ashqueen123 · 3 years
Help Nature Breathe Again
We call ourselves the best of creatures,
Yet what have we done?
Except lead destruction and chaos,
And blindly kill with our gun,
 The world was once a beautiful place,
Where wild animals roamed free,
And the plants didn’t require permission to grow,
For Earth to be paradise this is key,
 Yet the human’s urge for more is too strong,
So they chain up the helpless animal souls,
And chop down their precious dwellings,
We fill their joy with gaping holes,
 The world was once a beautiful place,
Where constant was the climate,
And the sky shone clear and blue,
This was before the human’s heart began to split,
Into worthless pairs of two,
 We continue our trail of murder,
From the plants and animals to the atmosphere,
With weapons such as our cars or litter,
We tightly suffocate the Earth year by year,
 If this isn’t enough,
We mercilessly kill our own kind,
With wars over pointless wealth,
Or plots constructed by cunning minds,
 We continue to crowd every acre of nature,
And add on our pressure to Earth’s fragile land,
But we never feel remorse,
We should no longer be considered grand,
 With all the problems we have caused,
With all the animals we have imprisoned,
With all the plants we have cursed to thrive,
With all of our hideous crimes,
 Do we still live in the illusion that we are great, and continue to remain oblivious to the suffering we have caused, or do we step up our game, and rid the Earth and its eldest inhabitants of our heavy burden? Together, we can make a difference, and help the Earth breathe again.
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