ask-candyland-hetalia · 2 months
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2P Nyo Spain
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 4 months
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Princess Isabel of Bubblegum
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 4 months
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Alice in a rare moment when her hair is down
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 5 months
Two Royalty
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 10 months
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 10 months
October 31: Halloween party • ritual • body horror
Character(s): Norway (Lukas Bakke), Nyo Denmark (Matilde Winther Bakke), Denmark (Matthias Winther)
Matilde smiled. This would be her first time celebrating in a different kingdom. She had married into the Vanilla royal family, through their king Lukas becoming her husband. Blue eyes look at the other blond and she smiled more. He let her throw a Halloween party here in the castle. They've also dressed up in costumes. Matilde is dressed as a cat while Lukas is dressed as a matryoshka doll. One could thank Matilde for him dressing up as such.
"The things I do for you," Lukas said and looked at his wife. "You love me," Matilde said. A kiss was pressed to Matilde's cheek. "I do. Let's go greet our guests." Matilde nodded. She took Lukas' hand and went with him to the entrance hall.
"Your highness," a familiar voice said. Blue eyes of Matilde light up when she heard it. "Matthias," she exclaimed with a smile. He smiled when she ran up to him and hugged him. "Hey, how's my little sister doing?" He asked and hugged her. "I'm doing great," Matilde said. "You here for the party?" Matthias nodded. "Yeah."
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
Take Me to The Grave
October 30 Prompt: graveyard • magic spells • bloodthirsty
Character(s): Romano (Lorenzo Vargas), Veneziano (Feliciano Vargas)
Lorenzo looked around. Something was going on and he knew it. Even if no one told him what it was exactly. No one seemed to be watching him. Good. He made his way to the cemetery. Hazel eyes look at the headstone sitting in front of him. It held the name of his father, Matteo. His nonno’s oldest child. Next to Matteo’s headstone is his mother’s. While Lorenzo may not have had the best relationship with his grandfather, at least he had a better one with his parents. Before they passed away, that is.
“Where were you?” Feliciano asked when Lorenzo returned. “Nowhere you needed to know,” Lorenzo responded. Feliciano backed up a bit. "Ok, ok. You're so touchy around this time of year." "I have my reasons," Lorenzo said. "Get off my ass."
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
October 29 Prompt: urban legends • nightmare • horror movies
Character(s): Netherlands (Tim Peeters), Belgium (Laura Peeters Zwingli)
Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold
Laura smiled at the baby in her arms. It’s been months since her daughter Louise was born. And she happens to be the crown princess, seeing as her parents happen to be the reigning king and queen of the Chocolate kingdom. Louise seemed happy drinking from her bottle.
“How’s Louise doing?” A familiar male voice said. “She’s doing fine,” Laura responded and looked up at her older brother. Tim Peeters. Nobleman who runs the flower shop near the castle and older brother to the queen. “And so am I,” Laura said. “Good,” Tim said. Louise cooed at Tim when she finished her bottle. Laura then burped her and stood up. “Ready for our day out?” Tim asked. “Yeah, just let me give Louise to Vash first,” Laura said. Tim nodded and followed her to where her husband is. Once Laura had been passed to her father, Laura and Tim made their way out of the castle and into the city.
At some point along the way, something caught Laura’s attention. A black figure that soon disappeared out of sight.
“I thought I saw something,” Laura said. “It looked like a hellhound.” Tim raised an eyebrow. “A hell hound?” “Yes,” Laura said. “You know, black dog with red eyes.” “They’re just legends,” Tim said. “They’re not real.” Little did he know, there was a paw print on the back of his coat. Somewhere behind him, in the woods, there seemed to be a black hound with red eyes.
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
October 28 Prompt: vampires • ocean • biggest fear
Character(s): South Korea (Yong Soo Kwan/Kwan Yong Soo), 2P South Korea (Do-Yun Kwan/Kwan Do-Yun)
15 years ago
5-year-old Yong Soo held tightly to Do-Yun’s arm. This is the second time so far that he’s woken up from a nightmare. Neither of their parents would comfort him whenever it happened, so that left his siblings. Mainly Do-Yun, seeing as they’re twins.
“Yong Soo,” Do-Yun said in a tired voice. “Did you have another nightmare?” Yong Soo didn’t say anything at first. “Yes,” he said after a moment. “What was it about?” Do-Yun asked and looked at his brother. Another moment of silence from Yong Soo. “A humanoid creature.” “Alright,” Do-Yun said. “You can draw it in the morning. Go back to bed.” An arm was placed around the older boy.
20-year-old Yong Soo looked at the drawing he’d made as a child of a humanoid creature. Woman in a white underdress with long black hair and her face is decaying. Why did he keep this drawing? He had no idea. Ever since he was a child, he’d been having nightmares of this at least once a month. A soft sound escaped Yong Soo as he headed out of the house.
“Yong Soo,” a familiar voice said. Turning around, he saw it’s none other than his twin brother. “Do-Yun.” A forced smile made its way across the older male’s face. “Cut the crap,” Do-Yun said. “I know you’re still having nightmares.” Yong Soo’s smile fell. “What if I am?” He asked. “It’s not going to go away unless you deal with it,” Do-Yun answered. “How do I do that?” Yong Soo asked. “Confront it in person,” was the response from his brother.
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
October 27 Prompt: ghost hunting • autumn • blood stains
Character(s): Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt), France (Francis Dumas)
Gilbert knew what he was getting into when he brought Francis along with him. If either one was in the Bubblegum kingdom, they may have been able to pull Antonio into this, but seeing as they aren’t they can’t. They’re in the Toffee Kingdom.
“Come on, Francis,” Gilbert said. “You’re going too slow!” “I’m coming, hold on,” Francis said. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” “Of course.” A bright smile crossed the albino’s face. “This mansion was abandoned by my family centuries ago because something was haunting the place.”
Purple eyes of Francis look at the items Gilbert had brought when they were inside the mansion and in one of the upstairs rooms. Despite the white haired male being half related to the royal family, that didn’t mean that Gilbert or his immediate siblings were in line for the throne. Hence why Gilbert picked up a spirit box. This is one way ghosts are able talk to the living.
“Do you want to ask first?” Gilbert asked. Francis nodded. “Sure.” The spirit box was turned on. “Who are we talking to?” Francis asked. The duo waited for a response. “Who-” Francis started to say. “Wodan,” came out of the spirit box in a distinct male voice. Red and purple eyes look at each other.
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
Sweet Treats
October 26 Prompt: sweets & candy • demons • witching hour
Character(s): 2P Denmark/1P Finland (Mikkel Winther/Timo Pöllönen), Vantaa oc (Ilona Winther-Pöllönen)
Mikkel smiled, leaning against Timo. A soft smile crossed the other’s face as he kissed his husband’s cheek. They're currently sitting on the couch by the fireplace with their daughter nearby. Ilona looked up at her parents as she ate her candy. A soft smile crossed Mikkel's face. He ruffled her hair. Ilona giggled and smiled.
"I'll be right back," Timo said and got up, walking out of the room. "Alright," Mikkel said. "You love isä, right?" Ilona asked. "Why wouldn't I?" Mikkel asked. A hum from Ilona. "I can tell. You look at him the same way he looks at you." "I-" Mikkel didn't say anything else. Instead, he blushed. When Timo came back, he was holding something. "Mikkel, I got you something," he said with a hint of sweetness in his voice. Purple eyes look at the shorter male to see he's holding a plate of cookies. "Those are for me?" Mikkel asked. "Yes, they are," Timo said and set the plate in front of Mikkel.
Smiling, Mikkel started eating the cookies. Timo smiled and watched his husband, a loving look on his face.
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
Fairy Tale
October 25 Prompt: fairy tales • found footage • underworld
Character(s): Romano (Lorenzo Esposito), Veneziano (Feliciano Esposito), Seborga (Romeo Esposito)
Lorenzo had told many fairy tales to his brothers when they were younger. It had always gotten the two to sleep. The reason he'd been the one to tell the stories instead of their grandfather was because he'd been busy with work related stuff or parties the kids weren't invited to.
"Lorenzo, Lorenzo," a higher pitched voice said. "What is it Feli?" Lorenzo asked and looked at his younger brother. "Can you tell us a fairytale?" Feliciano asked. Wait, when did Romeo get there? "We're adults, I'm not going to tell you two a fairytale," Lorenzo said. Both Feliciano and Romeo's faces fell. "You used to tell us stories when we were kids," Romeo said. "In case you hadn't noticed, we aren't kids anymore," Lorenzo said. "You're no fun anymore, big brother," Feli said.
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
Abandoned Building
October 24 Prompt: witchcraft • haunted • in the mirror
Character(s): Poland (Feliks Łukasiewicz), England (Arthur Kirkland)
Feliks had heard rumors of there being a haunted building. Did he want to go? Not alone. Since Tolys is busy with his own thing, Feliks found another to go with. Arthur, of all people. Why is it always Arthur being dragged to these places? First the forest with Vasile and Lukas, now here?
"Are you sure you won't run this time?" Arthur asked. Feliks snorted. "Of course not." Arthur raised an eyebrow. He says that now, but he's going to see what happens later. Nonetheless, he looked up at the building to see that it's an abandoned mansion. "Ready to go in?" "Of course I am," Feliks said. “I’ll stay downstairs.” “No you aren’t,” Arthur said. “Just to make sure you don’t leave, you’re going upstairs.” “What? That’s not fair!” Feliks said. “Upstairs. Now,” Arthur said. Feliks glared at Arthur, but walked into the building and headed up. Arthur rolled his eyes and headed into the mansion.
Feliks looked around the area. So far nothing out of the ordinary. Unless you found the outdated sewing machine. For a while, he just stared at the old object, wondering how exactly it could be used. Didn’t seem to notice something creeping up behind him. Not until Arthur came by to put a salt circle around whatever it was that had approached him.
“What’s going on?” He asked the other green-eyed blond. “The rumors were right,” Arthur said. “This thing was trying to get one of us, but not it can’t because of the salt circle.”
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
Treats Please
October 23 Prompt: trick or treat • werewolves • cosmic horror
Characters Romania (Vasile Lupei), Moldova (Aurel Lupei), Bulgaria (Teodor Dimitrov)
Aurel smiled brightly. Vasile said he'd take him trick or treating. If he were lucky, even Teodor would be coming along. Teodor is his brother-in-law, aka Vasile's husband.
"Aurel, are you ready?" Vasile asked. "Coming," Aurel said and headed to where Vasile is. Before trick or treating, there's a party going on at his school and the students could all wear their costumes. Their guardians are allowed to come to the party as well. This year, Aurel decided to dress up as a vampire. "Is Teo busy at work?" he asked on the way to school. "He is," Vasile replied. "But he'll be back in time to go trick or treating with us." "Ok!" Aurel said.
Teodor walked into the door and smiled a bit. Almost immediately, a brunet boy ran up to hug his legs. Smiling more, Teodor hugged the boy in return.
"Ready to go trick or treating?" He asked. "Yeah!" Aurel said. Vasile soon joined the two and gave Teodor a kiss that the other gladly returned. "Hi, sweetheart," Vasile said. "Hi, lovebug," Teodor said. "Aurel's been waiting for you to come home." Green eyes look at the boy in question. "Have you, now?" Aurel nodded. "Yeah!" "Let's get going, then" Teodor said. Aurel's smile brightened and he took hold of Teodor's hand and pulled him back outside. Vasile smiled and followed them with Aurel's candy bag.
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 11 months
Darkness Falls
October 22 Prompt: folklore • cabin in the woods • after dark
Character(s): Romania (Vasile Lupei), Norway (Lukas Bakke), England (Arthur Kirkland), mention of Bulgaria (Teodor Dimitrov) and Nyo Denmark (Matilde Winther Bakke)
Purple eyes of Lukas look at the brown haired nobleman. He couldn’t believe what he’d heard from the other male. He wanted to head out into the woods after the sun went down. And he wanted Arthur to come with them.
“So long as Matilde doesn’t have to worry about us,” Lukas said. “She won’t even have to know about it,” Vasile said. “Teodor doesn’t.” Lukas raised an eyebrow at that. He seriously didn’t tell Teodor? And he wanted Lukas to not bring it up to his own wife? A deep sigh from Lukas. "You really want to do this, huh?" He asked. Vasile nodded. "Yeah, I do."
Green eyes of Arthur look around at the trees. It's been a long time since he's been out here and the fact that he's with his friends made it better. Nothing could scare him now. He looked over when he heard Lukas speak up.
"I can't believe you convinced me to come out here," the king said. Vasile, on the other hand, was smirking. "We are not doing this again," Lukas said. "Whatever you say, your majesty," Vasile said. "If you two didn't already have partners, I'd have thought you two were married with the way you two are acting," Arthur said as he turned to look in front of him. Vasile and Lukas glance between each other and Arthur. Nonetheless, the trio ventured farther into the woods. Lukas' ears twitched when the sound of a branch being broken a ways away from the three broke. "Something's here." Brown and green eyes look around. Now they're all alert.
"You shouldn't have come here," an eerie voice said. Lukas turned to see some sort of creature standing there. Vasile and Arthur look in the direction Lukas is facing... except they don't see anything.
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Vanilla King
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Lukas Bakke, drawn by qnchovy on art fight
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Cha Cha Cha
Timo looked at Mikkel and smiled. He couldn't believe he finally got married to the guy of his dreams. He watched as Mikkel helped his brother Leevi to sit at the table. Mikkel's a sweetheart alright. No one had asked him to help Leevi, he just did it. Wouldn't change anything about him. Except for one thing.
"Hey, Mikkel," Timo said. "Hm?" Mikkel looked at his husband. "How would you feel about adopting a child?" Timo asked. Mikkel's expression lit up. "Really?" Thankfully they've already been married for a while and have also done the deed. "Yeah, we can head to the orphanage after we have lunch," Timo said. Mikkel then smiled brightly and sat down. Timo sat next to him.
"Your highness," the orphanage worker said when they saw Timo and Mikkel walk in. "What can I do for you?" "We're here to adopt," Timo said. "Alright, feel free to let one of us know when you're ready," the worker said. Mikkel looked at the different kids, noticing one seems to be sitting on her own reading. He walked up to the girl. "What are you reading?" Brown eyes look up at him. "A history book," she said. "Oh really? That's interesting," Mikkel said. "What's your name?" "Ilona," the girl said. "Well, Ilona, how would you like to become my daughter?" Mikkel asked. She looked at him with wide eyes. "You mean it?" Mikkel smiled softly and nodded. "Yes."
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