Text || @Ashton
Madi: I'm grateful to have him!
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Text || @Ashton
Madi: Mmm Hmmm... I always tell my twin everything. Am I important enough for the drama that will be caused by this though....?
Madi: I just like that you make me feel special, and... I get a weird feeling in my stomach! :o
Madi: Because Schuy hates me, that's why.... We haven't had the best relationship.. I'm gonna hide in my room, and lock myself in.
Ash: I'm very glad you've got him. Drama is a waste of time, Schuy just needs to understand I feel how I feel and he isn't going to change that.
Ash: You are special Madi, don't forget that. Butterflies? me too Madi...
Ash: I know it wasn't the best and maybe I don't know all the details but you told me you are trying to change and that's what matters to me. Where would any of us be without second chances, and I want to be there to watch you grow because I see the side of you that is sweet and kind and passionate that I want my brother to see too. At least don't lock the door until I'm there.
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Text || @Ashton
Madi: In some ways, I feel a little relieved that you told someone too.. I think Ariel would've been fine either way.. I think Austin will too.
Madi: I would never do this to hurt someone... You're really nice and sweet.. I've never felt like this before with anyone... It's new... Exciting, and scary...
Madi: Yeah... :( Let's hope he won't be too mad.. I hope Jaxon isn't either.. I know Mase is okay with it.
Ash: It's only natural we have people we can confide the important things in our lives in, and you're very important to me Madi.
Ash: I feel the same, and yeah honestly it's a little scary feeling all of these things for someone but you fill me with hope and confidence and those aren't things I feel often.
Ash: I just don't know why they are upset, I know it seemed odd at first that brothers were dating brothers but why does it matter, if Austin and Schuy can accept each other dating a McCarthy why can't they accept me.
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Text || @Ashton
Madi: I'm sorry :( I know I can trust Mase... But Jaxon, no, and I just get too angry with him, that I just told him.
Madi: I know! :( I don't want him hating us.... It's not our fault that this has happened... 3 I do't want you getting shouted at by him..
Ash: Don't be sorry! You have the right to confide in anyone, and I'll be honest, I told Ariel and she supports me so I know it will be okay in the end.
Ash: It's going to be okay, he will know we didn't do this to hurt him or anyone else and that's what matters, this isn't something we control, we aren't out to hurt people.
Ash: Feelings like this can't hurt people.
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Text || @Ashton
Madi: :( Please don't hate me.....
Madi: So, I told Mason about us, I tell him everything, and he'd never say anything, since we're twins. But I also told Jaxon... And he... He might tell Schuyler about us! :( I'm scared, and sad, and... :(
Ash: Remember I told you I'd never hate you. I don't believe in hating people.
Ash: Okay okay I'm sorta freaking out, I never wanted to hide you, or what this is between us, but I know Schuy overreacts, he seems to act before he thinks so just take a breath and yeah maybe his first reaction might not be good but I'll talk to him, he can't be mad at us for liking each other...
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You did? Wow! Oh thank you… I just really want to help kids in ways that I was not helped as a child. I don’t find it particularly courageous, but I appreciate that you do! I fully agree that! I have gone stargazing before with my boyfriend. But I do sort of enjoy trying to see them out my window too. 
It’s an admirable choice, I know teachers make so many sacrifices. I’m sorry to hear that, though I find some of the kindest people had a difficult start and it seems true for you. How romantic, I will file that idea away for later. Even with lights off I wonder how many can really be seen from the city.
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Text || @Ashton
Madi: Mmmm, I can work with that! :P
Madi: Ohhhhh okay, that's pretty nice then. I'll be really bad, trust me.. I like babies, they're really cute.
Madi: I don't think I will! No making me blush again!
Ash: I hope so because it's true.
Ash: [Blushes and tries not to think too much about a future with Madi]
Ash: But I like making you blush, Mads
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Unfortunately, the one I’m in love with isn’t quite as happy with my decisions, but that’s my fault. That’s really sweet, Ash. And I think you’ll do just fine. 
You can’t make everyone happy all of the time, I think as long as you are doing what you think is best then they shouldn’t be upset. Thanks for the support, pres! 
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Well… I’m glad at least a couple of you think so. …thank you. Seriously. 
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I think all the pledges feel the same. You’re very welcome, thank you for being our big brother, and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask, I’m really looking forward to this family being mine, if I make it.
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Honestly, little dude? I’m feeling guilty for just about every decision I’ve made recently. But that’s nothing for you to worry about. Oh, yeah, they totally miss us. It is always nice to hear tho. 
No don’t do that, I may not know you all that well personally, but as president of the frat I’m pledging I think you’re doing a really great job. The way you spoke out about the hazing was really brave because it’s so inherent in the fraternity culture and as a pledge I really appreciate it. They are little dorks that’s for sure.
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I’m just as busy to be honest, so I have no room to talk. I have a little brother of my own too. He’s still in high school, but he calls to bug me all the time and I love every minute of it. 
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A busy life can mean a fulfilled life so I hope you’re not feeling guilty or anything. My youngest brother is in High School too, he can be a pain in the butt, though my one brother said he admitted he missed us all this week so that’s a nice change lol!
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Awww! I know Mason and I had a lot of fun hanging out with you and your family too over the holidays! It was so nice spending time with all of you!
Oh gosh, I’m so sorry about Deck though, he was such an embarrassment!
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Text ;; Ashiel
Ariel: For the most part, but... you know how he is.
Ashton: I know he sometimes has trouble letting go... but whether or not this date goes anywhere I really like her, we text a lot and I feel so comfortable talking to her in a way I don't alway with people, even though I talk a lot I feel like I'm really communicating wither her more than just talking.
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Yes! We’ll be there!
Great, I’m looking forward to it! It was fun hanging out with you and Mason over the holidays so I look forward to getting to know Ariel’s girlfriend better too.
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I know. I get him to do things he generally wouldn’t want to. It’s wonderful.
Like getting him to come to this dinner Ariel and Rosie have planned/
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Text ;; Ashiel
Ariel: I'm glad
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Text ;; Ashiel
Ariel: As long as you're happy, I'm happy.
Ariel: But Little Red's gonna flip!
Ashton: I'm very happy, she's been a wonderful friend.
Ashton: Why is he going to flip? I don't want him mad at me.
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