Institutional? Never!
I'm not crazy, don't look at me! They took me away, took me away and put me in a white suit.... it was quite odd that someone was always hugging me, telling me I'd be alright, everything is fine. That made me wonder, who was hugging me, i look up and see..... *gulp* Gloomy..... why do i see someone who i've killed before, its incocievable! My heart almost stopped until I saw something else.. My razor, al the way on the far side of the room, tantalizing, begging for me to grasp it, to feel the cool metal against my warm palm.. I just had to get it. So i got up and tried to get it, then i stopped, my arm pulling against a really heavy object, cutting at my wrist. Thats when I woke up, heartbroken because I could see my perfect, shiny razor, just sitting there as it vanised in a wisp of dream smoke... Now i sit here, with this person still hugging me but too afraid to look up and see Gloomy again, wanting my razor but unable to find it anywhere...... Where? Where could it be? I dont know, but i sure wish i could feel it one, last time. Before i die in Gloo.. this persons arms......
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Demon's are my best friend, ...until they start clawing their way out of your chest!! Then you just want to shoot 'em in the face with a shotgun full of rock salt or what-the-fucks. GRRRRRR!!! >.< IT HURTS SOOOOOOO MUCHH!!!! I NEED VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE ON THE WORLD!!! YOU POOR PITIFUL HUMANS, YOU THINK YOUR SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE AROUND YOU! You know what... BUGS ARE BETTER THAN YOU!!! HUMANS ARE GOOD FOR ONE THING, AND THATS BLEEDING, ask Gloomy, he bled for at least an hour, I cut him so deep. >:3 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA. Okay, evil ranting times over. Back to just evil crazy times :3
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Hello there sir(:
'Ello Love, What You Wantin'?
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*waves her crab like claw*...
'Ello there. Want a shave? Or did you hear of Gloomy..
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Thanks :3 i cant believe your so nice, ....i wish i could be nice, ...............................NOT! I'm a Demon >:3 but still, thanks anyway.
Attention world! I haves a question for you! Is anyone willing to draw a picture of me? I do have sort of an image I’d like, but you can spice it up a bit if you’d like to. So, i have not much to give, except a...
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Alright, I'm going to set the image right here. I need a onceler that looks like Sweeney Todd with his arm holding up an open razor. A razor like the ones in the movie. And if you want, you can put a deceased Gloomy in the background somewhere. M'kay? Do you accept this challenge?
Draw for me please!!
Attention world! I haves a question for you! Is anyone willing to draw a picture of me? I do have sort of an image I’d like, but you can spice it up a bit if you’d like to. So, i have not much to give, except a shave or a gloomy pie. Since I’m no good at drawing, I wouldn’t really critique much, but i really need this, please. If your intrested, just send an ask my way, m’kay?
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Draw for me please!!
Attention world! I haves a question for you! Is anyone willing to draw a picture of me? I do have sort of an image I'd like, but you can spice it up a bit if you'd like to. So, i have not much to give, except a shave or a gloomy pie. Since I'm no good at drawing, I wouldn't really critique much, but i really need this, please. If your intrested, just send an ask my way, m'kay?
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not all of him is gone >:3
Gloom is contagious
Memorial fanfiction of a certain dead Once-ler named ‘Gloom’.
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well come on by tomorrow, and i'll see what i can do for ya :3
ask-crazybarber-once-ler started following you
O-oh, hello there !! 
/ he waves happily at the newcomer, giggling slightly /
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no, tea isn't for me, would you like to stop by for a shave, saaay, ..tomorrow?
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I like you…you’re…delightfully creepy…hehehe….
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are you one who is in need of a  shave perhaps?
ask-crazybarber-once-ler started following you
O-oh, hello there !! 
/ he waves happily at the newcomer, giggling slightly /
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Nothing would make me happier than to join my Gloomy... but that's too good for you. I'll be back.
are you sure? another shave free of charge????
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well, thanks, i dont really try... it comes.. naturally >:3
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I like you…you’re…delightfully creepy…hehehe….
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u sonofa bitch
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Freely flows the blood of those who moralize.... 3
do you moralize?? >:3 sleep tight, and keep your neck covered
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oH MY GoD, NO.
aww, come on, barbers need to earn a living, and psst *whispers* dont worry, i always thought the Missus' pies were quite gross too
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Aaah, ...this work days over, now all i need to do is close up shop, come tommorow and just ask me! for a shave, or a gloomy pie, or maybe a cat pie, if i can get one >:3
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