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Final Digital mixed media pieces 
I think they work well as a pair and capture that sense of loosing yourself. The business of both prints speaks to overwhelm/ over consumption. Love the colour combo of the oranges and teals with the darker tones and whites. 
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Digital media pieces 
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Final mixed media
As indicated in the previous post I cut up my work of the original composition that I was working towards. I pieced this back together with additional materials to create these three compositions.
1. Trepidation
2. Suffocation
3. Freedom
Relating to the feelings of what it may have been like living through a world world and comparable to my own feelings in regards to state restrictions during the current pandemic. Tying in with my overall concept of an intrusion of our personal sovereignty through constant consumption.
I alluded to city scapes in these compositions using these rectangles in each piece to represent the feeling of the people progressively through the images. I used darker shapes in the first image with a peeping throigh vlcok to represent trepidation. The middle piece is more busy/overwhelming to represent suffocation. The final piece is lighter with lighter fabrics and a tail away to represent freedom. The cutting up of the original composition was out of frustration and could allude to an overarching frustration throughout these times.
I'm not entirely convinced by this final work as stand alone images to represent what my theme but think it tells a story working together as three pieces.
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Progress shot of final mixed media composition. Following feedback from my tutor that the heart shape and the cityscape shapes were too literal I cut this up to recreate my final piece.
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Material plan
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Sketch book pages and composition ideas for final piece.
I want to do a triptych-
1. The Looming State (sense of trepidation)
2. The Falling State (sense of suffocation)
3. The Fallen State (sense of freedom)
This was inspired by the story of Hannah Hoch, living through two World Wars and how her work discussed what was going on politically at the time. It got me to thinking about our current circumstances (covid restrictions) and how this could be comparable to a war like scenario. It got me thinking on the process of how a regime comes to power and the process and feeling of the people.
I was also inspired by the works of Fiona Rae, how she creates a sense of whimsy in her work. I wanted to incorporate this to allude to whilst we are going through restrictions/war type scenarios there is a sense of 'this doesn't feel real'.
For my final pieces I want to convey this story. Using childlike shapes, hearts/circles and sparkly materials to create a sense of whimsy. To manipulate or change the materials and colours used going through the storyboard to also tell the story through the materials.
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Material Compositions in sketchbook.
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Material Compositions
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Sound Editing 
This is layered with marching and word clips from Disney music, Cinderella and Snow White. I cut the the sound files to down to have small sections with pertinent wording in relation to my theme - ‘when you are fast asleep’ & ‘find me’. I used reverb to the give the sounds a distant/haunting quality and played with graduating and descending volume in the different layers. The marching increases to represent the ever increasing hold the state has on our human rights. ‘When you are fast asleep’ decreases to represent the more compliant we are with Government stipulations the more we loose our sense of self. The volume for ‘find me’ increases to represent the need find ourselves and our own truth through the noise. The overall sound is quite creepy/haunting and has this sense of a growing fear which replicates my feelings. 
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Material manipulation
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Notes from mixed media lecture
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Mixed media compositions in sketchbook included annotations. Overall I liked the use of the more architectural shapes against the organic material. I like encapsulating the silver leaf in the glue and the use of the shiny materials in general, again a juxdeposition against the more raw organic looking material. Can be used to represent the monarchy/ the state (architectural & metallics) vrs the people (organic/human). The worn down effects could represent the antiquated monarchy, worn down/old. I also like the layering and the see thoroughness of some aspects of the composition. Could be in reference to seeing through the agenda of the state.
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I took inspiration from my mini paper technique composition of the Queen. I liked how in the composition the face was cut in half with with a sort of destructive sculpture coming out the middle. For me this is representative of the antiquated system of the monarchy and the political corruption hidden behind heads of state. This fits well a layer of my over-arching theme of the intrusion of self sovereignty through constant consumption.
The prints were create with a stencil of the Queens head cut in two and randomly placed and repeated over the prints. The overall aesthetic reminds me of punk rock, especially the Sex Pistols which fits well with the theme. Could be pushed further in this direction with pops of pink and further including the tartan from the mini composition it was inspired by. I like some of the shapes created from repeating the pattern, one of which looks like a hammer. Could relate to smashing through the system. I like the idea of using a pattern or shape to create something else relating to the subject in an overarching manner.
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Mixed media compositions from paper manipulation techniques.
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Sound Art Lecture - typed notes
Thomas Edison late 1800s – Invented and patented things – patented cylinder machine, effectively a recording device. Before this point you could not record of play back anything, worked in real time. Prior to this you could use sound as a material. Take it for granted in this time, however, different for the time something kind of spooky about hearing someone’s voice played back for the first time. Something magical about being able to hear something from 1860 – ghost of the past.
Sigmond Fraud – pioneered the notion of the subconscious mind. A writer and thinker who influenced so my artists in the 20th/21st century. Sound technology popped up at the same time sound came up – interesting that they came up at the same time. Interesting to compare and put it with some context.
Luigi Russolo – Around the time of the first world war associated with a group of artists called the futurists – notion of heavy artillery and heavy sounds of war. You can’t separate art at that time from what was going on at the time. Famous played giant sound machines across a harbor. Harsh sounds reflective of the time. Sounds like a drone of bees/ mechanical army – Risveglio di una Citta
Hugo Ball
Decade on after Luigi – associated with Dadaism. Dada – name as an art movement quite nonsensical. Dada – meaningless sound? Sound trying to be a word. Interesting.
Performance art, in its infancy, didn’t exist was only Art or Theatre. Cabre Voltaire in Zurich, would come out in strange costumes and read non sensical words and read it out with real meaning like a poem or scripture. Parading power/religion/politicians – reading it out like it meant something but was nonsense. Means nothing, but interesting in the manner of the delivery. Play with sound and language.
Kurt Schwitters
Followed on from Hugo Ball – Ursonate – working with language, breaking things into sounds, syllables/ constants, and vowels. Sounds like chanting – sounds like it has a heavy meaning.
Jean Tinguely
French artist – story of art from the 1850s – moving to the urban, sculptures referring to factories. Moving to the mechanical. Huge big structure.
Developments in popular culture
Dehlia Derbyshire – part of the BBC radiophonic workshop – some of the equipment used was liberated from Berlin during the war – Nazi’s made incredible tape technology to put out dummy co-ordinates. The invention of tape was the birth of the notion of sound as an art form, the BBC using tape to cut and stick together to make sound TV. Daphne Orman and Dehlia Derbyshire pioneered and the birth of creative advances with the sound.
John Cage
Famous piece of music 4’33. Time signature and key but there is no notes on the music. Musicians would walk on stage and shut the piano lid and wait for the 4 mins 33 seconds then leave. Seen as a joke at the time. John Cage interested in philosophy’s to do with life/death – connected to the notion that we are one with nature we are very much part of it. The music starts and then it ends, what goes on? There is no silence, there are sounds, not such thing as silence. You can’t switch off from your environment. Intrinsically connected with our environment. Made prepared piano pieces, tamper with he piano to alter the sound using screws etc. to take it back to the notion that the piano is a percussion instrument – taking away from the melody.
Cornelious Cardew
Artist/musician – regarded as a composer who created visual scores, musicians would interpret who they see fit. Up to your interpretation of how you would explore it.
Alvin Lucier
Piece, ‘I am sitting in a room’ – Sat in a room with a tape recorder and recorded him speaking, talking about sitting in a room, he also has a stutter (breaks the formal quality and makes it quite human). Also, something he did to come to terms with his stutter. Recorded it and then played it back and recorded it again, continually did this (recorded recordings). Every room has a frequency and bounces around the room, every time it is recorded the voice is diminished and the frequencies in the room takes over. Something poignant that the voice is masked and gone at the end of it. Sounds to me like someone coming from another realm.
Pop influences art
Mid to late 70s in the Bronx, started to have two turntables, started to play with mixing records and using the turntable as a tool – started from the notion of the party wanted to go on. Birth of hip hop and turntablism and Christian Marclay.
Christian Marclay
Important cultural shifts in how we think about sounds, culture, and identity. Get records cut them and piece them back together creating jumping skipping sounds. Guitar drag piece where he took an iconic American guitar and flatbed pick up truck both associated with American dream and masculinity – dragged the guitar around to make the sound.
Celeste Boursier-Mougenot
Finches perched on guitars, created a self-sustaining environment living out a portion of their life. Who is the artist, is the bird the artist? Creation of own world effectively – one that didn’t exist.
Angela Bulloch
Programmes objects and computer systems in her work to create sound/light systems and environments that mirror our behavior patterns. Creates an environment, chimes with the notion of coding. Sonic and visual installations.
Chrisina Kubisch
Long standing work with sound, would create impediments for musicians (boxing gloves for flutist) having to work out other ways to play their instrument. She also worked with metal coils that would be electroconductive so you would walk around the gallery with headphones, when near the structures the sound would change.
Susan Philipsz
Was Glasgow based artist, won the turner prize. She sung on the piece, not a singer but the point is she has a voice like everyone has, singing an old scots song about immigrants moving to live one place to another. Played under the bridges of the Clyde. Ghostly and melancholy, sense of disembodiment.  
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Paper manipulation
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Sketch book pages - painting to sound.
I absolutely loved doing this. I really enjoyed the sense of whimsy which came across in the further developed compositions. I feel this adds another layer, relating to subliminal messaging which has come through.
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