ask-alhazred · 5 years
Reblog If You Are An Ex-Muslim Ally!!
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ask-alhazred · 5 years
Conservative religious beliefs are one of the greatest threats to humanity and the planet as we know it.
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ask-alhazred · 5 years
You guys do know Brunei not the first country to actively murder homosexuals and make homosexuality illegal (as well as being bisexual and transgender), like, there’s others that do this too. But they’re in good with the UN and America. Saudi Arabia and UAE to name a few. At least. Those are the ‘rich’ ones.
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ask-alhazred · 5 years
10. Christians and non-believers will defend you and condemn your old church and even go as to far as to prosecute members of your old church if they sexually assaulted you.
11. If you were forced into an arranged marriage (JW, Mormons, ect) other Christians will often help rescue you, there are well known organizations that will help you and you won’t be murdered for it and it won’t be ignored by the left if a threat is made against you.
White Ex-Christian Privilege
Note: This list mostly details how white ex-Christians are treated in contrast with that of ex-Muslims in general.
1. There are not entire countries calling for my death for leaving my former religion.
2. I am unlikely to be killed by my own family for leaving my former religion.
3. I can count on most progressive groups to support me in leaving my former religion.
4. The only people who generally take issue with me leaving my former religion are those who are still practitioners of my former religion.
5. I can share my personal story of how I was abused in the name of my former religion without being called a “native informant” or told that I’m contributing to hatred towards practitioners of my former religion.
6. It’s easier for me to remain in the closet of leaving my former religion.
7. People not of my former religion don’t just assume that I’m still of my former religion just because of my name.
8. I don’t endure the double whammy of facing prejudice both from the outside community who assume that I’m still of my former religion *and* prejudice from the inside community who resent that I left their religion.
9. On the slim chance that I would be attacked for being perceived to still be of my former religion, I would not be victim blamed by so-called “progressives” for daring of speak of the pitfalls of my religious background.
Feel free to add on.
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ask-alhazred · 6 years
I know Paw Patrol is horrible and promotes Authoritarianism. But why hasn’t anyone gone after Duct Tales’ re-boot. Scrooge McDuck is literally part of the 1%.
Lets not even get into the authoritarianism of Darkwing Duck and the SWAT Kats. Hmm?
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