ask-di-hardy · 4 years
How are you holding up?
I’m here. Sarah and Beez are here, and Adam is here. No one is dead. Or injured.
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
When Sarah kissed his shoulder, Alec leaned over and kissed her head. He glanced to Beez at their comment, but he had no idea how to convince them that they were safe. The only reason he had to believe it was, more or less, because Beezy said they were. He knew his trust in them was not enough for the Lieutenant.  Stopping with a sigh, he squeezed Sarah’s hand again and stepped a little forward so he was facing the both of them. “This isn’t so bad,” he said, trying to keep his voice light, “Almost like a vacation.” @ask-a-ds
Beezy leads @ask-a-ds and @ask-di-hardy through a dense forest. Side by side with the Lieutenant and @prince-of-the-apocalypse.
“So. This is my universe. Well, the one I’m living in now anyway. We’ll shack you up at the base… or you can stay in the treehouse too, if the people there are okay with that.”
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
“I see,” Alec replied, squeezing Sarah’s hand gently, “Thank you, Beezy.” He reached out and put a hand on their shoulder.  “I appreciate you sticking your neck out for us.” Truly, he did. He needed the people he cared about to be safe. At least for a little while. @ask-a-ds
Beezy leads @ask-a-ds and @ask-di-hardy through a dense forest. Side by side with the Lieutenant and @prince-of-the-apocalypse.
“So. This is my universe. Well, the one I’m living in now anyway. We’ll shack you up at the base… or you can stay in the treehouse too, if the people there are okay with that.”
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
I see you've met Izzy's mum
I have no idea who you are talking about.
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Looking around with slightly wide eyes, Alec was still trying to bring himself to terms with the fact he was in another universe. But at least they were safe. He looked to Sarah, Beez, and Adam. He didn’t know what was happening back home, but they wouldn’t be a part of it. “Treehouse?” He questioned Beezy. (( I’m just randomly replying and tagging idfk @ask-a-ds​ ))
Beezy leads @ask-a-ds and @ask-di-hardy through a dense forest. Side by side with the Lieutenant and @prince-of-the-apocalypse.
“So. This is my universe. Well, the one I’m living in now anyway. We’ll shack you up at the base... or you can stay in the treehouse too, if the people there are okay with that.”
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
“What have you been keeping from me?” Alec as incredulously, “I don’t know, maybe the person we have been working our asses off to find is just fucking fine!?”
Lack of Communication
Snarling, Alec turned off his phone and tossed it onto the table. Stalking in a circle through his dinning and living rooms. Frustration, fear, and feeling like a complete idiot writhing through him in a horrible mix coming out in the only way he knew how. Anger. But he regretted what he had said. Quite immediately. But his pride was too much for him to go back. To take it back. @ask-a-ds
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Chest aching, Alec closed his eyes. Squeezing them shut as he continued to calmly rub their back. Holding them tight with his other arm. “You go home,” He said simply, doing so causing him a great deal of pain, “You have to go home. Protect your family.”  He understood, he truly did. Even supported this. But knowing they did not want him going with them hurt. Knowing they would be in danger hurt.
Amidst the panic
((Fuck the timeline))  As quickly as possible, Alec got to his car and headed over to King Beelzebub’s cottage. Not for the first time since meeting this insane group of supernaturals, he wished he could teleport like they did. But he could not. Driving was his fastest means of transportation. Beezy had helped him teleport before–but they seemed rather upset with him. Not that he could blame them. Or just about anyone at the moment.  It was a forty minute drive, which was long. Too long. But he made it. Tires practically screeching to a halt just before he jumped out. Practically running up to the door. There he paused, forcing himself to knock calmly rather than pounding on the door. He doubted that would help Beez if they were having a panic attack. @askbeelzebub
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Frowning deeply, Alec pulled away from her hand. Though he didn’t step away from her entirely. “What’s wrong?” He asked darkly, “Everything is fucked. That’s what’s wrong. I went off on Beez when they didn’t deserve it. You have been keeping things from me, and ignoring me. And now all of this. So tell me, what isn’t wrong?”
Lack of Communication
Snarling, Alec turned off his phone and tossed it onto the table. Stalking in a circle through his dinning and living rooms. Frustration, fear, and feeling like a complete idiot writhing through him in a horrible mix coming out in the only way he knew how. Anger. But he regretted what he had said. Quite immediately. But his pride was too much for him to go back. To take it back. @ask-a-ds
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
“Sorry,” Alec replied, voice biting with bitter sarcasm, “But I have a lot of other things to worry about at the moment. And clearly my concern for Hannah is irrelevant anyway. She seemed the first time with absolutely no actual help from me.”
Lack of Communication
Snarling, Alec turned off his phone and tossed it onto the table. Stalking in a circle through his dinning and living rooms. Frustration, fear, and feeling like a complete idiot writhing through him in a horrible mix coming out in the only way he knew how. Anger. But he regretted what he had said. Quite immediately. But his pride was too much for him to go back. To take it back. @ask-a-ds
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
As they tried to breath, Alec continued rubbing their back gently. Heart breaking for them. Lips resting gently against their head. When they finally spoke, he closed his eyes. Chest tight. “No, no, no, love,” he said quietly, voice rough, “You have nothing to apologize for. I’m sorry, darlin. I’m so sorry.”
Amidst the panic
((Fuck the timeline))  As quickly as possible, Alec got to his car and headed over to King Beelzebub’s cottage. Not for the first time since meeting this insane group of supernaturals, he wished he could teleport like they did. But he could not. Driving was his fastest means of transportation. Beezy had helped him teleport before–but they seemed rather upset with him. Not that he could blame them. Or just about anyone at the moment.  It was a forty minute drive, which was long. Too long. But he made it. Tires practically screeching to a halt just before he jumped out. Practically running up to the door. There he paused, forcing himself to knock calmly rather than pounding on the door. He doubted that would help Beez if they were having a panic attack. @askbeelzebub
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Glad that they had not pushed him away, Alec gently rubbed their back. “Just try to breath,” he said softly, gently pressing their head against his chest, “In.” He breathed, then held it a few seconds. “Out.” He breathed out.  “Do it with me, darlin,” he told them gently. Then continued to breath slowly, rhythmically.
Amidst the panic
((Fuck the timeline))  As quickly as possible, Alec got to his car and headed over to King Beelzebub’s cottage. Not for the first time since meeting this insane group of supernaturals, he wished he could teleport like they did. But he could not. Driving was his fastest means of transportation. Beezy had helped him teleport before–but they seemed rather upset with him. Not that he could blame them. Or just about anyone at the moment.  It was a forty minute drive, which was long. Too long. But he made it. Tires practically screeching to a halt just before he jumped out. Practically running up to the door. There he paused, forcing himself to knock calmly rather than pounding on the door. He doubted that would help Beez if they were having a panic attack. @askbeelzebub
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Seeing them like this hurt. Hurt worse knowing he was the cause. Alec’s eyes burned with it and he swallowed hard. Taking what he knew was a risk, he slowly stood. Then, moving slow enough they could easily stop him at any point, he climbed into the tub as well. Sinking down and pulling them into his arms.
Amidst the panic
((Fuck the timeline))  As quickly as possible, Alec got to his car and headed over to King Beelzebub’s cottage. Not for the first time since meeting this insane group of supernaturals, he wished he could teleport like they did. But he could not. Driving was his fastest means of transportation. Beezy had helped him teleport before–but they seemed rather upset with him. Not that he could blame them. Or just about anyone at the moment.  It was a forty minute drive, which was long. Too long. But he made it. Tires practically screeching to a halt just before he jumped out. Practically running up to the door. There he paused, forcing himself to knock calmly rather than pounding on the door. He doubted that would help Beez if they were having a panic attack. @askbeelzebub
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
After a couple of knocks and no answer, Alec went in. Calling out softly for them. Going room by room until he finally found them. Huddled in the tub. “Beez,” he said softly, coming over to them immediately, kneeling outside of the tub, “I’m so sorry.” His voice cracked a little on that last bit. Guilt for the way he had acted ripping him up.
Amidst the panic
((Fuck the timeline))  As quickly as possible, Alec got to his car and headed over to King Beelzebub’s cottage. Not for the first time since meeting this insane group of supernaturals, he wished he could teleport like they did. But he could not. Driving was his fastest means of transportation. Beezy had helped him teleport before–but they seemed rather upset with him. Not that he could blame them. Or just about anyone at the moment.  It was a forty minute drive, which was long. Too long. But he made it. Tires practically screeching to a halt just before he jumped out. Practically running up to the door. There he paused, forcing himself to knock calmly rather than pounding on the door. He doubted that would help Beez if they were having a panic attack. @askbeelzebub
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Clenching hs jaw, Alec glared down at her. “You are literally surrounded by the most powerful occult forces in existence. I’m sure you can figure out something.”
Lack of Communication
Snarling, Alec turned off his phone and tossed it onto the table. Stalking in a circle through his dinning and living rooms. Frustration, fear, and feeling like a complete idiot writhing through him in a horrible mix coming out in the only way he knew how. Anger. But he regretted what he had said. Quite immediately. But his pride was too much for him to go back. To take it back. @ask-a-ds
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
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Then, right as I was apologizing to Beez, Sarah hopped on talking about Aksel’s livestream offering money for someone to capture Hannah for him ((Scales = Sarah Swords = LG Cop Car = Alec Ballet Shoes = Hannah))
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Wait what happened!? Every just turned intense what happened?!
There was...a thing. On our group chat. I’ll just, I’ll just show you. I’ll make a post with the chat on it, I don’t know how to attach a picture to an answer.
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ask-di-hardy · 4 years
Alec ignored Sarah for a while longer. Until she jumped into the chat where he was talking to Beez. He put down his phone. He had seen the stream of Aksel’s. He internally vowed to kill the man, once and for all. Whether it was legal or not. It was something he had been wanting to do since well before this whole fiasco with Hannah. Now, it was just more determined. But he had so many other problems right now. He lowered his phone. “Hide her in a fucking closet or something,” he growled.
Lack of Communication
Snarling, Alec turned off his phone and tossed it onto the table. Stalking in a circle through his dinning and living rooms. Frustration, fear, and feeling like a complete idiot writhing through him in a horrible mix coming out in the only way he knew how. Anger. But he regretted what he had said. Quite immediately. But his pride was too much for him to go back. To take it back. @ask-a-ds
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