ashitaka-kaida · 3 months
Canon Aspec Swag: Daughter Dooley vs Sister Carpenter
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Daughter Dooley aka The Witch Queen from Old Gods of Appalachia who is asexual and aromantic, confirmed in text and by word of god. "@oldsteveofappalachia (He/Him): Daughter Dooley has no descendents. We've been very public and very forthright about this. She's asexual and aromantic. Her line ends with her. I can promise you all right now, no one is ever going to be revealed as a secret daughter of or son of or anything tied to DD. Solitude suited her and that's how it stays."
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Sister Carpenter from The Silt Verses who is aro/ace, confirmed in text and by word of god.
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ashitaka-kaida · 1 year
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A little colored doodle of my old boy, Liam. A curse eater, born blind and with slight deformities along with vitiligo~ Brought on by magic being used in his birth and it going unexpectedly. But it doesn’t stop him from being as kind and helpful as he can be~
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ashitaka-kaida · 2 years
New character design I'm playing with. Her name is Gracie, and she's half minotaur~
Used a highland cow for her fluffy hair, tail, and horn design! But she is still in progress.
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ashitaka-kaida · 2 years
Little jellyfish dancers~ Inspired by the little mushroom dancers from the movie Fantasia
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ashitaka-kaida · 2 years
Life and Death’s Dance
A gentle dance between the two gods @jashin-wiz09 and i created for our world, Life and Death. Forever in love. Never one without the other
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ashitaka-kaida · 2 years
A recent redraw of the Wendigo sketch I had done for a college project a while back~
I wanted to go more for a human like monster versus a creature that is humanoid... if that makes sense 😆
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ashitaka-kaida · 2 years
Finally finished a shawl I'd been working on~ using Fiber Spider's Tutorial on YouTube for the Lost Souls Shawl.
I used the One Pound Yarn in black and added the tassels/ fringe for fun~ (cat for size reference 😆)
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ashitaka-kaida · 4 years
reblog if you’re a safe place for:
hopeless romantics
non binary folks
the whole spectrum etc…
follow everyone who reblogs ;)
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ashitaka-kaida · 4 years
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Entity #3: The Vast
Vertigo, The Falling Titan
"The fear of falling. Acrophobia . The fear of deep water, insignificance to the universe. Losing yourself in too much space."
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ashitaka-kaida · 4 years
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Entity #2: The Dark
Also known as The Forever Blind and Mr. Pitch.
Fear of Darkness." An old and one of the deepest fears, along with the fear of what is inside it." And one I have a bit! Left this one B&W, wanting it to be the stark and complete opposite of The Eye.
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ashitaka-kaida · 4 years
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Decided to try a series drawing of the different fear entities from The Magnus Archives podcast~ for those still listening, it will be a tiny bit it a spoiler if you don't know these just yet. And I do apologize if these entities make anyone squeamish with these phobias
That being said!
Entity 1: The Eye
Also known as The Ceaseless Watcher or The Beholding.
Fear of being watched. Being followed. Having your deepest secrets exposed or needing to know even if the discovery destroys you.
The fear that something is watching you suffer.
(Both in B&W and Color)
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ashitaka-kaida · 4 years
Surnames are just as important as given names. So, I compiled a list of the websites I use to find my surnames.
English Surnames
Dutch Surnames
Spanish Surnames
Scottish Surnames
German Surnames
Italian Surnames
Irish Surnames
French Surnames
Scandinavian Surnames
Welsh Surnames
Jewish Surnames
Surnames By Ethnicity
Most Common Surnames in the USA
Most Common Surnames in Great Britan
Most Common Surnames in Asia
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ashitaka-kaida · 5 years
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So I know I dropped the ball with Inktober XD but it did get me inspired to draw in more detail and post more!
Like this small drawing so I can practice with my colored pencils~ This is my character Liam, who is born blind with vitiligo as a result of is mother's misuse of magic during the pregnancy. The rest of his story is still in the works~
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ashitaka-kaida · 5 years
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Inktober day 9: Swing
Featuring a character from my mother's original story named Sarika, getting a little hello from a friendly bird~
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ashitaka-kaida · 5 years
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Inktober Day 8: Frail
With the older generation meeting the new~ and my hand may look a little witchy but it may make this better~ XD
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ashitaka-kaida · 5 years
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Playing catch up day with my Inktober work! Day 5: Build features my character Matthias creating his first "son" Karasu, my Frankenstein monster character.
Day 6: Husky with my character Ethan and his favorite chicken from his dad's farm, named husky for her fluffy body~
And today's is Day 7: Enchanted, with Loki's mask from The Mask with Jim Carry~
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ashitaka-kaida · 5 years
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Inktober Day 4: Freeze
". . .can't see me if I don't move." Jurassic Park Logic~ always comes in handy, right?
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