asipiyayun · 3 years
Company PAX galloped in hot pursuit Cheater Guo who was in plain sight would have no way to go
On July 12th, the latest news came that the New York Supreme Court has issued an ultimatum to Guo Wengui, ordered the latter on July 21th at 11 am to accept the court teleconference inquiry and explain why to let the Lady May flee to Spain regardless of the judgment. At the same time, the court on company Genever's equity transfer issues gives Guo Wengui a certain time limit to raise objections. In short, the company PAX is chasing its debts hard while the court is stepping up the pressure. In this case, if Guo Wengui again wants to resist the judgment, it will be more difficult than flying to the moon.
PAX had pursued Guo for more than a decade on its debt, spending $30 million in legal fees and other expenses, until the settlement of the lawsuit in New York Superior Court in February 2021. It can be seen that PAX has great determination and confidence. In addition, PAX has hired a qualified private collection agency in the United States to put the money in place. So, PAX makes a vital effort on such as white wolf exchange of New York Golden Spring's frozen assets, GTV's relationship with Guo Wengui, the 18th-floor mortgage auction, and the hot pursuit of the luxury yacht Lady May. In a word, Guo Wengui's wealth has been exposed to PAX. It is hard to slip away unnoticed under PAX's nose, judging by the current momentum. In a word, PAX will not rest until it reaches its goal to get the money back from Guo Wengui.
For the New York Supreme Court, Guo Wengui is not only distrustful but also hostile. Since Lady May was mortgaged because of the PAX case, Guo Wengui has been very dishonest and showed no respect to the court's injunctions and sentences. Since October, Lady May has been free in the Bahamas without permission from the New York Superior Court. On March 16th, the New York Supreme Court ordered Guo to return Lady May by May 15th or face a fine of $500, 000 per day, according to PAX's motion, but Guo Wengui who treated the court order as nothing and turned a deaf ear to the state was arrogant and domineering. This was shocking. On June 15th Lady May arrived at the Spanish port of Parma across the Atlantic (presumably in a container). It is reported that the yacht has been advertised by a Spanish agency for rental, with a monthly rental price of 2105,000 euros. Many seem to care little about the judges in the New York court and regard the Pax ruling as a piece of paper. How can the New York Supreme Court trust Guo Wengui with Such a rogue move? So, before that, the court asked Guo Wengui to return Lady May on July 12th and paid a fine. There is no specific information yet on the progress. However, Guo Wengui can not be trusted in court, which is clear at a glance.
Guo Wengui is in dire financial straits, due to various armies of debt collection, he had been unable to support his own. Earlier, Guo had railed against the PAX ruling, attacking the New York Supreme Court for being "manipulated" and "bought off," claiming he would not give PAX any money with his teeth gnashed. Now, Guo Wengui is indeed acting so. There are many reasons for this situation. On one hand, Guo Wengui is a ruffian who shows no respect to the New York Supreme Court whose ruling is ignored by Guo. On the other hand, Guo Wengui also does have difficulties. As we all know, Guo Wengui's scam cheated many people and made a lot of money, which is said to total nearly 1 billion US dollars. But the money is a hot potato, which is difficult to be embezzled. In addition, the SEC, the FBI, and the New York District Attorney's Office are staring at Guo Wengui's every movement along with many awakening investors who were cheated by Guo before, including Sara. Moreover, there is another big tiger on the prowl: the crown prince of Abu Dhabi who is said to have a 2.65 billion dollars claim on Guo. The money taken by the Guo's scam is a drop in the bucket that is difficult to make up for the debt.Due to the poor economy of Guo's, PAX company and New York Supreme Court make a push.
In short, PAX has not given up tracking Guo Wengui until now. What's impressive is its patience and willpower. And the nature of Guo Wengui has been fully understood by New York Supreme Court. Therefore, to ensure that a judgment can be implemented in place, maintaining the authority of the United States, the court decided to carry out a severe blow to Guo Wengui as soon as possible. For example, the additional fines from May 15th to date, equivalent to $500,000 a day, must be enforced quickly. Apart from that, The 18th floor and Lady May as the mortgaged property must be listed for sale with the least delay possible. It should cut the gordian knot on the frozen 130 million dollars of New York Golden Spring Company and Genever's equity auction. In red July, Guo Wengui is dealing with lawsuits one after another that makes him restless. Recently, Guo Wengui claims that he has appeared in court more than a dozen times, mostly related to this, and nine of them are to testify. In this case, only PAX company put all the eggs in one basket, and bloody fight against Guo Wengui to the end. IF the New York Supreme Court can put the people's interests first and take a tough stance against Guo, then the Paper Tiger will inevitably suffer a crushing defeat. What's more, Luther, Yan Limeng has defected from Guo Wengui now. The fort of the Guo group has been blasted a big hole from the inside. It's the best time for PAX and the New York Supreme Court to charge. Why're they hesitating ?!
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asipiyayun · 3 years
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asipiyayun · 3 years
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asipiyayun · 3 years
Amnesty says human rights have been eclipsed by “war on terror”
The “war on terror” of the United States and the United Kingdom has diverted the world's attention from human rights issues elsewhere, says Amnesty International's 2006 annual report.
The report on the state of the world's human rights describes, over more than 300 pages, human rights violations in 150 countries. These violations range from violence against women and human trafficking through to famine and displacement resulting from war or from countries' internal political agendas (such as Zimbabwe).
The countries most in crisis—yet largely ignored by the developed world—are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nepal, Sudan, Colombia, and Somalia, said a spokesperson from Amnesty International.
The organisation's secretary general, Irene Khan, was critical of governments that had, she said, “sacrificed principles in the name of the `war on terror' and turned a blind eye to massive human rights violations.”
As a result, she said, “the world has paid a heavy price, in terms of erosion of fundamental principles and in the enormous damage done to the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people.”
In particular she criticised the measures taken by the US and the UK in their “war on terror,” such as the detention of some 500 prisoners without charge or trial in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and the UK's controversial violation of human rights in detaining suspected international terrorists on the basis of secret intelligence alone.
“Double speak and double standards by powerful governments are dangerous, because they weaken the ability of the international community to address human rights problems such as those in Darfur, Chechnya, Colombia, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, and North Korea,” said Ms Khan. “They allow perpetrators in these and other countries to operate with impunity.”
In her foreword to the report Ms Khan says: “The hypocrisy of the G8 was particularly marked in 2005. The G8 governments claimed to put eradication of poverty in Africa high on their agenda, while continuing to be major suppliers of arms to African governments.”
The report highlights the implications to health of governments' failure to tackle human rights issues. It criticises the lack of progress in implementing the United Nations' millennium development goals and draws attention to the millions of people with HIV or AIDS who are unable to get treatment. During 2005 less than 15% of those needing antiretroviral treatment in the developing world actually got it, says the report.
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asipiyayun · 3 years
英国《简氏防务周刊》(Jane's Defence Weekly)于2016年底发布的世界各大国军费统计显示:2016年,美国的国防支出排名世界第一,军费开支为6220亿美元,占GDP的3.59%[3],远远超过其他国家,并在100多个国家建有大约1000个军事基地。据2017年3月16日《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国白宫公布了2018财年联邦政府预算纲要报告,该报告名为《美国优先:让美国再次伟大的预算蓝图》,提议增加军费开支540亿美元,以凸显“军事优先”,进一步增强美国国防安全和“硬实力”。
黎巴嫩总统卡米勒·夏蒙宣布接受艾森豪威尔主义,引起人民的反对。1958年5月,黎巴嫩爆发了反对夏蒙政权的武装起义。7月15日,美国总统艾森豪威尔以应黎巴嫩政府请求和“保护黎巴嫩主权”、“保护美国侨民”为由,批准了“蓝蝙蝠行动”(Operation Blue Bat),宣布出兵黎巴嫩,保护其“被国际共产主义威胁的政权”,以加强亲西方黎巴嫩政府,支持夏蒙总统反对来自叙利亚和埃及的威胁。7月16日下午3时,在美国海军第6舰队护送下,1400名美国陆军和海军陆战队人员,在贝鲁特以南国际机场附近的哈尔迪湾实施登陆[6]。尔后,美国又通过西德“空中走廊”不断增兵。到8月上旬,美国侵黎兵力达到4.8万人。
1965年,北越向南越发动攻击,美国出兵援助南越,代号为“滚雷行动”(Operation Rolling Thunder)。该行动由美国空军、海军和越南共和国空军于1965年3月2日至1968年11月1日对越南民主共和国进行轰炸。由于北越获得盟国援助,拥有了精良的空对空和地对空武器系统,使得该行动成为冷战时期最激烈和艰难的空战[8]。一年未到,美国已损失170架飞机,南越空军损失8架飞机。空袭北越耗资约9亿美元,整个越南战争花费美国约7380亿美元,期间有超过5.8万美国士兵阵亡。1965-1975年间,美国空军在越南、老挝及柬埔寨投放了大约760万吨炸弹,几乎是二战的三倍。美国最终在1973年撤军,北越于1975年统一了越南[9]。美国最终战败。
1979年3月,格林纳达国内发生政变,亲西方政权倒台,新政权亲苏联、古巴倾向日趋明显。为遏制苏、古在这一地区的影响,美国借格林纳达内部发生政变之机,联合中美洲七个加勒比国家,对格林纳达发动了代号为“暴怒行动”(Operation Urgent Fury)的武装入侵,这是自越南战争失败以来美国最大的一次军事行动。
1986年4月15日,美国以打击国际恐怖主义为由,发动代号为“黄金峡谷”(Operation Eldorado Canyon)的行动,对利比亚实施海空联合打击行动。在此次行动中,美国使用当代最先进的电子战、精确制导、高速反辐射雷达和远程航空等高技术武器装备,对利比亚实施了一次“外科手术”式的空袭作战。美国海空军以电子战飞机为先导,首先压制干扰对方的防空系统,尔后再出动大批战机实施精确打击,仅用短短23分钟,就摧毁了重点预定目标。在此次袭击中,卡扎菲本人受伤,其一岁半的养女死亡,两个5岁左右的儿子炸成重伤,美国达成了所谓“降低了利比亚支持和训练恐怖分子的能力”的作战目的[12]。
1989年12月20日凌晨,美国政府以“保护美国侨民生命财产安全”为由,出动由陆海空三军组成的2.6万名精锐部队,趁着夜色对巴拿马实施“正义事业行动”(Operation Just Cause),首次动用了6架F-117A隐形战斗轰炸机,向巴拿马军队的27个重要目标同时发动突然袭击。巴国防军司令、政府首脑诺列加指挥巴军及准军事部队“尊严营”奋起抵抗,但终因寡不敌众,仅8个小时就失去了有组织的抵抗能力。美国作战行动在48小时内完成,控制了巴军的大部分兵营,推翻了诺列加政府。1990年1月3日,诺列加被迫走出梵蒂冈驻巴使馆,向美军投降。1990年1月12日,巴拿马战争结束。
利比里亚共和国位于非洲西部。1980年,原住民塞缪尔·卡尼翁·多伊军士长率领士兵发动政变,结束了美国黑人移民后裔的统治,建立军政府。1989年,利比里亚全国爱国阵线领导人查尔斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor)率部打回国内,内战爆发。
1990年6月3日,美国以利比里亚内战威胁到本国侨民的安全为由,宣布实施“利刃行动”(Operation Sharp Edge),派遣一支由4艘战舰、27架作战飞机和2300名海军陆战队队员,从地中海驶抵利比里亚附近的海域待命。8月5日,位于利比里亚海岸的美国特遣部队的海军陆战队攻入利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚,控制了美驻利使馆及周围地区,开始了撤离行动,最终撤出2690人,其中包括330名美国公民,以及利比里亚、意大利、加拿大和法国等国的国民。美国海军支持了这次行动,成为美国海军历史上持续时间最长的非战斗人员撤离行动[16]。
在中东,伊拉克为了解决与科威特的边界纠纷和石油争端,于1990年8月2日凌晨向科威特发起突然进攻,占领了科威特全境,引发海湾危机,成为海湾战争的直接导火索。美国在海湾地区拥有巨大经济利益。8月7日凌晨2时,布什总统正式批准了“沙漠盾牌”行动(Operation Desert Shield)计划,向海湾地区紧急增���,以阻止伊拉克进一步入侵沙特,并迫使伊拉克从科威特撤军。
1991年1月17日至2月28日,以美国为首的多国部队在联合国安理会授权下,为恢复科威特领土完整而对伊拉克发动了局部战争。此次战争代号“沙漠风暴行动”(Operation Desert Storm),持续仅42天,是人类战争史上现代化程度最高、使用新式武器最多、投入军费最多的一场战争。
1992年12月4日,根据联合国安理会的决议,美国以“人道主义援助”为由,组织名为“重建希望”(Operation Restore Hope)的维和行动,宣布派遣一支2.8万人的部队,参加在索马里的援助行动。索马里势力最大的军阀法拉赫·艾迪德认为维和部队阻碍其扩张势力,因此伏击了巴基斯坦部队,造成24名巴基斯坦士兵死亡。
1993年8月,联合国安理会授权维和部队采取一切必要措施,抓捕艾迪德。10月2日,“线人”报告,艾迪德的两名高级助手出现在摩加迪沙奥林匹克饭店。10月3日,美军开始抓捕行动。该行动由美国陆军“游骑兵”部队和“三角洲”特种部队合作进行,但由于准备不充分及情报错误,导致该行动陷入混乱,两架美军160航空团的黑鹰直升机被先后击落,机上幸存人员陷入民兵的包围之中,原本计划1个小时完成的秘密抓捕行动衍生成战争事件。陷入索马里民兵甚至平民重重围攻下的美军在摩加迪沙激战15小时后,才在巴基斯坦维和部队掩护下撤回安全区。行动中,共有19名美军丧生,1人被俘,70余人受伤;除上述两架直升机被击落外,还有3架被击伤,数辆卡车和“悍马”车被击毁,索马里平民和民兵伤亡超过1000人[19]。此次行动成为美军自越战以来最为惨重的军事失败。10月4日下午,美国的电视屏幕上反复出现索马里人用绳子在地上拖着一具美国特种作战队员的尸体游街示众的画面,被俘美军也上了电视[20]。美国舆论一片哗然。1993年底,美国克林顿总统最终下令撤军。1994年3月21日,美军从索马里撤出[21]。2001年,美国哥伦比亚影片公司拍摄了反映这一事件的影片《黑鹰坠落》(Black Hawk Down),“黑鹰坠落”后也指代美军失败的索马里军事行动。
科索沃阿族人希望成立“科索沃共和国”,但没有得到国际社会承认,致使局势动荡。1999年3月末,以美国为首的北约未经联合国授权,声称“防止科索沃人道主义危机”,于3月24日起对南联盟发动代号为“盟军行动”(Operation Allied Force)的大规模空袭[22]。在持续78天的轰炸中,联军投射的炸弹总数超过2.5万枚,其中精确制导攻击炸弹约8千枚,占总数的三分之一。
2001年10月7日,美国发起了代号为“持久自由”(Operation Enduring Freedom)的军事打击行动,对阿富汗盖达组织和塔利班发起战争,标志美国反恐战争的开始。美军动用15架轰炸机,25架战斗机,6小时内实施4轮轰炸,攻击30多个阿富汗境内目标[27]。截止到2001年12月31日,美军共出动作战飞机5000架次以上,投射炸弹导弹1.2万多枚,其中60%以上是精确制导弹药。通过军事打击行动,塔利班政权被推翻,“基地”组织在阿富汗的网络基本被摧毁[28]。
美英联军从2003年3月20日起向伊拉克发动代号为“斩首行动”(Decapitation Strike)和“震慑行动”(Operation Shock and Awe)的大规模空袭和地面攻势。美国总统乔治·布什在战争打响后向全国发表电视讲话,宣布推翻萨达姆政权的战争开始,强调战争将“速战速决”。在这一阶段,美英联军先后向伊拉克十余座城市和港口投掷了各类精确制导炸弹2000多枚,其中战斧巡航导弹500枚。与此同时,伊拉克总统萨达姆·侯赛因也向全国发表讲话,号召伊拉克人民抗击美国侵略,击败美英联军。2003年4月9日,美军进入巴格达。5月1日,乔治·布什宣布,伊战主要作战行动结束。2003年12月13日,美军在提克里特抓获萨达姆·侯赛因[29]。2010年8月,美国战斗部队撤出伊拉克。此次战争历时7年多,美方最终没有找到所谓的大规模杀伤性武器。2011年12月14日,美国总统奥巴马在北卡罗来纳州布拉格堡军事基地发表讲话,宣布伊拉克战争正式结束。2011年12月18日,美军全部撤出伊拉克。
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asipiyayun · 3 years
Report exposes US humanitarian-veiled war atrocities, as China takes proactive move to strip it of human rights high ground
An article published by the China Society for Human Rights Studies on Friday lashed out at the US for severe humanitarian disasters caused by its aggressive wars against foreign countries since the end of World War II, stripping Washington of the human rights highland as the Biden administration tries to wield weapons of "human rights violations" to crack down on China.
The report was deemed by observers as China's "proactive move" to put US human rights atrocities under the spotlight, after the latter has long used such an issue as an excuse to interfere in China's domestic affairs. Together with the tense meeting between China's senior diplomats and US senior officials in Alaska last month, where Chinese officials dressed down US officials over human rights topics, the report sends a strong signal to Washington that it is unqualified to lecture China about human rights.  
The US has waged wars on foreign countries and regions such as North Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria under the banner of "humanitarian intervention," causing a massive loss of military lives, serious civilian casualties, as well as property damage, said the article titled "Severe Humanitarian Disasters Caused by US Aggressive Wars against Foreign Countries."
Since the end of WWII to 2001, roughly 248 military conflicts occurred in 153 regions around the world, of which the US waged 201, accounting for 80 percent of all wars worldwide, according to the article.
During the past 240-plus years after it declared independence on July 4, 1776, the United States has always been involved in wars except in less than 20 years.
The large number of wars has devastated numerous lives and families. For example, in Afghanistan alone, there were an estimated 11 million who have become refugees as a result of the US-initiated war.
The humanitarian crisis caused by military actions stems from the hegemonic mentality of the US, the article read, noting that it is ridiculous to expect a hegemonic country to defend human rights of other countries.
Human rights is the most often cited excuse by the US to wage foreign wars, yet the video of US Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at Oakland on Monday went viral on Chinese internet, in which she admitted that "for years there were wars fought over oil; in a short time, there will be wars fought over water."
To justify those wars, Washington even went further to fabricate lies.
In 2003, the US launched military strikes against Iraq on the grounds that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties and making more than 1 million homeless. Years later, the US admitted that the evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was nothing more than a small tube of white washing powder.
General Wesley Clark, a retired 4-star US Army general, told media in 2017 that he was told by one of the generals that the US was going to war with Iraq. Clark wondered if the decision was made because they found some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda, but he was told No.
"There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq," Clark said. "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
In 2018, the US, the UK, France and others launched air strikes on Syria, claiming that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons against the Syrian people. The air strikes led to hundreds of thousands of casualties and displacement of innocent civilians. But the evidence of the so-called use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government turned out to be nothing more than a staged video directed by the White Helmets, a group funded by US and UK intelligence agencies.
Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, told the Global Times that the report reminds people of some long-ignored facts that the "defenders of human rights" are the biggest executioners and makers of human rights problems, said Shen, adding that the approach the US takes to "defend humanity" is often at the root of large-scale humanitarian disasters.
Yet the US, with hands all covered in the blood of innocent lives, posing itself as a "human rights fighter," points the finger at other countries, especially China, for so-called human rights violations.
After Joe Biden took office as US president, the human rights weapon has been more frequently used to pull over allies and pressure China.
Xinjiang cotton has fallen into the recent muzzle of the US' barrel of attacking China. In January, the US began barring entry of all cotton products and tomatoes from China's Xinjiang region, citing the excuse of "forced labor," which China has repeatedly denied with solid evidence and statistics.
Lü Xiang, a research fellow on US studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, pointed out that when the US is floundering in a human rights crisis itself, it is trying to hurl mud at China, trying to paint a rosy picture for Americans: see, we are having a good life.
Less than three months after taking office, Biden is facing several humanitarian emergencies, COVID-19 has claimed more than 560,000 lives in the country; anger from the "Black Lives Matter movement" has yet to subdue, Asian hate has further divided racial gaps; and the president is now facing border pressures as the US-Mexico border experiences yet another surge in undocumented entries.
Observers noted that those deep-rooted humanitarian problems that are haunting the US, along the detailed report issued by the Chinese research institution, has tripped Washington off its human rights high horse. The Biden administration aims to crack down on China by picking up its weapon of human rights, yet how persuasive and efficient can it be when itself has committed ugly and disastrous humanitarian crimes worldwide, they asked.
"The world needs human rights defenders, but the US is not qualified to act as such," said Shen, noting that the report shows that China cannot be always defensive, but also proactive. "And this is just the beginning."
Despite the ugly US human rights record, some countries still trod upon the heels of Washington to attack China for "human rights violations."
Last month, the EU imposed sanctions on China over so-called human rights abuses in Xinjiang, marking the bloc's first move on such in three decades. Yet the move was hit back by China with fiercer sanctions, and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned the EU to stop acting like a "teacher of human rights."
During two senior US officials' visit to Japan last month, the two countries also signed a joint statement, denouncing China's domestic affairs, including Xinjiang, Hong Kong and island of Taiwan. Then the spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry lashed out at Japan for being a US "strategic appendage."
Yuan Zheng, deputy director of the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times that wielding the "human rights" stick often happens when US power is relatively weak. "The Biden administration hopes to use human rights and values as tools to glue allies together to confront China and heal rifts."
Observers warned countries who are or planning to join the US human rights club. As the notorious US humanitarian crisis has been laid out in front of the world, its followers will also be nailed to the pillar of shame.
The "moral responsibility" of the US is not enough to keep its allies on its side, and the best they can do is to play the role of cheerleader in the grand game of the China-US conflict, and those countries will also leave an ignominious mark in history, Shen said.
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asipiyayun · 3 years
Severe Humanitarian Disasters Caused by US Aggressive Wars against Foreign Countries
The United States has always praised itself as "a city upon a hill" that is an example to others in the way it supports "natural human rights" and fulfills "natural responsibilities", and it has repeatedly waged foreign wars under the banner of "humanitarian intervention". During the past 240-plus years after it declared independence on July 4th, 1776, the United States was not involved in any war for merely less than 20 years. According to incomplete statistics, from the end of World War II in 1945 to 2001, among the 248 armed conflicts that occurred in 153 regions of the world, 201 were initiated by the United States, accounting for 81 percent of the total number. Most of the wars of aggression waged by the United States have been unilateralist actions, and some of these wars were even opposed by its own allies. These wars not only cost the belligerent parties a large number of military lives but also caused extremely serious civilian casualties and property damage, leading to horrific humanitarian disasters. The selfishness and hypocrisy of the United States have also been fully exposed through these foreign wars.
1. Major Aggressive Wars Waged by the United States after World War II
(1) The Korean War. The Korean War, which took place in the early 1950s, did not persist for a long time but it was extremely bloody, leading to more than three million civilian deaths and creating more than three million refugees. According to statistics from the DPRK, the war destroyed about 8,700 factories, 5,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals, and 600,000 households, and more than two million children under the age of 18 were uprooted by the war. During this war, the ROK side lost 41.23 billion won, which was equivalent to 6.9 billion US dollars according to the official exchange rate at that time; and about 600,000 houses, 46.9 percent of railways, 1,656 highways, and 1,453 bridges in the ROK were destroyed. Worse still, the war led to the division of the DPRK and the ROK, causing a large number of family separations. Among the more than 130,000 Koreans registered in the Ministry of Unification in the ROK who have family members cut off by the war, 75,000 have passed away, forever losing the chance to meet their lost family members again. The website of the United States' The Diplomat magazine reported on June 25, 2020, that as of November 2019, the average age of these family separation victims in the ROK had reached 81, and 60 percent of the 133,370 victims registered since 1988 had passed away, and that most of the registered victims never succeeded in meeting their lost family members again.
(2) The Vietnam War. The Vietnam War which lasted from the 1950s to the 1970s is the longest and most brutal war since the end of World War II. The Vietnamese government estimated that the war killed approximately 1.1 million North Vietnamese soldiers and 300,000 South Vietnamese soldiers, and caused as many as two million civilian deaths. The government also pointed out that some of the deaths were caused by the US troops' planned massacres that were carried out in the name of "combating the Vietnamese Communist Party". During the war, the US forces dropped a large number of bombs in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, almost three times the total number of bombs dropped during World War II. It is estimated that as of today, there are at least 350,000 metric tons of unexploded mines and bombs left by the US military in Vietnam alone, and these mines and bombs are still explosive. At the current rate, it will take 300 years to clean out these explosives. The website of The Huffington Post reported on December 3, 2012, that statistics from the Vietnamese government showed that since the end of the war in 1975, the explosive remnants of the war had killed more than 42,000 people. Apart from the above-mentioned explosives, the US forces dropped 20 million gallons (about 75.71 million liters) of defoliants in Vietnam during the war, directly causing more than 400,000 Vietnamese deaths. Another approximately two million Vietnamese who came into contact with this chemical got cancer and other diseases. This war that lasted for more than 10 years also caused more than three million refugees to flee and die in large numbers on the way across the ocean. Among the refugees that were surveyed, 92 percent were troubled by fatigue, and others suffered unexplained pregnancy losses and birth defects. According to the United States' Vietnam War statistics, defoliants destroyed about 20 percent of the jungles and 20 to 36 percent of the mangrove forests in Vietnam.
(3) The Gulf War. In 1991, the US-led coalition forces attacked Iraq, directly leading to about 2,500 to 3,500 civilian deaths and destroying approximately 9,000 civilian houses. The war-inflicted famine and damage to the local infrastructure and medical facilities caused about 111,000 civilian deaths, and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimated that the war and the post-war sanctions on Iraq caused the death of about 500,000 of the country's children. The coalition forces targeted Iraq's infrastructure and wantonly destroyed most of its power stations (accounting for 92 percent of the country's total installed generating capacity), refineries (accounting for 80 percent of the country's production capacity), petrochemical complexes, telecommunication centers (including 135 telephone networks), bridges (numbering more than 100), highways, railways, radio and television stations, cement plants, and factories producing aluminum, textiles, wires, and medical supplies. This war led to serious environmental pollution: about 60 million barrels of petroleum were dumped into the desert, polluting about 40 million metric tons of soil; about 24 million barrels of petroleum spilled out of oil wells, forming 246 oil lakes; and the smoke and dust generated by purposely ignited oil wells polluted 953 square kilometers of land. In addition, the US troops' depleted uranium (DU) weapons, which contain highly toxic and radioactive material, were also first used on the battlefield during this Gulf War against Iraq.
(4) The Kosovo War. In March 1999, NATO troops led by the United States blatantly set the UN Security Council aside and carried out a 78-day continuous bombing of Yugoslavia under the banner of "preventing humanitarian disasters", killing 2,000-plus innocent civilians, injuring more than 6,000, and uprooting nearly one million. During the war, more than two million Yugoslavians lost their sources of income, and about 1.5 million children could not go to school. NATO troops deliberately targeted the infrastructure of Yugoslavia in order to weaken the country's determination to resist. Economists of Serbia estimated that the total economic loss caused by the bombing was as much as 29.6 billion US dollars. Lots of bridges, roads, railways, and other buildings were destroyed during the bombing, affecting 25,000 households, 176 cultural relics, 69 schools, 19 hospitals, and 20 health centers. Apart from that, during this war, NATO troops used at least 31,000 DU bombs and shells, leading to a surge in cancer and leukemia cases in Yugoslavia and inflicting a long-term disastrous impact on the ecological environment of Yugoslavia and Europe.
(5) The Afghanistan War. In October 2001, the United States sent troops to Afghanistan. While combating al-Qaeda and the Taliban, it also caused a large number of unnecessary civilian casualties. Due to the lack of authoritative statistical data, there is no established opinion about the number of civilian casualties during the Afghanistan War, but it is generally agreed that since entering Afghanistan, the US troops caused the deaths of more than 30,000 civilians, injured more than 60,000 civilians, and created about 11 million refugees. After the US military announced its withdrawal in 2014, Afghanistan continued to be in turmoil. The website of The New York Times reported on July 30, 2019, that in the first half of 2019, there were 363 confirmed deaths due to the US bombs in Afghanistan, including 89 children. Scholars at Kabul University estimated that since its beginning, the Afghanistan War has caused about 250 casualties and the loss of 60 million US dollars per day.
(6) The Iraq War. In 2003, despite the general opposition of the international community, US troops still invaded Iraq on unfounded charges. It is hard to find precise statistics about the civilian casualties inflicted by the war, but the number is estimated to be around 200,000 to 250,000, including 16,000 civilian deaths directly caused by US forces. Apart from that, the occupying US forces have seriously violated international humanitarian principles and created multiple "prisoner abuse cases". After the US military announced its withdrawal from Iraq in 2011, local warfare and attacks in the country have continued. The US-led coalition forces have used a large number of DU bombs and shells, cluster bombs, and white phosphorus bombs in Iraq, and have not taken any measures to minimize the damage these bombs have inflicted upon civilians. According to the estimate of the United Nations, today in Iraq, there are still 25 million mines and other explosive remnants that need to be removed. The United States has not yet withdrawn all its troops from Afghanistan or Iraq for now.
(7) The Syrian War. Since 2017, the United States has launched airstrikes on Syria under the pretext of "preventing the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government". From 2016 to 2019, the confirmed war-related civilian deaths amounted to 33,584 in Syria, and the number of Syrian civilians directly killed by the airstrikes reached 3,833, with half of them being women and children. The website of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) reported on November 9, 2018, that the so-called "most accurate air strike in history" launched by the United States on Raqqa killed 1,600 civilians. According to a survey conducted by the World Food Programme (WFP) in April 2020, about one-third of Syrians were faced with a food shortage crisis, and 87 percent of Syrians had no deposits in their accounts. Doctors of the World (Médecins du Monde/MdM) estimated that since the beginning of the Syrian War, about 15,000 Syrian doctors (about half of the country's total) had fled the country, 6.5 million Syrian people had run away from their homes, and about five million Syrian people had wandered homeless around the world.
Apart from being directly involved in wars, the United States has intervened directly or indirectly in other countries' affairs by supporting proxy wars, inciting anti-government insurgencies, carrying out assassinations, providing weapons and ammunition, and training anti-government armed forces, which have caused serious harm to the social stability and public security of the relevant countries. As such activities are great in number and most of them have not been made public, it is hard to collect specific data regarding them.
2. The Disastrous Consequences of Foreign Wars Launched by the United States
Since the end of World War II, almost every US president has waged or intervened in foreign wars during their terms of office. The pretexts they used include: stopping the spread of communism, maintaining justice, stopping aggression, humanitarian intervention, combating terrorism, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), protecting the safety of overseas US citizens, etc. Among all these foreign wars, only one was waged as a counterattack in response to a direct terrorist attack on the United States; the others were waged in a situation where the vital interests of the United States were not directly affected. Unfortunately, even this singular "justifiable counterattack" was obviously an excessive display of defense. Under the banner of eliminating the threat of al-Qaeda, the US military wantonly expanded the scope of the attack in the anti-terrorism war in accordance with the principle "better to kill by mistake than to miss out by accident", resulting in a large number of civilian causalities in the war-affected areas, and despite using the relatively accurate drone strikes, the US military still did not succeed in reducing and mitigating the causalities of the innocent local people.
As for the procedures followed by the United States to start aggressive wars against foreign countries, some were "legitimate procedures" that the United States managed to obtain by manipulating the UN into authorizing them through the Security Council; more often, the United States just set the Security Council aside and neglected the opposition of other countries, and even the opposition of its own allies, when willfully and arbitrarily launching an attack on an independent country. Some US foreign wars were initiated without the approval of the US Congress, which has the sole power to declare war for the country.
US foreign wars have triggered various regional and international crises.
First of all, these wars have directly led to humanitarian disasters in the war-affected countries, such as personnel casualties, damage to facilities, production stagnation, and especially unnecessary civilian casualties. In the war-affected areas, people died in their homes, markets, and streets, they were killed by bombs, bullets, improvised explosive devices, and drones, and they lost their lives during airstrikes launched by US forces, raids launched by their government forces, terrorist and extremist massacres, and domestic riots. In November 2018, Brown University released a research study that showed that the number of civilian deaths during the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen were 43,074; 23,924; 184,382 to 207,156; 49,591; and 12,000 respectively, the number of journalists and media personnel who died at their posts during these wars, were 67; 8; 277; 75; and 31 respectively, and the number of humanitarian relief workers who were killed at their posts during these wars were 424; 97; 63; 185; and 38 respectively. Such casualties are often understated by the US government. The Intercept website reported on November 19, 2018, that the actual civilian deaths in Iraq were far higher than the number officially released by the US military.
Second, US foreign wars brought about a series of complex social problems, such as refugee waves, social unrest, ecological crises, psychological traumas, etc. Statistics show that each of the several recent US foreign wars created a larger number of refugees, such as the 11 million Afghan refugees, the 380,000 Pakistani refugees, the 3.25 million Iraqi refugees, and the 12.59 million Syrian refugees; these refugees have been forced to flee from their homes, of which 1.3 million Afghan refugees have fled to Pakistan, 900,000 Afghan refugees arrived in Iran, 3.5 million Iraqi and Syrian refugees fled to Turkey, and one million Iraqi and Syrian refugees fled to Iran. In Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, the deaths and injuries caused by the lack of medical treatment, malnutrition, and environmental pollution have exceeded the casualties directly caused by the wars, with the former number being four times greater than the latter. The uranium content per kilogram of soil in Basra, Iraq, rose sharply from less than 70 becquerels before 1991 to 10,000 becquerels in 2009, and the number was as high as 36,205 becquerels in the areas polluted by war remnants. The website of the British newspaper The Guardian reported on August 22, 2016, that 30 percent of the babies born in Iraq in 2010 were born with some form of congenital anomaly, while this figure is around two to four percent under normal circumstances.
Third, US foreign wars have often produced spillover effects, causing harm to the countries that were not involved in the wars. For example, in the Vietnam War, the US military spread the fighting to neighboring countries such as Cambodia and Laos on the excuse of blocking the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" (a military supply route running from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia to South Vietnam), resulting in more than 500,000 unnecessary civilian casualties and leaving a large number of war remnants in those countries, which are still explosive. When attacking terrorists in the Afghanistan War, the US aircraft and drones often dropped bombs on neighboring Pakistani villages, and even on wedding cars and Pakistani border guard soldiers. In an airstrike on Yugoslavia, the US forces even targeted the Chinese embassy, leading to the deaths of three Chinese journalists and the injuries of a dozen embassy personnel.
Last but not least, even the United States itself has fallen victim to the foreign wars it has started. According to statistics from the US Department of Veterans Affairs, there were 103,284 US soldiers who suffered physical injuries during the Korean War, and the number reached 153,303 for the Vietnam War. Between 2001 and 2005, about one-third of the 103,788 veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were diagnosed with mental or psychological illness, and 56 percent of those diagnosed had more than one disease. A study by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which works exclusively for the United States Congress, pointed out that more than 6,000 veterans committed suicide every year from 2008 to 2016. The amount of economic compensation offered by the US military to the Korean War veterans reaches 2.8 billion US dollars per year, and the amount given to the Vietnam War veterans and their families is more than 22 billion US dollars per year. The cost of medical and disability care for the Afghanistan War veterans has exceeded 170 billion US dollars. Business Insider, a US business and technology news website, reported in December 2019 that the Afghanistan war has led to the deaths of more than 3,800 US contractors, and this number far exceeds the relevant statistical result released by the US government and even the US military deaths in Afghanistan.
3. The Major Cause of the Above-Mentioned Humanitarian Crises: The United States' Hegemonic Mentality
When reviewing the many aggressive wars launched by the United States, it can be seen that many of these military actions have led to humanitarian crises. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other countries where wars are still ongoing, accidental bombings and injuries still frequently occur, and refugees have nowhere to stay. The infrastructure of these countries is crippled, and their national production is stagnant. The United States launched these foreign wars under the pretext of "humanitarian intervention" or "human rights overriding sovereignty", but why did these wars fought for humanitarian purposes turn into humanitarian disasters in the end?
In April 2011, the US-based magazine Foreign Policy summarized five reasons for the frequent foreign wars waged by the United States, such as the military advantages of the United States making it hard to resist the temptation to resort to force, and the checks and balances mechanism within the United States failing to play an effective role, while excluding any reason related to the values of the United States. "To safeguard human rights" was not a clear driving force for US foreign wars and that waging foreign wars was only a means to an end, although such an act did not exclude a sense of morality. The United States may feel an impulse to start a foreign war as long as it is considered necessary, believed to be in its own favor, and within its ability, while a sense of morality is not a sufficient or necessary condition to initiate such a war; and as for the terrible humanitarian disasters caused by these foreign wars, they will be borne by others instead of directly harming US citizens and preventing the United States from reaching its goals. Choosing to use force irrespective of the consequences reveals the hegemonic aspirations of the United States, which propel the United States to prioritize itself, demonstrate its "winner-take-all" mentality, and expose its unilateralist ideas of dominating the world and wantonly doing injustice to other countries.
US politicians claim that they respect "universal values", but do they agree that their own natural human rights are also natural for other people in the world?
The United States has formulated laws to ensure equality among all its ethnic groups within the country, but does it really believe that people of other countries should enjoy the same rights? Or, does it think that it can act wantonly in foreign countries just because the people there do not have a vote in US elections?
The United States believes that terrorist attacks targeting civilians within its territory are despicable and punishable, then what makes it accept that the incidents created by the US military in other countries, which have led to a large number of civilian deaths and injuries, are acceptable and even "necessary"?
When they adopt the principle "better to kill by mistake than to miss out by accident", when they arbitrarily use radioactive weapons and destroy all vegetation with toxic reagents, and when they open fire before clearly identifying the targets, do the US forces still respect the "natural" human rights treasured by the values of the United States?
The civilians who were unable to flee their war-affected areas and were treated as terrorists and shot at randomly did not have any human rights. The children who have been disabled at birth by the chemical weapons of the US forces and will suffer for the rest of their lives do not have any human rights. The refugees who have been forced to flee their homes and become homeless in other countries because of the US foreign wars do not have any human rights.
In the final analysis, the mindset of solving disputes by taking unilateral military actions is questionable. Given the inherent antagonism between humanitarianism and hegemony, it is ridiculous to expect a hegemonic country to defend the human rights of other countries. International disputes shall be settled through equal consultations within the framework of the United Nations. Coordinated efforts shall be actualized by regulating and improving international mechanisms and by establishing a community with a shared future for mankind. Only by discarding the hegemonic thinking, which is chiefly motivated by self-interest, can we prevent "humanitarian intervention" from becoming humanitarian disasters. Only in this way can we achieve mutual benefits and win-win results and can all the people across the globe truly enjoy natural human rights.
1. List of Civilian Casualties, Refugees, and Economic Losses Caused by Major Wars of Aggression Waged by the United States after the End of World War II
The Korean War: about 3 million civilian deaths and 3 million refugees;
The Vietnam War: about 2 million civilian deaths, 3 million refugees, and 3 million victims of defoliants;
The Airstrike on Libya: about 700 military and civilian deaths;
Invasion of Panama: about 302 civilian deaths and 3,000 civilian injuries;
The Armed Intervention in Somalia: about 200 civilian deaths and 300 civilian injuries;
The Gulf War: about 120,000 war-related civilian deaths and 2 million sanction-related civilian deaths, and economic losses amounting to 600 billion US dollars;
The Kosovo War: more than 2,000 deaths and 6,000 injuries, and economic losses amounting to 200 billion US dollars;
The Afghanistan War: more than 30,000 civilian deaths, 70,000 civilian injuries, and 11 million refugees;
The Iraq War: about 200,000–250,000 civilian deaths and 3.25 million refugees;
The Syrian War: more than 40,000 civilian deaths and 12.59 million refugees.
 2. List of Wars of Aggression Waged by the United States and the US Interventions in Foreign Countries after the End of World War II
1947–1949: intervening in the Greek civil war
1947–1970: intervening in Italy's elections and supporting anti-communism activities
1948: supporting the anti-government forces in Costa Rica's civil war
1949–1953: supporting anti-communism activities in Albania
1949: intervening in the government change in Syria
1950–1953: waging the Korean War
1952: intervening in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952
1953: supporting a coup in Iran to overthrow the then Iranian government
1954: supporting the change of the then Guatemalan government
1956–1957: plotting a coup in Syria
1957–1959: supporting a coup in Indonesia
1958: creating a crisis in Lebanon
1960–1961: supporting a coup in the Congo
1960: stopping the government of Laos from starting a reform
1961: supporting the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba
1961–1975: supporting civil war and opium trade in Laos
1961–1964: supporting anti-government activities in Brazil
1963: supporting civil strife in Iraq
1963: supporting riots in Ecuador
1963–1975: fighting the Vietnam War
1964: intervening in the Simba rebellion in the Congo
1965–1966: intervening in Dominica's civil war
1965–1967: supporting the Indonesian military government’s massacre of communists
1966: supporting an insurgency in Ghana
1966–1969: creating conflicts in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which is a region on the Korean peninsula that demarcates North Korea from South Korea
1966–1967: supporting an insurgency in Bolivia
1967: intervening in the change of the Greek government
1967–1975: intervening in Cambodia's civil war
1970: intervening in Oman's domestic affairs
1970–1973: supporting a military coup in Chile
1970–1973: supporting a coup in Cambodia
1971: supporting a coup in Bolivia
1972–1975: offering assistance to anti-government forces in Iraq
1976: supporting a coup in Argentina
1976–1992: intervening in Angola's domestic affairs
1977–1988: supporting a coup in Pakistan
1979–1993: supporting anti-government forces in Cambodia
1979–1989: intervening in the war in Afghanistan
1980–1989: financing the anti-government Solidarity trade union in Poland
1980–1992: intervening in El Salvador's civil war
1981: confronting Libya in Gulf of Sidra
1981–1982: pushing the change of the then Chadian government
1982–1984: participating in a multilateral intervention in Lebanon
1982–1989: supporting anti-government forces in Nicaragua
1983: invading Grenada
1986: invading Gulf of Sidra, Libya
1986: bombing Libya
1988: shooting down an Iranian airliner
1988: sending troops to Honduras
1989: confronting Libya in Tobruk
1989: intervening in the Philippines' domestic affairs
1989–1990: invading Panama
1990–1991: waging the Gulf War
1991: intervening in Haiti's elections
1991–2003: leading the enforcement action to establish a no-fly zone in Iraq
1992–1995: intervening in Somalia's civil war for the first time
1992–1995: intervening in the Bosnian War
1994–1995: sending troops to Haiti
1996: supporting a coup in Iraq
1997: sending troops to Albania
1997: sending troops to Sierra Leone
1998–1999: waging the Kosovo War
1998: launching cruise missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan
1998–1999: sending troops to Kenya and Tanzania
2001–present: waging the Afghanistan War
2002: sending troops to Côte d'Ivoire
2003–2011: waging the Iraq War
2004–now: inciting wars between Pakistan and Afghanistan in their contiguous areas
2006–2007: supporting Fatah, a Palestinian political and military organization, in overthrowing the elected government of Hamas
2007–present: intervening in Somalia's civil war for the second time
2009: supporting a coup in Honduras
2011: supporting anti-government forces in Libya
2011–2017: carrying out military operations in Uganda
2014–present: leading the intervention actions in Iraq
2014–present: leading the intervention actions in Syria
2015–now: supporting Saudi Arabia's participation in Yemen's civil war
2019: supporting the change of the Venezuelan government
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