!) to please be active and read and comment through the fest beyond just your gift. We know it’ll make a huge difference to every creator; they’ve all spent so many hours crafting these stories and pieces of art, and every comment means a lot!
So keep your eyes open tomorrow, and all through December. It’s going to be amazing!
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
Ooo, neat
HD Sudsfest Fic: the shape of memory
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the shape of memory by @hogwartsfirebolt
Rating: T Word Count: 3,007 Additional Tags: Memory Loss, Amnesia, Legilimency, Mindscapes, Draco's love is gentle, Harry is powerful and lovely, Together they find their way to each other, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Episodes, In the form of: brief mention of Harry blacking out Prompt #: 47
Harry's brush with death has left consequences. Thankfully, Draco is there to help him navigate the uncertain waters of his mind.
Give the shape of memory some love on AO3!
Header art by @faevorite-main-blog do not repost
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
Ooo, more to read
Vampires 3
Thanks again to @hd-fangfest for all the awesome vampire content! If you're looking for even more vampire stories, check out my previous vampire lists, Vampires, and Vampires 2!
The Sommelier by @lqtraintracks (531 words, rated E)
Couples that kill together, stay together.
Threshing by @academicdisasterfic (1,585 words, rated E)
For Draco, following fate was the easy part.
Thirst by @fluxweeed (4,448 words, rated E)
The path of Malfoy’s scent is obvious; Harry hasn’t fed for days, so his senses are sharp. Deadly.
And Malfoy smells so good.
Your taste on my lips by @quicksilvermaid (4,528 words, rated E)
Draco's a Vampire now. Harry doesn't think that should matter.
Sweet Like Candy in my Veins by @shah-writes (7,633 words, rated M)
In which Harry is a magical theorist with a penchant for catching vampires for the Aurors and Draco is the vampire who’s in love with him.
a love that consumes by amorsindolor (7,876 words, rated M)
They come together in the only way they know how to.
An exploration of monstrosity and how love consumes us.
Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly (9,725 words, rated T)
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore.
The Seventh Life by @corvuscrowned (18,404 words, rated E)
If Draco had looked the other way, he may never have seen him again. But Draco turned, because he always would have turned. He found him, because he always would have found him - in life, in death, or in Paris.
Blessed Are The Lambs (Do You Walk With Gabriel?) by @cannibalschism (50,021 words, rated E)
It's been eight years of this. Eight years since the tug that drew Harry like the tide pulls the earth towards the Camerlengo and Vatican City. Eight years since he'd last felt what it was to think freely and not around the wretched, awful din. Eight years since the bars of his gilded cage had slammed shut around him all while the Camerlengo spun the key on his conniving finger.
But it was today when Draco Malfoy walked into St. Peter's Basilica, looking so young as though the years had passed him by, and smelling like pennies and dead leaves.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
This seams really cool. Can't wait to read
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i stay 
Drarry - 9k - The darkening sky is dangerous for the shape of Harry’s desire, it makes it seem reasonable, as though it were a natural conclusion of having Draco once again within reach, rather than the mirage it actually is.
Hi, I wrote this for @tackytigerfic for the Wheel Of Drarry Mini Exchange. It’s a fic about reunions, about coming from entirely different backgrounds and it not mattering one bit when gravity itself brings you together, about building. The whole time I was writing it I kept having flashes of it in this cinematic way (with bloom by the paper kites playing in the background) and I decided to make that the graphic theme for it. Hopefully this looks a little bit like how the fic feels. 
If it sounds like your thing, I’d appreciate it if you gave it a shot. Love you all.
Read on AO3
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
Looks cool can't wait to read
"Tiny Home" by wolfpants
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I had the pleasure to create these two pieces as a gift for @wolfpants, to celebrate their gorgeous fic, Tiny Home. The lovely people who commissioned me for this gift are @thebooktopus and @coffeedrgn87 - thank you both so much. it was such a pleasure to work with you and gush over the fic together!
Speaking of, Tiny Home is a beautiful, heartwarming story featuring Draco/Harry/Ron. Wolf's evocative imagery is astonishing, the entire story is full of love and warmth, and I cannot recommend it enough. Go read it.
You can check out the full naughty pic here.
Read Tiny Home on AO3
Thank you again 💕
my other art | Twitter | Insta | Commissions
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
This looks so good, can't wait to read
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Finally I can post the pieces I did for  HD Reverse Bang 2022 @harrydracobang. The first pic inspired the brilliant fic
  “Monster”, wich you can read here  by my wonderful partner @orange-peony 
I don’t have enough words to express how happy and grateful I am with Peony.  Thank you so much for choosing me as your partner. 
You can see all the pieces and the nsfw one :3c  here, on AO3 
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
This looks cool
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i stay 
Drarry - 9k - The darkening sky is dangerous for the shape of Harry’s desire, it makes it seem reasonable, as though it were a natural conclusion of having Draco once again within reach, rather than the mirage it actually is.
Hi, I wrote this for @tackytigerfic for the Wheel Of Drarry Mini Exchange. It’s a fic about reunions, about coming from entirely different backgrounds and it not mattering one bit when gravity itself brings you together, about building. The whole time I was writing it I kept having flashes of it in this cinematic way (with bloom by the paper kites playing in the background) and I decided to make that the graphic theme for it. Hopefully this looks a little bit like how the fic feels. 
If it sounds like your thing, I’d appreciate it if you gave it a shot. Love you all.
Read on AO3
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
This looks cool, can't wait to read
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Thunder Moon (E, 3.6k) 
A gift for @hogwartsfirebolt for the Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange on the @drarrymicrofic server.  Estrella! Such an honour to write for you! I hope you enjoy this bit of dark wolfy Harry. Thank you to @tackytigerfic for the keen eye.
Warnings/tags: Angst, Smut, Blood and injury, Established relationship, Morally grey Harry Potter, Werewolf Harry Potter.
Just like the first rumbling growls of thunder in the skies, a ‘thunder moon’ is a harbinger of storms and turmoil. During this rare night in July, many wix notice an increased difficulty balancing heart and head, instinct and morality, and even their own desires versus the wishes of their loved ones.
For those who have been bitten and turned, like Harry Potter, this struggle is magnified tenfold.
When his mate is attacked, will Harry be able to face down the monsters in the shadows, and inside himself… for the man he loves?
Read on AO3
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
So much to read do little time
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Baby Dolphin Harry by CoffeeDragon87 [M, 9k]
► […] in which Harry and Draco fall in love and bond over dolphins while enjoying the sunshine of Southern Florida and each other’s company.
2. If You’re a Bird, I’m a Bird by @makeitp1nk [G, 1k]
►An obscene honking sound interrupts Harry’s daily run at the reservoir. But no fear, the Saviour’s here to save the day [and win the boy in the process].
3. A Shot Of Bravery by lavacxa [G, 4k]
►Sometimes alcohol is all it takes to evoke bravery. And one time, it did. And Harry Potter acted on it. Finally.
4. Wonderful Wheezes by dothechachaslide [E, 37k]
►Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes is in trouble. And Harry’s the only one who seems to care. Ron and Ginny are still grieving over the loss of Fred, and Hermione’s all the way in Australia, so it’s up to him to assemble a team and save the shop. Now all he needs is to get Draco Malfoy to give him a good rating so the Ministry won’t shut it down. But how the hell is he supposed to do that?
1. You Don’t Owe the World a Thing by Anonymous [T, 17k]
►Harry has spent the five years since the battle trying to live up to his reputation of being the Saviour of the Wizarding World. […] No-one notices that he’s doing too much and it’s starting to take a toll on The Chosen One. No-one except Draco, but how can he get Harry to listen to him? ★ HD Wireless 2022 | @hd-wireless
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
I can't wait to read this
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Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly
Harry/Draco (2022, Teen and Up, 9.7k)
Harry’s lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he’d put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe–just maybe–he might not be so alone anymore.
“He responded to the ad I put out in the Prophet.”
“Ahh,” said Ron. “The one you wrote when you were horny and desperate.”
“I don’t get horny like that, Ron.”
“Metaphorically horny,” said Ron, gesturing grandly. “Horny for romantic love.”
For someone who doesn’t care much about Vampire lore I’m surely having the time of my life with Fangfest this year, and Cav’s amazing roommates fic is among my top favourites so far. Trans Veela Draco and ace Vampire Harry living together and falling in love?? Yes please. As per, this short is a quiet love story full of sweet domesticity, healing and understanding. What else could we ask for?
Harry’s voice got me instantly in love, there’s something lovely and heartbreaking about his post-war journey. The loneliness, the search for meaningful connections, the soft yearning for Draco. We’ve all been there and it’s impossible not to relate to his feelings, and so easy to fall for Draco through his eyes. But the angst is executed in such a delicate way, laced with that irresistible wonder of falling in love - especially when your senses are dialed to eleven - that we realize the hurt is just a small step before he understands that he deserves happiness just as much as Draco.
I love their roommates dynamics, how they slowly get to know each other, and how well they complement each other. The daily reading/crocheting/drinking routine was so wonderfully domestic and full of feels it made my heart ache waiting for a touch, a kiss, anything. On that note, introducing ace Harry was a very clever and interesting way of tweaking the Vampire trope, giving nuance to the good old “blood drinking as something sexual” take - I love how Cav explored this aspect, if anything Harry’s craving for companionship made this story even more romantic!
One of my favorite scenes in this fic highlights our beloved Ron the hot wise. He’s so mature and supportive I could cry, I loved his exchange with Harry so much I had to include it in my rec. If you also love his character go ahead knowing he might have a short appearance but it’s done right! Lastly, the get together is *sighs* chef’s kiss, probably one of the best resolutions I’ve read recently. Once again Harry took my breath away with a multitude of emotions: vulnerable at confessing his feelings, disoriented at having Draco so close and straightforward at declaring his lack of interest in sex. The scene goes from the gentlest first kiss to an honest conversation and they’re so fond and hopeful for each other my heart can barely take it. I’m so happy Harry found someone to be quiet with 💜
I promise you need to indulge this cozy and heartwarming cottagecore love story today. There’s a bit of everything from evocative writing to gorgeous, mature characterization to emotional healing. And there’s nothing lovelier than seeing our boys find the affection and companionship they deserve. Go treat yourself!
Read on AO3
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
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Been playing this character for a while now and he has recently come out to his adventuring party and embraced his love for drag while learning to be his most authentic self. I love this game so much and it has truly been a blessing to play with my group
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
Ooo. This looks good
Self-rec :)
** Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖 ***
Thanks to @andithiel and @lettersbyelise for the tag, I can't tell you how happy you two make me!
Licking a Path to You (E; 18.4k; 2020)
Summary: Draco Malfoy has one goal in life: to discover the identity of the secret chef of his favourite restaurant, Sweet Prophecies. After all, he can't marry someone he doesn't know. So what if he's slightly distracted by one Harry Potter and their "just sex" agreement?
I loved writing this fic. It's one of my fave memories about writing: I was very inspired and found the entire process so funny and interesting!! The premise was that Harry likes licking stuff...I mean, it's already sold, isn't it? :D
And Draco Makes Four (M; 10.4k; 2021)
Summary: Right when Harry was about to become the youngest Head Auror in a century — just as everyone else expected of him — he made a decision that changed his life. Adopting twins wasn’t in his plans, but Harry was about to discover that unplanned things are the best ones. Including Draco Malfoy entering the equation.
I really like this fic because I love kid fics and writing this was bittersweet and fun. Harry adopting twins was in my plans for a while and I was super happy to write this small fic where Draco helps him through it being a healer :)
Take Your Time (E; 28k; 2019)
Summary: Where Harry finds himself soul-bonded to a mysterious stranger and Draco, five times winner of Witch Weekly's award for 'Best Smile', happens to specialise in soul-bond Curse-Breaking. If they have to travel back in time to find the culprit, well, that's just a minor detail. Featuring bed sharing, tons of UST, a ghostly companion, and a treehouse that is off-limits, thank you very much.
Even if it's not one of the most liked amongst readers, I really love this fic. I was inspired and it's one of the few where my plot is intricated and I had some interesting OCs !
Ruin Me, Save Me (E; 4.5k; 2020)
Summary: Sex with a stranger in a pub bathroom sounds dirty; sex with Potter in a pub bathroom only sounds dangerous. Fuck, but you love dangerous.
Aaaah, the second person POV! It's the first fic I wrote with a different POV, it was cool as hell!! :D I loved it and I loved trying something new, that's why it's amongst my fave fics: it shows my growth as a writer and my exploring around writing!
Fate Has Different Plans (E; 24.3k; 2019)
Summary: [...] Or, where some casual anal fingering changes Harry’s destiny.
This fic doesn't reflect my writing style anymore, but I'm still attached to it because it was kind of the first 'big' one I wrote and made me confident about my writing :) also! It's the one I met my fandom wife @stargazing-enby <3
I'm tagging @ladderofyears @iero0 @gnarf @quicksilvermaid and @ununquadius (if you haven't done it already!)
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asher-blackwood · 2 years
Oooo, I can't wait to dig into these stories 😍
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Love Galore - 35 Romantic Shorts
This is a (very much) belated reclist for 2022’s Valentines Day - I put it together in February as one of my projects to celebrate my most recent follower milestone but I wasn’t feeling it back then, so I decided to save it and post on June 12th to celebrate the Brazilian Valentines Day instead - as you can see I’m not very good at keeping up with the intended calendar 😂
This is, as usual, a quite personal reclist, and the idea was to highlight fics that represent peak romance for me, including a generous amount of fluff, smut, angst, and everything in the between. And because love manifests in many forms I wanted to focus on the romantic aspect but also cover important topics such as non-sexual intimacy, found family, asexual and trans representation. This list is sadly limited to short fics (up to 15k) otherwise it would be impossible to post everything at once, but I’m playing with the idea of doing parts 2 & 3 with longer fics, maybe a rare pairs version as well?
I also take this opportunity to link the amazing collaborative reclist Now that’s romance which was compiled by @sweet-s0rr0w with lots of romantic reads. I hope you guys enjoy these treats, and don’t forget to shower our creators with love! Last but now least, HUGE thank you to the lovely @bluebutter-art who kindly gave me permission to use her breathtaking artwork on the banner! You can reblog the original here. 
halcyon days by @the-starryknight (2020, T, 1.3k) - non-sexual intimacy 🛏
Sleepy mornings caught while the sun rises are reserved for silly word games and soft touches and feelings.
Willing Blood by @lqtraintracks and @the-starryknight (2022, E, 2k) - creature fic 🩸
Seven days together, years ago; seventy-four hours and thirty-eight minutes trapped in this house alone; and now one chance to stop himself from draining Potter dry. Will Draco take it? Will Harry let him?
Thrice Bound by @skeptiquewrites (2022, M, 2.3k) - red string of fate 🧶
Once by nature, once by fate, and once by choice.
Still Life by orphan_account (2019, M, 3k) - fuck buddies 💵
No summary provided. Read my rec here.
The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic (2021, M, 3.6k) - Mpreg 🍼
It’s supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it’s just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what’s the real meaning of family, anyway? Read my rec here.
Cupboard Love by @shealwaysreads (2021, G, 4k) - found family + food as love 🥘
Cupboard Love: the psychoanalytic theory of an infant’s primary drive being food which, when satisfied, leads naturally to a secondary drive for attachment. Harry’s life, and love, in food.
Home is Where the Nifflers Are by @primavera-cerezos (2020, G, 4k) - animal care as love 🐱
Draco has a soft spot for animals with nowhere to go; soon his and Harry’s small flat is bustling with adorable, semi-dangerous creatures. Read my rec here.
Student Digs by Lokifan (2016, E, 4k) - kinky love 🔥
Harry’s living in *student accommodation*. Just the phrase makes Draco shudder. Read my rec here.
Waiting for that Feeling by @sorrybutblog (2021, T, 4k) - road trip 🚙
Draco Malfoy has a car and Harry Potter is on the case! Featuring Muggle car repair, a road trip to Cornwall, and falling in love in a Ford Fiesta. Read my rec here.
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (2019, E, 5k) - flatmates 🏠
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
the trembling of the moment by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm and @porcelainsalt (2020, G, 5k) - ace Draco 🍰
“You’re the last person I’d have expected to stumble across on the other side of the world.” In which Draco’s quiet single-parent life is not so much interrupted as unexpectedly harmonised.
Game On by @pennygalleon (2021, T, 5k) - fake relationship 📸
Draco blows Harry a kiss and the press goes nuts. Harry suggests they use this to their advantage.
Slip Into My Lover’s Hands by @lqtraintracks (2015, E, 6k) - first time 🍑
Draco licks his lips. He shuts his eyes, because he doesn’t think he can look at Potter when he says it. When he asks for it. “One finger?”
It Never Occurred to Me That I Would Fall in Love With a Frenchman by lamerezouille (2013, T, 6k) - meeting the family Dursleys 🍽
Harry kisses Draco in a public place. All hell breaks loose.
Let Me Have You and I’ll Let You Save Me by Frayach (2012, M, 6k) - soulmates 🌓
Draco keeps coming back, and Harry keeps letting him. Draco can’t stay away, and Harry can’t live without him. Read my rec here.
The Thousand Deaths by @corvuscrowned (2021, E, 6k) - murder husbands dark fic 🔪
When the Kedavras don’t work, they try wooden stakes. When the stakes don’t work, they try blades. When the blades don’t work, the truth spills between them like the vast, churning ocean — eternity, inescapable.
the keys to your kingdom by thistle_verse (2016, E, 7k) - Auror partners 🔑
Two hundred pain receptors per square inch in the human body and it was nothing but background noise in the explosion, the revelation, that was Harry Potter’s body against his. Read my rec here.
Our Little Life by @tackytigerfic (2020, M, 7k) - multiverse aka love across space and time ⚔️
Sometimes Harry dreams. Only they’re not really dreams at all, and Malfoy is always in them. It’s time travel, but not as we know it, and Harry just needs a good night’s sleep. Read my rec here.
(Un)Calculated Risk by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (2017, E, 7k) - 8th year + secret relationship 🤐
He thought about the way Harry looked at him, smiled at him; about the way Draco’s head was nearly always full of him, all day every day, and about the way Draco sometimes deliberately went to bed still smelling of him, refusing to acknowledge what it meant – because he already fucking knew what it meant. What all of it meant. And then Draco decided, fuck it, he was going to risk it. They were going to risk it together, Harry and Draco.
Gravity Centered by carpemermaid (2019, E, 7k) - rivals & lovers 🧹
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are two of the best flyers in the International Professional Broom Racing League. To fans, they’re a pair of competitive rivals that trade skillful wins back and forth, but after they finish each grueling race around the world is that all there is between them? Or: Harry tastes the wind on Malfoy’s tongue. Read my rec here.
A Grey Shrike Alighted upon my Wishbone by @opalesqueopioid (2021, E, 7k) - memory loss, tw: ambiguous ending 🛁
Cursed to forget everything about Harry Potter, Draco has to kill if he wants a cure.
One of Those Nights by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (2016, E, 7.5k) - established relationship + role play 🍸
“I never would have thought you had it in you,” Potter’s heated murmur against his jaw is dark and full of depraved promises. “I’ll give you this much, Malfoy, you sure know how to get a man’s attention.”
in a rambling way by @fw00shy (2021, T, 7.5k) - getting back together + only one bed ⛺️
Ron knocked Hermione up, and now Harry’s got to figure out how to clone himself so that his friends don’t split up fighting over him. Falling for Draco again was never part of the plan.
Til Our Compass Stands Still by china_nightingale (2018, M, 9k) - moving in together 🧭
It was an unconventional relationship, if one could call it that. It was the way it had always been - bodies colliding while lips stayed closed, dueling and caressing and ripping one another open while hearts stayed locked safely behind cages covered in bruises from curses and kisses. Read my rec here.
The Things They Never Say by @bixgirl1 (2017, E, 9k) - enemies to lovers 📰
Harry and Draco don’t know how to talk. So they do other things instead. Read my rec here.
Love, Actually, is All Around by @punk-rock-yuppie (2020, T, 10k) - Movie AU 🎄
It’s Christmastime, and Harry has just started as the new Minister of Magic. It just so happens that Draco works in his office as well, a holdover from Kingsley’s tenure. Naturally, love is in the air. Read my rec here.
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity by @onbeinganangel and art by @babooshkart (2021, E, 10k) - domestic love 🐈‍⬛
Can you fall in love with someone by simply watching them fiercely love another version of yourself? Read my rec here.
The Taste of Magic by @romaine2424 (2012, M, 10k) - Apocalypse AU 🪄
As the world’s atmosphere changes, magic starts to disappear. Only a “lucky” few will stay in the magical world until the earth begins to heal.
fine i’ll hold my breath / til i forget it’s complicated by teatrolley (2015, M, 11k) - friends with benefits 🍵
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it’s more complicated than it actually is. Read my rec here.
A Song, Incomplete by RurouniHime (2013, E, 11k) - older Drarry ♟
Draco’s photograph took up the entire top half of the Prophet’s front page. Below the photo: DRACO MALFOY DEFENDS SON OF FORMER LOVER. As if that were breaking news. Read my rec here.
the way you make me glow by @softlystarstruck (2022, M, 11k) - trans Draco 🏳️‍⚧️
In a cottage next to the sea, love blossoms. Or perhaps it’s been there all along.
Little Talks by Femme and noeon (2012, E, 11k) - kid fic 🧸
Draco’s been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he’s sure it’s just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose (20121, M, 12k) - mutual pining 🎈
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that. Read my rec here.
The Eighth Tale by lettered (2012, E, 12k) - time travel, cw: major character death ⌛️
Draco Malfoy tries to fix the past, but instead mucks it up some more. For Harry, it all becomes quite clear. Read my rec here.
Countdown by dysonrules (2013, M, 14k) - friends to lovers 🥞
When the Wizarding world is plagued by random outbreaks of Dark Magic, the Ministry assigns Curse-Breakers to assist Auror teams on their missions. Harry shouldn’t be surprised when Draco Malfoy is assigned to his team, but is Malfoy a Curse-Breaker, or a curse-bringer? Read my rec here.
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