ask-ariacewingate · 3 months
i just wanted know few stuff about the crystal dragon. even if you dont have time to draw something, i just want know his story and why Arice is so worry about him.
There is a lot just a heads up. It is a combined story between 2 other blogs) it might get confusing just because there is so much even between but this is the base of most of it.
If you don’t want SPOILERS, DO NOT READ( lately been to busy so I thought this would help answer questions)
Midnight frost was hunted down for attempted murder on the queen. He is a self made alicorn with dark magic. Emeris and ariace fought frost with a small group of soldiers, during the last of the fight melody (arias’s sister) was killed and frost became imprisoned.
Emeris lost himself after melody’s death and wanted to find a way to protect everyone no matter the cost. He went to some ruins filled with death and took a gem from the grave of an alicorn to use in creating a power for himself (a horn to make him an alicorn)
He then used this new power to fight a beast of stars that was said to grant its victor his strength, no matter how much ariace tried to warn him Emeris ignored his pleadings and left.
Emeris close to death was able to finish the beast but as the Smokey stars started to fill his body it became apparent that even though the beast didn’t finish him this cloud of starry death would. Ariace came to his friend about to die and couldnt think of anything other than to brake his false horn. In doing so the horn shards shot in all directions, a good chunk into ariace’s forehead.
Lotus found the two on the cliff side and took them back to her cottage to let them rest and heal. While the starry texture started to fade Emeris’s lower half seemed to remain somewhat permanent. Both Emeris and ariace have shards in their foreheads so they have a bit of magic they can use.
The gem that Emeris had taken was one that frost tried getting a hold of before but was interrupted. Frost had left his spell winter sole in the gem before everything went down (something he uses to control the brain/will of creatures and ponies)
Once frost was released he started using it again and right now ariace has an important shard in his head. When winter sole takes effect stones start to grow on the host and they lose control over themselves at times.
Frosts main purpose is to make everyone equals. As in if you are a unicorn, you won’t be for much longer
“Celestial thrones and arcane powers serve only to divide. True harmony lies in the strength of every pony. I will strip away false distinctions and forge a future where all walk the same ground, united in purpose and equality.”
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ask-ariacewingate · 3 months
Help me
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What’s going on here?
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
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Ariace: I tried! I tried so hard to get to her!! .... but by the time I got through it was to late.
I was her brother.... and I couldn’t save her. Who better to feel weak ...then me? There are ways to become stronger, but this solution you have is “wrong”...
Don’t let melody’s sacrifice be for your corruption
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
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Ariace: I have to know... because if it’s who I think it is... he is not my brother, but a murderer. And if he’s out. There will be hell to pay
*makes Ariace turn on himself to observe him from all angles* Besides your horn, don't you have any new stone or strange black scale growing elsewhere on your body?
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Ariace: what’s goin on?
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
*makes Ariace turn on himself to observe him from all angles* Besides your horn, don't you have any new stone or strange black scale growing elsewhere on your body?
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Ariace: what’s goin on?
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
Ariase, do you have a big brother by any chance?
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
...Ariace you are a unicorn now. its normal ?
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@princeofdreamsworld @sphealfighter @redventure
Ariace: there was only one other I knew with a horn like this... but hes gone now.
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
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Death of The King
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
So good!!! I love seeing these holy cow XD amazing work!
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Nothing to say. He is cool
Ariace : @ask-ariacewingate
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
We talking about protecting someone important? Yeah brother I can feel you on that one. Wonna split this bottle of (arguably horrible tasting) spirits with me? It usually greases the hinges a 'lil.
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No ones ever joined me for a drink. I suppose ponies think I have a drinking problem... I didn’t always drink you know
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
Why don't you ask the pony you like?
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Ariace: it’s always easier said than done T^T and now I just feel like a mess.. you know.. not like myself honestly
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
M!A Your horn is back/healed
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Ariace:... I never had a horn.....
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
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Ariace: oh crap... I think it’s messing with my head
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For @thelunararmy OMG he looks so damn cute!!!
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ask-ariacewingate · 4 years
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For @thelunararmy OMG he looks so damn cute!!!
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ask-ariacewingate · 5 years
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Ariace: A ball?.....wow quite nice to see there’s lots to do in ponyville... idk who’s been asked yet though
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ask-ariacewingate · 5 years
Are there many things you want to forget?
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Ariace: but yes, there’s always something I wish to forget.
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ask-ariacewingate · 5 years
*taps the ice* Why is he trapped in there though? I want to know his secrets!
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((Yes romancedy.. he is finally free. Lol
Sorry for the other questions he couldn’t respond to anyone other than his shadows but!!... he can respond now but any questions asked you will be drawn as a shadow pony if in the image))
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