ashleyco111-blog · 7 years
First of all, the title of the article really caught my attention. According to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-369262/Women-blame-raped.html “A third of Britons believe a woman who acts flirtatiously is partially or completely to blame for being raped”. I respect those who think that women are to be blamed but I honestly do not understand their point of view. As the article is a claim of value, I believe that being raped is not moral at all and I don’t understand why the victim should be blamed since I believe one does not ask to be raped. I am also in disbelief with the claims of the study because the article stated that at least one-third believe that rape happens because a women does not say no. The article presents many statistics which supports the main idea of the article but it is not clear whether the articles believes that women should be blamed or not since the 90% of the information in the article are statistics.
 In my opinion, the article is insightful and it really contains new information that you did not know. Despite the insightful information that the article presents, the one who conducted was not specified as many of the statistics contained “a study”. First, it is very important that whoever conducted the study will be stated so that whenever there will be question, it may be addressed to the right persons. Secondly, it should also be placed so that it will further support the validity of the study, people tend to believe the data more. Another reason why the article should specify on who conducted the study is to give where credit is due, the article should acknowledge on who conducted it. The fallacy “Anonymous Authority” comes into play when the ones who conducted the study is not stated.
                 As I stated, the title of the article will really catch the attention of the audience. The first few lines of the article is based on statistics and it will really make the reader more curious. As I said, the article is very insightful but because it was purely about statistics, it tends to make the readers sleepy and difficult for them to interpret the raw data. It would be better if the introduction as not about numbers since the whole article is already about statistics which might be boring later on. It would also be better if the interpretation or the indication of the data would be explained in the end since numbers are very abstract for some readers. The article also does not have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion which is very confusing. As I said, the whole article is about statistics and studies meaning the introduction may look like the body at times since it is mixed up. The article is very messy and hard to distinguish because there is no clear boundary on which is which. Personally, I did not see a clear conclusion on the text and the conclusion did not leave a lasting impression.
                 The next thing I would like to talk about is the fallacies present in this text. In fact, there is only once fallacy that is constantly present is the “Anonymous Authority”. Although in some texts, anonymous authority is not very important but then in a text where it is purely statistical then it is required that the person who conducted the study will be placed. Putting the authority who conducted the study is crucial to give credit and to acknowledge the efforts of the ones who conducted the study. The Anonymous Authority found in the text were: “said the poll showed people had little idea about the true extent of rape in the UK. The support systems for victims were already stretched, she warned.” The other form of fallacy present in the text include “Oversimplication”.http://www.dictionary.com/browse/oversimplification In the statement “"The government has an international duty to prevent this gross human rights violation yet it's clear that the government's policies on tackling rape are failing and failing badly," she said, although there is nothing wrong with the duty of the government but then there should be many factors taken into account.  Saying that the government failed on tackling rape is a really broad statement and general without taking into account the other factors which might have an effect on the duty of the government. They should have specified what possible factors affected the duty. In terms of the fallacies in this text, it has been kept to a minimal and it does not bother the readers at all but it would be better to specify the researchers to aid the claims.
                 Overall, the text is well written and it is supported by facts. The text is very factual and it gives a lot knowledge to the readers. The text being purely statistical has its good side and bad side because some readers will prefer numbers but some will get bored with it. Personally, the statistics were too many and it made me bored at times. The text provides many realizations and gives many learnings to the readers because of the shocking facts it gives. The text may be improved on by showing distinguish the different parts so that the readers will know. The text may also be improved on when it will give its implications and interpretations to aid the readers. The text being a claim of value, did not give a clear stand about what they think is right or should be morally accepted. The grammar of the text is solid since there is not many grammatical errors, the contractions were not a bother to the eyes of the reader. The fallacies found in the text were kept to a minimal and it did not distract the readers however the researchers should be specified to give credit and to acknowledge to the ones who conducted the study. There is coherence and cohesion in the text because each sentence has unity. All the paragraphs also have one central idea and the topic was only about rape and not any other issue.
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