ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
Oh, real mature, Burnt Toast.
Anyone know any good ghost doctors? I think I might need one.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
Anyone know any good ghost doctors? I think I might need one.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
Oh boo hoo.
You know, you should thank me. At least now the two of you can bond over something in common.
@ask-heirofhgc you better run, lizardboy. Because I am about to make your afterlife a living hell.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
You tell me. I mean that happy little friendship of yours doesn't seem to be going as strong as it used to.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
If you try, I'll break roadkill's skateboard and put the blame on you
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
I was vibing until the lizard king showed up. But thank you, I appreciate the effort. Please never call me a lizard king again I am a very normal human king.
How does it feel to be despised Colin 😎?? Like you've been knocked out and dropped in the middle of the desert to fend for yourself against the wild and its creatures? (Ps. I'll make you a moodboard 😄. What do you want in it/the theme?)
That's oddly specific...
And it doesn't matter because I guarantee I am very loved. Ask anyone at the club. No wait, dont.
I JUST DON'T WANT A LIZARD OKAY?? I'M NOT A LIZARD MAN. Maybe a crown. And a throne. Maybe.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
This is cyberbullying
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How does it feel to be despised Colin 😎?? Like you've been knocked out and dropped in the middle of the desert to fend for yourself against the wild and its creatures? (Ps. I'll make you a moodboard 😄. What do you want in it/the theme?)
That's oddly specific...
And it doesn't matter because I guarantee I am very loved. Ask anyone at the club. No wait, dont.
I JUST DON'T WANT A LIZARD OKAY?? I'M NOT A LIZARD MAN. Maybe a crown. And a throne. Maybe.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
How does it feel to be despised Colin 😎?? Like you've been knocked out and dropped in the middle of the desert to fend for yourself against the wild and its creatures? (Ps. I'll make you a moodboard 😄. What do you want in it/the theme?)
That's oddly specific...
And it doesn't matter because I guarantee I am very loved. Ask anyone at the club. No wait, dont.
I JUST DON'T WANT A LIZARD OKAY?? I'M NOT A LIZARD MAN. Maybe a crown. And a throne. Maybe.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
You don't know him because you are him.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
Hello, Lizardface
I don't know Lizardface no sir not me
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
Can ... can I have a moodboard too?
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Caleb Covington moodboard 
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
Not true. My ratings are off the charts. I'm a wonderful employer. Ask roadkill.
@ask-boos-newest-recruit is cancelled for insinuating that I cannot read and also for claiming that I have A lizard hiding in my mouth.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
Also they called me a colon and I find that very insulting.
@ask-boos-newest-recruit is cancelled for insinuating that I cannot read and also for claiming that I have A lizard hiding in my mouth.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
@ask-boos-newest-recruit is cancelled for insinuating that I cannot read and also for claiming that I have A lizard hiding in my mouth.
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
I do NOT have lizards in my mouth!! I have FEELINGS and they are HURT.
@ask-heirofhgc constantly looks like there's a lizard hiding in his mouth.
Exhibit A
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
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That was unnecessary and you know it
@ask-heirofhgc constantly looks like there's a lizard hiding in his mouth.
Exhibit A
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ask-heirofhgc · 3 years
why would I do that
When I get back to the club, I'm going to snap roadkill's skateboard in half. He hasn't done anything I just think it would make me feel better.
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