ashleymanue91-blog · 8 years
Let’s Play Immigration - Chapter 2, Season 1
Day two of a four year coverage.
Donald Trump, who now was able to live with the fact that he was President, sat down in the Oval Office to sign executive orders. There was a problem he faced.
“What should I do,” he pondered to himself, knowing only he was able to give himself the best advice, “immigration is a problem. On top of a wall I shall give excessive authority to immigration officers. I’ll be busy with my hammer and nails so they will be able to do a good job. It won’t just be the immigrants who are criminals that get thrown out. I need to make America great again.”
Poor Donald knew that it was good to control immigration as President Obama suggested, but what he did was successfully screw over all of the refugees unless they were Christian.
“When asked,” Donald said to himself again, “I’ll say I want to get rid of the bad dudes. The public will believe me.”
To be continued...
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ashleymanue91-blog · 8 years
First Interview as President Summary -Chapter One
Donald Trump had his first chance at playing President Wednesday night. There isn’t much to say. I think there will be a “game over” screen soon. I am disappointed, along with every other sane American citizen.
Trump, who claimed Mexico would indeed pay for a wall (can we build it?) is now saying that, since his first order of business is to get that wall up, that Mexico will REIMBURSE the United States. By the way, negotiations haven’t even started and when they do I’m sure they will be short. This isn’t a Jedi council he’s bullying (#trumptriggered). This is a country that happens to be an ally.
Throughout his interview he was asked about the “dreamers” who are currently in this country. Our President’s response was that he “has a big heart” :3.
Things are going well in the White House. I can’t wait for Chapter 2. This is almost better than House of Cards.
You can read the whole thing here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/26/donald-trumps-brazen-first-interview-as-president-annotated/
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