ask-arsene · 3 years
A formal goodbye
Hello, everyone. Rather than let this blog sit in uncertain silence, I think it well to say good night once and for all.
The romances of the Persona series have, for me, mostly passed, and while Arsène Lupin remains in my heart and on my shelves, he has become a quiet and casual indulgence that simply cannot be adapted to the public. It is a difficult thing to find honest Lupinians, and while this has been a wonderful gathering ground for such persons, I no longer have it in me to turn this blog around.
For the numerous false starts, I humbly apologize, and I pray everyone gets through this phase of the world in good health and character.
If you are perhaps wanting recommendations or a conversation partner with regards to Lupin, the inbox will stay open. As to Persona, I have no doubt the sea is very big.
PS: I am holding a number of Arsène-related urls. If you wish to have one and suspect I am holding it, just leave a message.
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ask-arsene · 4 years
The Mark of Zorro, and life otherwise
Dearest friends, hullo! Have you been enjoying the month of April so far? What a strange state we live in now!
We have just finished reading The Mark of Zorro, which was a delightful adventure all the way through. it’s an easy and quick read, though difficult to quantify when retrieved digitally. An hour or two a day, and you can complete it in about a week.
That Zorro! What a caballero! He has a purer heart than I, let the record show! I do things for fancy and entertainment, and only occasionally out of the goodness of my heart, but that Zorro! It’s quite a thing to have a glimpse of that culture, in which pride and honor clash regularly with pride and arrogance. Let it be said, however, some of the attitudes are a bit dated... As were some of the adventures I had the honor of partaking in, naturally. And if you’re privy to certain bits of knowledge, it’s actually quite funny to read through.
What’s next? I suppose I owe the Necronomicon a visit... But where to begin? It’s not terribly straightforward. Perhaps The Call of Cthulhu, or History of the Necronomicon.
As to personal matters... Lenoir’s wrist is recovering, but its mobility is not all there. The healing may be somewhat hampered because of his new job, which requires great physical activity. The state of things has his mind greatly worried,  and he spends his free time appeasing it on books and Persona 5 Royal. So, no comics or drawings for a bit longer. But I am quite happy to chat with you in the meantime.
Persona 5 Royal? We’ve just been past Futaba’s little bit, though she’s still sleeping on Medjed. Ha ha! The summer has been a trial to cope with. Lenoir feels pressed to rank up Maruki and Kasumi, but our dear wildcard prefers the company of familiar faces such as Ryuji and Ann. Still, isn’t it nice how they upgraded the part-time jobs and the DVD rentals? But why on earth did they take away the news channel from the CRT television?
Are you well? Don’t think too much on the future if you cannot afford to. Sometimes, the present requires your full attention. If you are in a bind, take some time to explore all of your options, and ask around your contacts. There is often a way, no matter how ridiculous it looks.
Now, a Dios! Ha!
Your eternal servant, Arsène Lupin
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ask-arsene · 4 years
Final Stream Announcement
Hullo, everyone! We’ve blown through Kaneshiro’s Palace and need only send the calling card now. That will happen this stream but, due to some circumstances, this will be a no-commentary stream.
With a new full-time opportunity lined up, Lenoir will no longer be able to hold these 3-hour streams at the same time each day, and it’s simply not in good taste to make an announcement every time there is an unscheduled stream. So, we’ll no longer make these announcements after to-day.
However, if you still wish to be privy to stream times, follow us at https://www.twitch.tv/princesernine to get notifications when any stream starts,
OR jump into the Écho de Tokyo Discord to get announcements on the server.
Bear in mind that you’ll only be able to chat in one chatroom unless you’re a patron. Regardless, you will still be able to see finished works (once we resume our drawing duties), and you’ll be privy to fun things like daily tarot readings and bits of picaresque literature.
Even if you’re not a regular at the streams, the PrinceSernine channel updates with clips and highlights whenever there is something of interest. We hope these will provide some experience of P5R when you cannot play it yourself!
Your most grateful servants,
mod Lenoir & Arsène Lupin
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ask-arsene · 4 years
Mon. Lupin, did you know there's a bar named after you?
It has passed through our social circle before, but it did not occur to me until now to investigate. Merci ! Perhaps we’ll meet there one day, eh?
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ask-arsene · 4 years
Hey arsene! Do you have feelings for Carmen. If so. Can I hugs you both? If not can I still hug you both?
Hullo! That depends! Do you want me to be? I have feelings for everyone, most probably!
Regardless, I will welcome a hug. But do be careful with dear Carmen. She’s a thorny one.
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ask-arsene · 4 years
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I had more for this, but I sprained my wrist before it could be completed. Oups !
Hey! I’ve got some news for you.
Our Patreon is open!
In case it wasn’t clear, we ARE making a comeback to this blog. But we do need help to keep it running with quality content.
Paid subscribers at $3 will unlock all future wips and off-blog art content, as well as access to the new Discord server. That’s right, there’s a new Discord server, and it’s completely revamped from the old one! It’s designed especially for delivering content and fun things that will make it a unique community, including daily tarot, bits of literature, and who knows what else. The longer the community exists, the more features will be added.
At $10, you get all of the above as well as direct access to the ask-arsene channel, where you can hold conversations with the character in question. This is limited to 20 slots.
At $0... You can still come in, but you have to verify yourself and you can only chat in one channel. The rest is view-only, and you won’t have access to wips and other extras.
Écho de Tokyo Discord invite!
One more thing...
We are streaming Persona 5 Royal!
Tonight, at 6PM Pacific Time (9PM Eastern), we will begin streaming of Persona 5 Royal. If you’re playing the game too, great! Bon courage! If you’re not, our doors are open to you. No subscriptions necessary!
We’ll be streaming daily at the same time, and reminders will be on the regular.
Ah, the blog!... Well, I did sprain my wrist... Rather embarrassed about that... But once I’m all better, we’ll be back to actually answering asks. Promise.
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ask-arsene · 4 years
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one | two | three | four
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ask-arsene · 5 years
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one | two | three
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ask-arsene · 5 years
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one | two | three
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ask-arsene · 5 years
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ask-arsene · 5 years
Life update
Much has transpired in the past couple of months. The necessities of life, failure, self-discovery, resolutions, and duties hound me at every waking hour. It is an endless battle with the demons of the self and society.
Still, I persevere.
Picaro Redux will move forward, and we will be there. As I grapple with its designs and the obstacles of my own new and daily life, this blog will gather dust. It is my every intention and desire to return now and again to bring Arsene back to you. We still receive your asks. We still contemplate them.
If any of you are unaware, Patreon will be charging new accounts a higher fee to have the same benefits as old accounts. These changes take place very soon. Launch your Patreons by May 6, 11:59PM Pacific to bypass these changes.
That said, ask-arsene now has a Patreon. We do not announce this with any fanfare; that time will come when it is well-deserved. If we see a surprisingly good reception, our efforts will return to the blog without delay.
If Patreon is not your speed, Ko-fi is still available.
We will attempt content within the week.
Much love, mod.
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ask-arsene · 5 years
Friends--we will be living here for some time. Once we regain some momentum, we will post again on ask-arsene and fix up the blog’s theme.
Picaro Redux is an original scenario which takes place 5 years after the events of Persona 5. It has been meticulously crafted for our potential players, who will have an expansive world to interact with as they are pulled along the next journey to ruin.
We will require the best of the best. Come forward to unravel the mysteries of humanity’s secret sin, or watch the newest Phantom Thieves do it for you. We open in just a few weeks. Have your applications ready.
mod & Arsène L͘u̶pin̶
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Picaro Redux…
is an upcoming literate roleplay group hosted on Discord for the game Persona 5. We strive to create a compelling campaign centered around characters of your own creation, where player decisions dictate the outcome of the plot. We hope to see you there!
{Home} || {Rules} || {Premise} || {Ask} || {FAQ}
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ask-arsene · 5 years
Picaro Redux…
is an upcoming literate roleplay group hosted on Discord for the game Persona 5. We strive to create a compelling campaign centered around characters of your own creation, where player decisions dictate the outcome of the plot. We hope to see you there!
{Home} || {Rules} || {Premise} || {Ask} || {FAQ}
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ask-arsene · 5 years
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Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves?
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ask-arsene · 5 years
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Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves?
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ask-arsene · 5 years
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Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves?
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ask-arsene · 6 years
Theme Update
After much fussing, the blog’s theme has been updated again. It may see some tweaking (the ask typeface is still a little ugly) and if any functionality is problematic, we will fix it. Please let us know if there are any issues with it!
Your humble servant,
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