ashethedirector · 6 months
Hypothetically speaking, how does one deal with a person who corroded with definitely not stolen Judgement bird ego?
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For head's sake- How did you manage to get corroded!? There's a REASON we restrict the use of Alpeh and Waw class suits! Ugh- Okay. Listen up.
It's a long list and if you OVERLOOKED the warnings for both Waw and Aleph suits, then maybe you'll struggle with this!!! First, you'll have to figure out ways to mitigate the side effects of being corroded. They're STUCK like that now. Unless you want to kill them you're NOT getting that suit back.
If the Last Unicorn is still around, use them to undo their corrosion. If not? Suffer. There's no easy cure to the whole corrosion thing.
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ashethedirector · 6 months
I noted in your first contact, you said something about mirror worlds? I'm actually rather interested in that subject. In fact, there's a surprising amount of mirror worlds involving an Ashe that I've seen. On that topic... er, this question goes out to every Ashe here, by the way. On that topic of mirror worlds, if you had the opportunity to look into them, to see the different possibilities of yourself... would you take it? Or would you rather stay as you are, for one reason or another? Figured I should start signing just to differentiate myself from others. For reference, I'm the one who asked of the Director's thoughts on being a clone, the nature of their relationship with Lux, and the story and differences of all three of you. Though with the veil of anonymity, I suppose it wouldn't be difficult for others to pretend to be me... Guess I'll have to rely on the kindness of others for that. Sorry, I'm rambling, aren't I. I'll be out of your hair now. - W
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I'm... Pretty happy where I am. So I don't think I would take the chance. I doubt the... Possibilities are favorable for me. Especially if... We're the only three who are here. If there is another version of us, I can't imagine that they had a very happy life. So I'm... Happy where I am.
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Some of us are happier than others. I for one want to know what possibilities there are. I... I could become like the director version, but I could also splinter off and do things differently. Lux is dead currently so... I wish things went differently. I wish he didn't have to die in the first place.
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... Jeez. Knowing the basic knowledge on these two- I... I don't think i'd be happy seeing other versions of myself. My life has been. Pretty awful. And it's still pretty awful. It's either going to get worse or get better, and in the city it's a whole more likely that things get worse. It's rare to see any happy endings... The Director might be the only one with a remotely happy ending.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
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Hihi!! Ashy!! Have you eaten yet? If not, please eat!! If yes, hope you enjoyed your meal!!
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I will don't worry!!! I got a panino!! I'm gonna eat it in a bit- So don't worry about me!
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ashethedirector · 7 months
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Oh- This ol' thing! Yes! I got it towards the end of the Library. Me and Lux each got one! It was a really nice gift- Lux doesn't wear his. I don't... Think? I dunno!
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ashethedirector · 7 months
“Hi hi!!!~ Sooo, Director. Wanna be in my next video??”
—Kiki!! >:DD
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... Depends on what it's about.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
Don't like dogs? But these ones are nice! Maybe.. a bit fiendy, but I'm sure you'd make great friends!
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I... I don't know. I've had bad experiences with dogs before. My first experience was with a canine abnormality that just- Wanted to manipulate me. Are you sure these dogs are nice...? I'm not against it I just..
... I don't want to get hurt again.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
So there's... three of you now. Huh. Out of curiosity, would you mind elaborating as to the differences between you all? Where exactly are each of you from? Do you perhaps have different stories, or are you the same and just taken from different points in time?
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... I believe I am the original. Because the director is what I am destined to become in the future. In my timeline, there were two Xs that were created instead of the usual one. I am X2, and Lux is X1. I... Didn't have a name. For a while. Until he died...
He came back. But I still worry about him. It was... Tough without him.
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Yeah... I'm a continuation of the Manager. We managed to escape the corporation and used the light to create the library. We're still trying to escape the city, and progress is... Slow. But we're getting by. We'll get by some how...
I have no idea where the employee comes from.
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Uhm... I've. Never met a Lux. I'm an employee at the J-corp branch, where I... Well. I barely avoided being buried. My dad saved me, and I'm currently living with a colored fixer. That was... For a while anyways. But I'm okay. It... All worked out in the end. We're all together again.
... Mostly.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
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Considering the last time somebody came in here unwelcome- I'd make them regret coming after my friends. I'd stand by the other librarians and fight for this paradise.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
Hey, Manager Ashe. If you could wear use any EGO, regardless of virtue requirements, what EGO would you wear? Would you just use the strongest EGO regardless any symbolism, or would you try to find EGO that "speaks to you" in some way, that just feels right to wear?
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Anything that lets me protect Lux.
Although. Firebird calls to me... That alluring call. Every time I get close to it, I feel this... Unsettling Discord inside of me. I've avoided it.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
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No- Nononono- They- They can't be serious again... Dawn should be there- I- No. No you're lying.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
Hi ashy!
Im just passing by, i hope you have a good day and night!!
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Awww... Thank you!! You have a good day and night too!
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You have a nickname...?
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Well- Yeah. I have friends. And unlike you two I don't have any big title.
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ashethedirector · 7 months
Consider the following. Crossover with Cerberus from Helltaker...
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They look really nice! I think it'd be nice to meet them!
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Uh... Maybe this isn't such a good idea- I mean. Look at how the employee version is reacting.
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D-dog!? I- I don't really like dogs!! I'll have to pass!!!
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ashethedirector · 7 months
how many of you are there wth
About three of us now!!
Seems to have stopped there...
At least for now!
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ashethedirector · 8 months
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Is this the right place?
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Hm? Who are you? I didn't think there were any more of us-
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Another one!? Oh great... What the hell is this new one from? We've already got a Manager and a Director!
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Oh uh. I'm just an employee at a J-corp branch of Lobotomy Corporation- I just kinda ended up here so... Your guess is as good as mine.
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Ah well- Whatever the case! Welcome aboard! I suppose we'll just call you Employee Ashe. That good?
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That's fine with me!
[Employee Ashe is available for asks!]
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ashethedirector · 8 months
*slides 3 bucks* hey. next time, don't replace the books... m'yeah?
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... What are these? I mean- I'm... I'm still gonna replace the books? Why wouldn't I?
(OOC: You fool... The in universe currency is Ahn!!!)
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ashethedirector · 8 months
Pardon me find director, have you seen a pair of Red Shoes? I heard they’re quite fashionable, and I’m trying to get my hands on them.
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Do you mean... Red Shoes? The Abnormality? Those can be found on Literature... But why do you want to get them?
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Just- Don't get stuck in the book OR put them on... Those things have axes here!
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ashethedirector · 8 months
How's the weather down there, you gahtdang LEPRECHAUN
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... Just because I'm 5'0'' or 152 centimeters doesn't mean I'm a leprechaun. Whatever that means... Sigh. You guys are SO focused on that part it's honestly sad.
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