ashy-necro · 14 hours
Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well today. I know I haven't been posting much here, but I will try to later this week, for now, I have an urgent and important callout for a recent proshipper within the Making Fiends, Hazbin Hotel, and possibly even the Nicktoons Unite communities (since he recently drew fanart of Izzy's Nicktoons AU project) It's been recently brought to my attention thanks to my friends @beesofink and @radicalchad36 that the artist @creatingchimera / @charliemotha has been drawing and reposting l*licon, noncon, zoo/feral, and incest on an alt account on Baraag/Mastodon and on Twitter And for the sake of clarity, a few things: 1. These posts will be as censored as possible without removing the main context of these images (including screenshots of the gross drawing and their accounts respectively) as proof they did what they did. Alongside this, I'll also include (censored) screenshots of their alt profiles respectively 2. In terms of the l*li content they drew, they drew the characters Charlotte and Vendetta from the Nicktoon Making Fiends, both of whom are canonically underaged (specifically elementary schoolers) 3. In terms of the incest content they draw, they've drawn the characters Charlie Morningstar engaging in sexual acts with her father and Millie engaging in sexual acts with their sister/mother (who, as you guessed, are related to each other) And finally 4. In terms of the zoophilia content, they've retweeted and reposted zoophilia drawings made by other people (including their fiance, Loki. They'll be mentioned towards the end of the post as an addendum)
Let me show the accounts that they use to post stuff: This is their public SFW Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord where they post their regular Making Fiends and Hazbin Hotel fanart and whatnot:
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This last screenshot here was taken from the Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl discord server, which is where I found out they had a discord account at all. Below are their NSFW Twitter and Mastodon Accounts, where they post those l*licon, noncon, incest, and zoophilia drawings (pay attention to their bios, they're nearly identical to their SFW profile, plus they're all named "Charlie"):
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Below are some examples of the horrid drawings that they've drawn, which include l*licon, Noncon, Incest and Zoophilia (HUGE WARNING: The following screenshots will be directly taken from their Twitter and Mastodon accounts. There's no way for me to censor/spoiler images on Tumblr, so what'll be shown below will be as censored as possible without removing their incriminating context, be warned that they'll be heavily NSFW.)
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And everything shown above is public information Here's confirmation that the Twitter account and the Baraag/Mastodon account are by the same person, just for reassurance.
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Alongside those drawings and art reposts, they've also stated some weird stuff, such as:
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(Once again, a reminder that both characters above are canonically minors)
Ironically, Charlie HAS made teen/adult designs for Charlotte and Vendetta, with his recent fanart of Izzy's Nicktoons Unite Project/AU, yet he STILL decided to sexualize their child counterparts (amongst other things)
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(This drawing was shown at the beginning of the post, since they posted it in the Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl discord server) As an addendum, I ALSO want to warn everyone of their fiance, Loki/ @sp00nful0fsuga, as well since they've also drawn and reposted zoo/feral art as well as cub, shotacon and incest on their alts (their SFW account had been abandoned since August of last year, but there active on their other NSFW accounts)
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I urge everyone who is and isn't following Charlie and Loki to please report them both if possible, and please inform the unaware people who still like their SFW work (mostly Charlie since Loki hasn't done anything SFW since last year) about who these artists really are and what they're into. People like them are dangerous, and shouldn't poison the Internet with their malicious behavior and works. While writing the first half of the post I was absolutely distraught by all of the information I showed above, Charlie was a recent newcomer artist within the Making Fiends community, and they inspired me to do my own things with my Making Fiends AUs and other projects, and to see them like and draw so much disgusting shit like l*licon, noncon and zoo/feral art makes me recoil and vomit. It's so fucking gross how they truly are. Thank you for reading
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ashy-necro · 3 months
[At a Gathering, Berrynose is talking with some warriors from another clan, who are laughing at him.]
Berrynose: Lionblaaaaaaze!!
Lionblaze: What's up, Berrybutt?
Berrynose: I told you not to call- ugh, Lionblaze, these cats don't believe that I'm the top!
Lionblaze: Uh, okay?
Lionblaze, suppressing laughter: Um, s-sure, whatever *snrrrk* whatever Berrynose told you guys is the truth.
Berrynose: See!? You tell all your clanmates that I'm the top.
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ashy-necro · 3 months
"I don't want to read this" is totally valid.
"This is disgusting to me" is totally valid.
"I don't want to read this because it is disgusting to me" is totally valid.
"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.
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ashy-necro · 3 months
u guys know me, i love writing warrior cats with a touch of horror :)
ivykit races up to her one morning out of breath, saying: “mommy, mommy, guess what?”
whitewing laughs at her daughters enthusiasm - dovekit is usually the more chattier of the two, and seeing ivykit so excited is a rare occurrence.
“what?” whitewing purrs, bending down to lick behind her daughters ears.
“i made a new friend!” ivykit chirps, ducking from her mothers grooming.
whitewing pauses for a moment, confused a little about her daughters statement - ivykit knows every cat thunderclan by now, as does her sister. after a moment, she guesses that this is probably just an imaginary friend; she never had one herself, but she remembers ferncloud telling her that spiderleg did when he was young. poor ivykit can be so quiet, a little lonesome - but she seems so happy right now that whitewing doesn’t want to burst her bubble.
instead, she purrs: “oh, really? a new friend?”
“mmhmm,” ivykit nods, looking out of the nursery’s entrance. “i told him i wanted to come and introduce you to him, but he was a little shy.”
whitewing chuckles - definitely an imaginary friend. ivykit is only four moons old, so she supposes she’s not too old to have an active imagination - and she seems so happy at the moment, too.
“well, that’s okay,” whitewing says, smiling at her daughter. “where did you meet him?”
“behind the apprentices den,” ivykit tells her, proudly. “i saw him hiding there and went over to ask who he was, but we started talking and he’s pretty funny.”
whitewing twitches her whisker. “well, that’s good. where are his mom and dad? did you ask him if he’s lost?” she asks, humoring ivykit.
ivykit shakes her head. “mama, he’s like, the same age as you! i don’t think he lives with his parents!”
whitewing feels a trickle of discomfort down her spine - she doesn’t know why that detail bothers her, but something about this….friend begins to unsettle her. maybe ivykit is a little too old for imaginary friends, or maybe it’s for a reason that whitewing can’t place yet.
“oh, well,” she starts, not wanting to discourage ivykit when she seems so excited. “an adult, huh? what did…well, what did he look like? what’s his name?”
ivykit frowns. “he didn’t say his name,” she mumbles. “but he talked a little funny. i think it’s because of the stick he had poking out of his throat.”
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ashy-necro · 3 months
Ashfur and Cloudtail
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ashy-necro · 3 months
“Aph fans dni!!” Its a show about a dog youll survive
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ashy-necro · 3 months
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ashy-necro · 3 months
Dana’s last ‘fuck you’ to Disney
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He/they collector
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Genderqueer/bi-gender papa king
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TWO girlfriend kisses
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Onscreen mlm kiss
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Implied aladarius
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a happy ending to the bi/enby couple
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A happy ending to the aro/ace character
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Death to the white Christian puritain
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ashy-necro · 3 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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ashy-necro · 3 months
If you hate transgirl cloudtial my acc isnt for you and you should leave :3 !!!!!!
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Stay mad. Brighthearts a nonbinary transmasc lesbian too... does that also piss you off?
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ashy-necro · 3 months
please write what you want. please pick the tiniest detail of a character and exaggerate it into a 50k fic. please don’t let canon hold you back. please write whatever you want however you want. please.
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ashy-necro · 3 months
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ashy-necro · 3 months
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Toxic Yaoi but poly cats
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ashy-necro · 3 months
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ashy-necro · 3 months
Tree failed at medicine cat training because he didn't want to study, but I bet that tom already knows like 7 different herbs that can be used for recreational purposes. I imagine Frecklewish trying to show him something like
Frecklewish: Now these are for-
Tree: Oh I know these. These get you higher than an eagle in flight!
Frecklewish: W... what?
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ashy-necro · 3 months
Alfred’s playhouse characters info for my series:
Alfred alfer: Alfred is a weak brown and white dog that is scared constantly and has been abused his whole life. He lets others take advantage of him often and seemingly cannot stand up for himself. Sometimes when he gets into a bad situation his mind mentally resorts to his “playhouse” And another alter takes over. His alters can talk to him inside his mind and can appear in his dream and hurt him.
Alfred alter 1: Dictator Pickles: Dictator Pickles is a horrible, crude dog that’s strong and commanding. He looks like Alfred but with a military uniform. He doesn’t let anybody hurt him and he often hurts others. He manipulates Alfred into causing acts of violence and his main goal is to always be in control and have power. Formed after Alfred got abused a lot. He made Alfred kill his father.
Alfred Alter 2: Alfem: Alfem is The female version of Alfred Alfer. She is a carefree girl that doesn't have to experience any of the pain that Alfred Alfer does. She has red hair and is usually seen wearing white thigh-high socks or a school girl outfit. She is happy and often cares for Alfred like a mother figure. She does molest him a bit too. But Alfred prefers it over everybody else. considering it not as bad. Formed when his father used to call him a "little girl" when he rapes him. Also formed because of his mother's drug abuse and his urge for a mother.
Labby: Big black dog with red eyes. He's a demon and he forces kids and weak minded people (Like Alfred) to do horrible things. He does horrible things and makes Alfred do horrible things. There kind of dating. Not really. But Alfred considers they are. Labby assaults Alfred a lot.
ocs (Just for my Alfred's playhouse series) Biscuit:
Breed: Pittbull
Apperance: Tiny, black, brown and white pitbull with green eyes and many scars.
Alfred's younger brother. five years younger then Alfred. Got along with his brother well and Alfred tried his best to protect him from the abuse. But he died after his father killed him.
Breed: Irish wolfhound Appearance: Nasty unkept gray and almost dark-green Irish wolfhound. Covered in scars, tall, long and slightly overweight. Twice the size of Alfred.
Alfred Alfer's father. He abused him basically his whole life and he sexually assaulted him multiple times. He left him abandoned in stores before as well. He died after Dictator Pickles took over and killed him. Once that happened Alfred Alfer ended up running away.
Breed: Whippet
Apperance: Tiny (Tiny bit bigger then Alfred) light cream with darker cream fur. Kind of looks like Alfred but more muted and she has a diamond necklace around her neck and she wears makeup a lot. She always has a souless, methhead look in her eyes.
Alfred Alfer's mother. She was addicted to heroin and several other drugs. Took them while she was pregnant. Never wanted a child. Much younger then Amoral. Most likely got pregnant because he raped her and she couldn't leave. Had two puppies. Alfred and then biscuit two years later. She died from a drug overdose after that. It's unknown whether it was intentional or not. But Alfred believes that it was a suicide. Once his mother died his father started to abuse Alfred more.
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ashy-necro · 3 months
I need you more then I need anything else
Cw: abuse
"Please don't leave me." Alfred begged. "Please..." As Alfred spoke, he stared at Dictator Pickles.
Tears dripped out of his eyes, and he was shaking as he spoke. Dictator Pickles isn't really a good person.
He doesn't treat Alfred the best, but then again, nobody treats Alfred well. Everybody hurts and abuses the poor dog. Alfred knows nobody who treats him like an actual person.
Dictator Pickles is the only person who doesn't hurt him all the time. He's a part of Alfred's mind. He isn't real. At least Alfred doesn't think he is. Yet at the same time, he's all that Alfred has.
"Your pathetic, Alfred. You know that, right?" Dictator Pickles laughed. "I'm a part of your mind. I am you. You are me. Yet you are attached to me like a mother is attached to their puppies."
Alfred whimpered and stared at the ground. "I-I know...."
He knows that he's weird. He's messed up for falling in love with himself. Yet, at the same time, Alfred doesn't have anyone else.
"B-But I don't care! I need you... I need you, Dictator Pickles!"
"I know you do." Dictator Pickles laughed. "You need me more than you need food and water. You need me to survive. Yet, you disobeyed my orders. You didn't let me take control of your body when I wanted to, so you're going to pay for that. I'll be back at some point. Maybe. If you were good and did as I told you, then I wouldn't be leaving at all."
"Please don't leave!"
Alfred would do anything if it meant that Dictator Pickles stayed with him. Anything at all. He couldn't bear to be alone in his thoughts. He couldn't bear to deal with everything that happened to him.
"I-I'll cut myself for you! I-I'll hurt myself or carve your name on our skin. J-Just please don't go..."
Dictator Pickles thought for a bit, seemingly considering Alfred's words.
Alfred's heart was rapidly racing, and he could only hope that he would consider his offer. That he would stay with him.
"That is tempting. Even if the skin you would be carving belongs to both of us." Dictator Pickles admitted. "But no. I'm going to leave anyway. I'll be back when I feel like it. This is why you need to do everything I tell you, Alfred. Without me, you have nobody. You have to face the reality of the world."
"N-No! No!" Alfred cried. Tears rapidly rushed out of his face and dripped onto the ground, forming a puddle right under Dictators Pickles.
"Such a sad little puppy..." Dictator Pickles cooed. He grabbed Alfred's chin and lifted it upward, forcing Alfred to look at him right in the eyes. "It's a shame that you're going to be all alone."
As soon as he spoke, Dictator Pickles threw Alfred's head onto the ground and began to walk away.
"N-No!" Alfred cried. "P-Please no..."
Alfred chased after Dictator Pickles, wrapping his paws around the dog's legs to try and stop him from moving.
Dictator Pickles kicked him and threw Alfred against the wall as he disappeared. Alfred curled up in a ball against the wall and began to sob. He's all alone again....
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