ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
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Hehehe, hhehehe, I must feed then. Become stronger. Now who will be my first meal? Can’t be you, Karasu, you’re too pretty to be eaten alive. 
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I’m coming for youuu~~ but who first? Who deserves it the most? Urameshi, for making my brother betray me? Kurama, for trapping me in that god forsaken tree!? My brain doesn’t work so well…. I think I left a part of it behind. 
I need allies. My time with Sensui taught me one thing; you can’t perform a complicated revenge scheme without support. 
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Ohhhh... Karasu. The pretty one. Well, I won’t turn down the help. Even if it is coming from someone beneath me. I can’t be choosy right now, can I? 
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I’m coming for youuu~~ but who first? Who deserves it the most? Urameshi, for making my brother betray me? Kurama, for trapping me in that god forsaken tree!? My brain doesn’t work so well…. I think I left a part of it behind. 
I need allies. My time with Sensui taught me one thing; you can’t perform a complicated revenge scheme without support. 
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
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I’m coming for youuu~~ but who first? Who deserves it the most? Urameshi, for making my brother betray me? Kurama, for trapping me in that god forsaken tree!? My brain doesn’t work so well.... I think I left a part of it behind. 
I need allies. My time with Sensui taught me one thing; you can’t perform a complicated revenge scheme without support. 
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
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Skeletons of Portland
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
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Mmm yum, who should I eat first? The fox? The detective? The idiot? There’s also that fast one... so many choices, so little time.
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Yo, Pacifier Bitch! Wanna explain to me why I've seen Elder Freakshow and Nightmare Barbie hanging around plotting ways to be evil? Pretty sure they're both supposed to be dead and/or incapacitated. What. The hell. Gives. ---Yusuke
Elder Freakshow? You mean Toguro? He's not dead, just trapped thanks to Kurama, so don't ask me what's happening with him. As for anyone who is supposed to be dead... well, it is October. Halloween's around the corner and the veil between the living and the dead is thin. Maybe someone slipped through?
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
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It’s that time of the yeaaaaaar.     And guess who is out to plaaay? 
Go ahead, mortals, ask me questions. Send me requests. I promise my bites don’t hurt that much.
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
🌹Admin Note
We have started up a new rp chain with the original crew members once more! All blogs involved are:
@ask-grimmwolf (an OC)
There may be more added later.
I look forward to having fun with these blogs again!
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Raizen? Isn’t that the demon freak who refuses to eat humans? Can’t understand him, honestly. I was human and I enjoy the taste! Haha! 
Well, if we eat him, and then that Kuwabara fool that injured me so, and maybe their last little friend, it’ll be enough. We could take the whole team down, one by one!
"Why are people claiming to be married to me? I am not married whatsoever and I don't ever want to get married."
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Well, I’ve said how I can get stronger. I just need a few good meals. The only issue is, how do I eat enough high class demons without falling on the spirit detective’s radar? Or.. oooh, hahahha, haha, what if we got him!? We can’t hope to outsmart the fox, but we could outsmart Urameshi any day. Eat him whole, then use his powers to take down the fox!
"Why are people claiming to be married to me? I am not married whatsoever and I don't ever want to get married."
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Grr... You have no right making that much sense. But you’re right. We’re weak. Oh, how I hate that feeling! We need to get stronger before we exact our revenge. 
"Why are people claiming to be married to me? I am not married whatsoever and I don't ever want to get married."
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Feh, you’re no fun. Do you even really want the fox or not? I’m starting to think I care more about this than you! Then again, that wouldn’t be surprising. My own brother didn’t care, why would I expect more dedication from someone I used to own? 
"Why are people claiming to be married to me? I am not married whatsoever and I don't ever want to get married."
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
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My, has the fox been busy! I won’t question the logistics of this child business. Either way, we could use the little kiddies as a light snack! I could, at least. As for allies... we either need those, or we need victims. The more I eat the stronger I become. Do you have ideas for either? I’m not picky, I’ll eat anyone.
"Why are people claiming to be married to me? I am not married whatsoever and I don't ever want to get married."
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Children!? Hahaha! Please, you may take the pretty fox and play with him all you want, but allow me to play with his children first before you kill him. It’d be a shame to not include the whole family! 
But you do raise a point. You and I together may beat the fox, but if he has a mate, we’ll be evenly matched. We either need another ally or we need a plan to separate them... and take them out one by one.
Have I told you about my new power? You ask how I escaped the Sinning Tree. Frankly, it was difficult. The fox was right in that as long as I regenerated myself, the tree would keep me prisoner. So I didn’t regenerate. I let myself die, fester and decay, until my body was putrid and not so very pretty. 
Then, from a single, undead cell, I came back alive. There wasn’t enough space on that one cell, that one bit of rotting DNA, for the tree to remain attached. And so I escaped! It took years, but I am stronger now than I was ever before. And I have a new power. I can absorb my enemies’ powers by devouring them. Do you know what that means, my newfound ally? I can absorb anyone! I can increase my power  over and over again to infinity!
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"Why are people claiming to be married to me? I am not married whatsoever and I don't ever want to get married."
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Little fox little fox, where arrreee you??
I have a surprise for you. 
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
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You, stronger than me?! Haha, HAHHAHA! Please, spare me your revenge story. You’ll never be stronger than me! You don’t know what I’ve been up to since my brother betrayed me.
Which reminds me, how exactly did you escape the fox’s deathtrap? You and I have a lot in common now, you know. He also did a number on me. I think we should team up, Karasu, and get vengeance on that scummy little fox!
"Why are people claiming to be married to me? I am not married whatsoever and I don't ever want to get married."
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ask-elder-toguro · 2 years
Halloween YYH RP!
Hey guys! We’ll be doing a Halloween RP in our server. It’ll be a month long event and is OC friendly. It’s the first time we’re doing this in a while so please join if you’d like! It’s very low bar to entry, so if you just wanna dip your toes in, this is a great chance. 
To join
1. enter our server —-> https://discord.gg/pTyXrhM
Required as RP takes place inside the server!
2. Sign up on the list —-> Found in #announcements inside the server.
If you have any questions, @ mod Lola or send an ask here!
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