December 7, 2019
Laughing At Lemons
We went to visit my mom today. While there LH4 found a small planner/book and opened it up like a flip phone. He held it to his ear and said “Can you hear me?” Apparently that’s something I say all the time on the phone - at least enough that he believes that how conversations start. LOL!
The Lemonhead Said:
LH4 saying: “I can’t want it momma” (Not I DON’T want it - he CAN’T)
3 Spoonfuls of Sugar
The entire giant black garbage bag full of hand-me-down clothes from my cousins. I love nice, name-brand, new clothes that I don’t have to pay for! WIN!
Video calling with Romeo today while he’s in Sweden. I never miss him more than when he’s gone and we FaceTime. Seeing him and not being able to touch is a bitter sweet pain.
Seeing my grandpa. He was looking good tonight. So much better than how I have seen him in a few weeks. He was joking and laughing and walking (albeit slow!! and with a cane now.) One of the greatest men I have ever known and I’m sooo happy that he’s feeling better!
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December 6
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Laughing At Lemons
Watching LH2 jump on the ice/snow covered trampoline and while he was running in circles, he slipped and slid across the tramp. Just the way he fell and the way he jumped back up because of the snow in his shirt — it looked like something off a cartoon. I shouldn’t have laughed, but I couldn’t help it. :)
The Lemonhead Said:
LH3 and LH4 playing with the nerf guns:
LH3: “put your hands in the air”
LH4 hands straight up and his little belly poking out
LH3: “Bang I shoot you”
LH4 falling to the ground in very dramatic, Oscar winning style.
3 Spoonfuls of Sugar
The amazing pink and blue sunset on the drive home today. I use to the orange and yellow and red, but this was different. Gorgeous!
Not having to cook dinner - Taco Bell for the boys and Panda for myself. Yum!
A quiet night watching a movie that isn’t “kid friendly” —> no cartoons, no animation, no nursery rhymes or color cars.
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December 5,2019
Laughing At Lemons
Every night this week we’ve been playing “Wild West” a game I made up to help spend more quality family time together and less watching tv. It’s similar to hide-and-seek mixed with cops and robbers - turn all the lights off except the stove surface light and the Christmas tree lights - ready, set, go! The elements of the dark, mixed with the jumping out and shooting the nerf guns at each other, and searching for the “gold nugget” that the Sheriff has hidden... it made for a lot of laughs tonight. These are the memories I want for my boys!
The Lemonhead Said:
When I picked the Little Lemons up from the babysitter tonight LH3 jumped into my arms and said “Never leave me momma”. It’s not the first time, in fact he says it quite a bit, but tonight it hit me and I felt so loved and needed in that moment. 
3 Spoonfuls of Sugar
LH3 yelling in excitement then running and jumping into my arms when I picked them up tonight.
The most annoying client at work announced today that they were switching back to their old ads service and I swear the heaven opened with choirs singing!
It rained today. Not usually a “sugar” but today it felt good to watch the rain from my desk while I typed and worked. It was calming.
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