asherwinston · 3 years
“Please, I’ve barely gotten started.“ She countered, gaze continuing to scan the crowd in front of them as they moved. Who would have guessed that in the house that had lead to this, from the extravagant ceremony to the reception festivities that paved the way for what should have been a good night of dancing and drinking – would instead end in such a tragic manner. Perhaps she would have expected it back in Culiacán, but not here in Oceanside. But perhaps it was the years that had passed that had faded her memory, forcing the brunette to forget the dark dealings on every street corner and the rising crime rate. “Don’t you fucking dare think about playing hero right now, Winston.” Maddison all but warned as he nudged her out the door, her own hand gripping his with every ounce of strength she had to ensure he couldn’t let go. And then they were running, sprinting as fast as her legs could possibly carry her, following his lead until he motioned to a black jeep up ahead. Slowing her pace she shifted to the passenger side before ripping open to the door to climb inside. Turning her attention to the rear window she watched as the three men staggered out, looking down the rows of cars as they approached. “Drive, Asher. Drive.” She yelled, only shifting to put her seat belt on as the car was thrown into gear and they were on the move. “Remind me never to wear heels again.” She drawled, letting her head fall back against the head rest as he drove.
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Asher rolled his eyes at her words. The fact she could still poke fun at him with all the chaos breaking out around them but he knew he would be in for an interview the second they got out of this thing alive. He turned his head to look over at her when she told him not to play the hero, a small smirk came along his features but it was hard to hear anything when her hand was clenching to his for dear life. As soon as they slipped out the door and were running as fast as the could away from the three men. He hopped into the driver’s seat, putting the key in the ignition, turning it so that the car started up. He backed out of his space and pushed on the gas, driving out of the parking lot without stopping to turn out. He breathed out as soon as they hit the main road, driving to his place. His tongue brushed along his lower lip as he glanced over towards her as he glanced towards her feet. “Honestly was kind of shocked to see you in heels.” He teased.
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asherwinston · 3 years
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bro, she ain’t even your girlfriend. MAYANS M.C. (2018-present) 3x01
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asherwinston · 3 years
“Probably best that you don’t.“ Maddison countered, failing to suppress the urge to roll her eyes at his next comment. Shoulders rising and falling in a shrug of indifference a small lopsided grin of her own danced across her lips. “Maybe I was. Not exactly like you’ve been forthcoming with filling me in on the last ten years.” She added, spinning the butterfly blade between her fingers as she spoke. With Zehra no where in sight, the only option they had was to leave as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Though with the three men suddenly approaching, the exit felt as though it was further away than it was. “Easy, easy now.” She breathed, words uttered under her breath as she gripped his hand a little hander, slowly but surely backtracking toward the exit behind them. Her other hand continued to grip the hilt of her blade, ready to shift into action should the need arise. Maddy knew that she could put one down, but with the other two gripping weapons of their own she didn’t like their odds. “Let’s not make any hasty decision here boys.” The brunette remarked, as she felt one foot slip over the threshold of the door. 
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Asher shook his head as a grin came along his features. “Great. Just what I needed.” He teased as the two of them heated towards the exit. “I’m an open book. Ask me whatever you want the second we get out of here.” As the two of them began to start back up towards the exit, his gun pointed right at the three men. He tried not to focus on the fact her hand was squeezing his and more on the situation in front of them. It took him back to what happened more than seven months prior when he was jumped in the alleyway because of something his older brother had gotten into, the blood that was spilled on his hands that night. He nudged the brunette behind him, pushing her out the door before moving out with her. He shut it and turned around, moving into a full on sprint towards his car. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
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asherwinston · 3 years
“Debatable, what was it your date was telling me… I think the word she used is premature?“ Maddison drawled, sarcasm thick in her tone as the ghost of a smile danced across her parted lips. Pressing back stray brunette tendrils from her face she gathered up her knife, ensuring the blade remained at the ready in her firm grip should she need to defend herself once more, before making the move forward to follow him. “I’m fine, for the record. Not even a scratch.” She reassured, noting the way he assessed her as if looking for any sign of injury. Maddy could only offer a nod at his statement, making promises she wasn’t sure she could keep had never been her forte, thus instead on the off chance that either succumb to a fate like that of the maid of honor, she remained quiet. Her gaze instead drifting over the crowd in between them and the exit, green hues desperately searching for a certain raven haired woman that they both cared a great deal for. But when she came up short all she could do was hope that the doctor had made her way out under the protective hand of her paramedic date. Because if anyone was a survivor, it was Zehra Demir. With her attention elsewhere she hadn’t even noted the male before her turn back, only alerted by the sound of a crack as she whipped around to witness the other beating down on another. For a few moments she could only stare as she attempted to steady her breathing and the sound of her heart beating rapidly in her chest, not our of fear but instead adrenaline and the rush that came with any fight or hand to hand combat. “Ash, Asher we need to go. Now.” She ordered, before reaching forward to wrap a hand around his wrist as she tugged, green hues flickering between her childhood bestfriend and the three men that approached him from behind, clearly seeking to help their buddy now on the floor. 
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“Do I want to know how you ran into my date? Tryin’ to gauge how serious it is?” Asher smirked. As he turned to start walking, the expression on his features had softened when she confirmed what he had been searching for when he scanned her over. Had he been that obvious with the way he was looking at her only a few moments ago. His eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the raven-haired woman and when she was no where to be seen. All he had to do was hope. After kicking the man on the ground’s face in. Blue hues lifted up towards the brunette when she grabbed at his wrist, brows furrowing in concern at the way she looked behind him. He turned his head to look over at the three men coming up behind them. He held up gun, putting his finger on the trigger, seeing all of them stop in their place. “That’s right.” He told them as he started to back up, taking her hand and dragging her along side him. “No one moves and if you do you’ll get a bullet between the eyes.”
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asherwinston · 3 years
Maddison was mildly aware she hadn’t seen Zehra or Asher, for a good ten minutes or so leading up to the Volkov’s speech. Whether that was a good thing or not however, the jury was still out on whether that was a good thing or not. And until she tracked either of them down, the brunette was going no where. Pushing her way against the crowd that surged toward the exits she pulled her butterfly knife from her pocket, ready for whatever was about to come her way. As it would have it she wouldn’t have to wait very long, before splayed out before her was a woman on her hands and knees desperately trying to run from the man that pursued her. Flicking the knife out from within itself she wasted no time in approaching him from behind before pressing the sharp point against his neck. “I suggest you let her go, compadre.” She drawled, though her threat was practically as he lashed out catching the brunette with a wild elbow to her stomach, which she internally cursed herself for allowing to happen. Slashing out with her other hand she managed to slice into the thick flesh of his forearm, which bleed profusely. Still it didn’t seem to deter him as he grabbed the woman by the throat and she all but smiled as he squeezed. The familiar face of another appearing behind him, evoked a chuckle from the brunette as she remained firm in place, her knife clattering to the ground beside her. “You’ll have to excuse my friend here, humor isn’t his strong suit.” She wheezed, as the grip around her throat subsided and the man wheeled on the other. But before he could so much as make a move, she had picked up the nearest object that could be used as a weapon and brought it down hard against the back of his head, stepping back just in time as the lump of a man collapsed to the ground between them. “You need to work on your timing, Winston.” Maddy mused, flashing the male a lopsided grin before she shifted to collect her knife. 
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Blue hues focused on the brunette when she muttered to the male in front of her about his humor. His head tilted to the side as he gave her a look that indicated that he was insulted at the fact she poked fun at his humor but before he could really say anything the male was down on the ground. His tongue brushed along his lower lip, dropping his gaze down to look at the unconscious body. “My timing is perfectly fine,” he retorted as his eyes lifted back up to look at her. He took a few seconds to scan her to make sure there were no marks on her, breathing out once he felt comfortable enough to move on. His head tilted to the side and turned himself slightly to stand in front of her. “We are getting out of here,” it was a statement, not a question or anything he was willing to bend on. He knew that their raven-haired woman and the paramedic would be perfectly fine. Somehow he trusted Z’s judgment when it came to the people she kept her around her plus he knew if he tried to go save a Scorpion that it would ultimately end badly for him and a part of him knew that wasn’t something Maddison would ever understand when it came to the side he chose and how that would interfere with his friends on the other side of it. Or the one friend that was on the other side of it. He turned his head to look over his shoulder to make sure the brunette was following after him when he noticed someone trying to come up behind her. He spun around her and smacked the butt of his gun against the man’s head, stomping down on them.
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asherwinston · 3 years
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She looked up at him now that both her shoes were in her hand, her head tilting to the side as her eyes focused on his expression. The two of them kept running into each other, once handpicked and the others all by chance and still she hadn’t found any reason to not want to be in his company. “Do you save that for really important occasions?” She questioned before shrugging her shoulders. “Will you at least say you’ll drink a beer while I down a few? We can play poker.” Aspen added, knowing that she stashed a deck of cards in her bra just in case she got bored after her groomswoman duties concluded. 
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Asher glanced over at the blonde, furrowing his brows together when she asked him if he saved his drinking for special occasions. “Is that really somethin’ you should be askin’? It’s kind of personal,” he brushed his tongue along his lower lip as he leaned down against the bar, tilting his eyes down to look at the deck of cards she pulled out of no where. “You brought a deck of cards to a wedding? That’s new.”
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asherwinston · 3 years
“Probably,” but who could expect anything less of her? Surely, not Asher Winston of all people. A cheer erupted not too far away, a round of shots poured and taken while the permeating smell of tequila hung heavy enough that Jack could almost taste it in the back of her throat, “Actually, I happen to prefer you without the tux,” Onyx hues stilled on him then over the edge of the freshly poured vodka given to her as she drank. “And the towel.” But, there was far too much to say about what exactly she’d seen over the years, popping up out of the shadows whenever she liked. “Let’s skip back though. You, marriage? I saw that look.”
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Asher lifted his eyes up towards Jack as a small smirk came along his features. His fingers wrapping around the neck of his beer bottle as he brought it to his lips, taking a sip of it. “Are you tellin’ me that you like seeing me naked, Taylor?” He smirked at the raven-haired woman as his tongue ran along his lower lip. “You know you could always ask if you want to see me fully naked. You don’t need to break into my apartment to get a sneak peek of me in the shower.” He let his eyes rest on the woman next to him, shaking his head at her words. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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asherwinston · 3 years
ASHER’S APARTMENT August 23rd w/ @isabella-marino
Asher had let Maddison crash on his bed while he crashed on the couch. The entire night repeating in his mind, the only thing he had heard from the higher ups was the fact all the Vipers had to prepare for the crashing of the party. He tapped his phone against the palm of his hand, debating on if he should give Riley a call or not because he was more than sure she was finally learning about where he stood in the war that was now fully blasted for all of Oceanside to see. It was then another blonde entered his mind, all the vague warnings about Vasili not being who she wanted him to be were finally shining through. He tilted his head down to look at his phone as he pulled up the blonde’s number and clicked the green button. He put the phone to his ear only to hear the other line ringing close by. He furrowed his brows in confusion as he followed the sound to his front door, reaching out to unlock the door and then drop down towards the knob of the door. Twisting it, the male pulled the door open to see the blonde in question standing on the other side of it. Her puffy eyes had him pulling his phone away from his ear and clicking the end button without removing his gaze from her. “Come here,” he whispered as he reached out, putting his arm around her and pulling her close. At the end of the day, it didn’t matter if Maddison came storming into town... It didn’t matter that Isabella had all these unresolved feelings for Vasili that he knew would have only gotten in the middle of whatever this was supposed to be but he cared about the blonde. Nothing was ever going to change that.
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asherwinston · 3 years
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“Animal Kingdom”, 5x02
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asherwinston · 3 years
The laugh that fell from her lips genuine as she cast hues around, knowing Irina had yet to arrive with the Volkov’s, “Remind me when she gets here, I’ll let her know right after her big entrance and spoil her night a little.” And truly, it wasn’t totally against anything that Jack would do - though she wasn’t close with the woman, neither was she afraid of her in any sense. “Maybe I do, still a sight better than you though.” Without hesitating, her fingers tousle his hair roughly, “As always.” Gesturing for another round, 
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Asher glanced over at the dark-haired woman when a laugh left her lips, a small smirk coming along his features. “That’s completely evil of you,” he chuckled as she looked down at his beer, bringing it up to his lips to take a sip of it as he brushed his tongue along his lower lip after he swallowed the beer. “Hey, I showed up in a fuckin’ tux. I look good. You’re just mad cause I’m not wearing a towel this time.” 
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asherwinston · 3 years
IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHAOS August 22nd w/ @maddison-campbell​
Asher wasn’t about to pitch a fit for being kicked out when he knew he would be right back in there in the matter of minutes. Truthfully, it was kind of amusing to see the dark-haired male puff his chest out to kick him out of the wedding venue especially since he had no idea what was coming. As soon as some of his fellow members took control of the door, the male slipped right back inside and his only priority had been a certain brunette since he trusted the paramedic to take care of the other important person in his life. The gunfire around him seemed to be mute to him as his eyes focused on the situation ahead of him, his hand slipping to his back and pulling out his piece, turning the safety off and cocking it back. He walked around to come to the back of the male who had her in his grips, pulling his gun up behind him. “If I were you I’d let her go,” he started as he took a few steps closer, pressing the barrel of the gun against the back of his head. “Unless you want to end up like the maid of honor.” 
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asherwinston · 3 years
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Isabella had never been good at hiding her emotions. The woman had for as long as she could remember worn her heart on her sleeve, and that more than often showed though her overly expressive features. Keeping said emotions under lock and key was a struggle and that was made evident as the conversation continued. “It doesn’t, but you chose to end whatever the hell we had. So you don’t get to come at me about your so called feelings and why you did what you did.“ She countered, expression one of frustration tinged with hurt. Because it wasn’t an easy thing watching the other with another blonde; her replacement. And yet she knew his decision was the best one for the both of them. Because he deserved someone that would put him first always, and that was simply something she couldn’t promise to do. Not when her head and heart were elsewhere. “You never gave me a chance too.” She answered, because how was she to know if ever given the choice. Now she knew it was the right thing, but that was hindsight for you. At his question however she couldn’t help the sigh that surpassed her lips, and she raised a hand to fix a stray blonde tendril behind her ear before she spoke. “No.” The paramedic returned, as she shook her head, frustration fading from her features as they softened some. “You know I didn’t intend for it to work out as it did. And I am sorry for that. You deserve to be happy Asher Winston, I just hope you allow yourself to be when you get the chance.”
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Asher slowly nodded his head at her words, brushing his tongue along his lower lip as he turned his head to look over his shoulder towards the door. “ Okay,” it was all he could say. Truthfully, it was a fair point. He shouldn’t have brought any of it up especially where the two of them are right now. He kept his blue hues on her as she told him that he didn’t give her the chance too. A soft breath left his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” But when she ended up confessing that she probably wouldn’t have gone through with it. “I know.” He reached out and put his hand against the side of her face, his thumb delicately brushing along her cheek bone. “That’s all I want for you too, Isabella Marino.” He said softly, pulling his hand away. “I’ll be seein’ you.” He said before backing up and turning away to walk back into the venue.
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asherwinston · 3 years
Location: Cressino Farms
Day hated getting tasked with the boring jobs. Discreetly? Fucking lame. Everyone knows that if Day is bad at anything, its getting things done discreetly. He’s more of a shout upon arrival kinda guy. Even now, in a sea full of suits and tuxes, he chose to wear a more traditional styled outfit honoring his roots. They should’ve just got Gio to handle this wedding-crashing viper, but he looks like he’s been having a great time with Rocco so he’ll just suck it up and take one for the team.
Asher Winston. He didn’t care to know much about the guy other than that he was an uninvited guest and needed to leave. Trying to be discreet (so fucking lame), Day waited until the other was by himself when he pulled up next to him, a big grin on his face. “I’ll give it to you snakes, you sure do got alotta nerve,” He says, raising his glass as if to toast before taking a sip. “Enjoying yourself? Because, sadly, your night’s gotta come to an end.”
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closed starter for @asherwinston
Asher turned his head to look over at the male when he approached him, an expression coming over his features that was unreadable. Brushing his tongue along his lower lip as he picked up his beer, taking a sip of it. “A lot of nerve for what? I’m just here to enjoy a wedding with my date,” he gestured to the blonde talking to some of her friends. He couldn’t stop the chuckle from leaving his mouth as he nodded his head. His lips parted to say something but when he looked past Day he could see Isabella standing there. “Whatever you say, man. I think you’re being a little too paranoid but I’ll see myself out. I don’t need you to hold my hand,”
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asherwinston · 3 years
“Well not just that, granted we had a shitty upbringing. Not all of it was bad.“ After all had it not been for their mother’s meeting one another in the maternity ward of the hospital, they may never have met. Though Maddy chose to believe that somehow, someway their paths would have crossed at some point, if not in highschool then within their local community given they lived on the same street growing up. The Winston household fast became her second home and vice versa. Mother issues aside, they had each other and ultimately that would be what got them through their adolescence. “Ten years and you still can’t handle someone trying to say thank-you.. some things never change.” She mused, with a shake of her head though the small smile that played upon her lips remained present, only sobering some at the mention of his mother. “You know you could have called me when it happened, but I understand why you didn’t.“
The idea of anything being as simple as it once was back in the days of their adolescence was impossible. Nevertheless, there remained a sense of ease or perhaps comfort in the others presence. Like she was finally coming home. Though she didn’t allow herself to dwell on such a feeling that welled within her chest as a chuckle escaped her. “Don’t even think about trying to find out.“ She warned playfully, pulling back momentarily to shoot him a teasing glare. “It’s never too late you know, to get out.“ She breathed quietly, turning her head some as she capture his gaze once more. “It’s never easy or clean, but it is possible. I should know.” Words barely above a whisper as she met his gaze with what could only be described as an unspoken promise. “I figured as much. Nothing says, I missed you Maddy quite like being locked in a bathroom.” She drawled, sarcasm evident in her tone as she dropped his gaze. Green hues lifted to steal a glance over his shoulder and there sat at the bar alone she noted the blonde from earlier. Drawing back some as the song came to an end, her hands unknotted from his neck to fall back to her sides before she motioned to the bar. “Your date’s looking a little bored, you really should go remedy that.” She mused, feet carrying her backwards into the crowd. “Come find me later Winston, we should talk some more.” And with that she turned on her heel and dispersed into the crowd, gaze watching those as she passed by all the while her lips pulled into the smallest of smiles. 
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asherwinston · 3 years
An ex? Riley didn’t even bother to look back, feeling like she had an idea of who Asher was talking about now. She couldn’t understand why she kept running into Fletcher, or maybe she didn’t want to question it. Riley gave Asher a shrug, noticing another known Viper among the crowd of people. “How about you meet me inside? I need to go to the bathroom.” She lied in response to his question. Riley downed the drink and pushed off the barstool before turning to give Asher a little thumbs up. She needed to figure out what the snakes were doing scattered around and report back to any Scordato. 
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asherwinston · 3 years
“I didn’t know you frequented anything but dive bars and sketchy alleyways, yet here we are.” Oh, and what a pair they made. Adding insult to injury, Jack takes the beer from his hands, drinking from it herself. Onyx hues rake haphazardly through the nearby crowd and she finds humor in the familiar faces of vipers dotted throughout. In her mind, it was moronic to hold such a celebration so soon after taking a swipe at them. Foolish. His beer soon pressed back into his chest, Jack stepped a little nearer, turning her back to the bar as she did. “You ever think you’ll get hitched?” 
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Asher turned his head to look over at the woman standing next to him as a smirk came along his features. “Didn’t realize the Lone Palm was a dive bar. Don’t let Irina hear you say that.” He teased as he let her take the beer out of his hand, leaning back against the bar as his eyes focused on the woman in front of him. “You look like you just got ran over.” He observed. He glanced into the crowd as his eyes found a certain brunette in the sea of people, brushing his tongue along his lower lip. His gaze was pulled away from her when he felt the beer against his chest, reaching down to grab it he cleared his throat. “Uh... Nah.” But the stupid smile on his face told a different story.
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asherwinston · 3 years
Starin' at you, standin' there, in that dress What it's doin' to me, ain't a secret 'Cause watchin' you is all that I can do And I'm speechless
You already know that you're my weakness After all this time I'm just as nervous Every time you walk into the room I'm speechless
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