ask-hikaru-eritora · 10 hours
My weak ass attempts at making anime art, STG yours is so good drop the tut 😭🙏
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fuck you MEAN bro these go fuckin CRAZY????? they look straight from the show I LOVE the lighting and the linework!!!!!
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 1 month
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
“What??? FUCK!!” Karu shouts from inside his room, no doubt realizing the time. “Shit! Fuck!! I’ll be right there!”
Moments later, Hikaru stumbles out of his room, looking bleary-eyed. His hair is wilder than normal, (which is saying something,) and his clothes, a tank top and cargo pants, are disheveled. “Shit, I’m here, go go go!” he says urgently, slinging his bag over his shoulder as they start down the hall. “I was almost so fucked! Thanks for coming to get me!”
It’s midterms week at Kimetsu Academy! The intro to biology exam is in fifteen minutes, and Hikaru’s not answering his phone. His dorm is close by, and it’s very possible he’s still sleeping.
- @ask-hikaru-eritora 🪲
Gideon is in the classroom, but something is off. Usually, Hikaru beats him to this class. And this was a midterm exam... The professor would not tolerate tardiness at this point in the semester.
*Where are you big bro?*
15 minutes until class starts, and Gideon stands up abruptly, startling the classmates near him. He leaves his bag and runs out of the classroom ignoring the scoldings to *walk.*
He's at his dorm in 5 minutes and knocks on the door loudly.
"Karu!!" He tried to shout but he was catching his breath still.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
“Also ask me things!!”
♡ asks ♡
 Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
Hikaru!! How do you do with heights?
“They don’t bother me in the slightest! I’m actually at my most comfortable when I’m high in the branches of a big tree!”
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
“Mmmwhawhoizzit?” A muffled sleepy voice sounds from inside the door. “Gideon?”
It’s midterms week at Kimetsu Academy! The intro to biology exam is in fifteen minutes, and Hikaru’s not answering his phone. His dorm is close by, and it’s very possible he’s still sleeping.
- @ask-hikaru-eritora 🪲
Gideon is in the classroom, but something is off. Usually, Hikaru beats him to this class. And this was a midterm exam... The professor would not tolerate tardiness at this point in the semester.
*Where are you big bro?*
15 minutes until class starts, and Gideon stands up abruptly, startling the classmates near him. He leaves his bag and runs out of the classroom ignoring the scoldings to *walk.*
He's at his dorm in 5 minutes and knocks on the door loudly.
"Karu!!" He tried to shout but he was catching his breath still.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
“Milo, it’s okay,” Hikaru says soothingly, petting her ears. He gently tilts her chin up, and smiles kindly. “Do I look mad to you?”
“Hey Karu..?” *Milo looks upset, there are small tears in her eyes*
(@ask-milo-suzuki) (HI LEONNN ITS LARZ<33333)
“Milo! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Hikaru puts away his notebook and quickly drops down from the tree he was sitting in, crouching to Milo’s level.
“What happened?”
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
(you’re not bothering me at all!! I’m so sorry my replies have been slow- it’s not you, ive just been a bit burned out and ive only got battery for a few writings at a time 😭 we can continue the rp, im so sorry!!! /gen)
“Hey, hey, easy now, what’s wrong?” Hikaru pulls back gently, brushing some of Milo’s hair out of her face. “Deep breaths. That’s it, with me.” Hikaru takes a few deep breaths, motioning for Milo to follow.
“Hey Karu..?” *Milo looks upset, there are small tears in her eyes*
(@ask-milo-suzuki) (HI LEONNN ITS LARZ<33333)
“Milo! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Hikaru puts away his notebook and quickly drops down from the tree he was sitting in, crouching to Milo’s level.
“What happened?”
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
Oh man. Now it’s Hikaru’s turn to get a little misty. As Gideon throws his arms around him, his bright purple eyes widen and quickly grow tearful. For once, Hikaru is at a loss for words. He freezes for a moment, before wrapping his arms back around Gideon, and holding on tight. Just for a second, a single moment of solace- two young men who understand each other, finding comfort in brotherhood.
For just a moment, the ever-present loneliness clawing at the inside of Hikaru’s ribcage gets a little less cumbersome.
“…When I first joined the Corps, I didn’t belong,” Hikaru begins after a few more moments of silence. He leans against Gideon, just enough so their shoulders brush. Just enough for comfort, but enough for Hikaru to keep his pride.
“I’m not sure I ever did. Nobody knew I was gay, but… everybody could tell something was off about me.” Hikaru sighs, looking down at himself. “I wasn’t born as a man. I had to fight to become one. And I’m proud of the man I am, but…” His eyes crinkle sadly, and Hikaru looks away. “…too many others don’t feel the same about me. I’ve been in the Corps for almost three years now, and I still sometimes feel like some Slayers aren’t used to me. If anyone understands you when you say you’re used to being tossed aside… it’s me.” Hikaru sighs, and wipes his eye with the palm of his hand.
“There’s just… so much to love about Kyojuro. And if there’s one thing I’m not good at, it’s hiding that I love something.” Hikaru chuckles, a little ruefully. As he talks about Rengoku, his eyes get that glimmer of softness again. “Kyojuro’s kind of… endearingly oblivious, but even he can’t miss it forever. If I don’t tell him, he’s going to notice eventually.”
Hikaru falls silent, a contemplative look on his face. After a moment, he speaks.
“Let’s make a deal,” he says, turning to face Gideon.
“We both confess. We’ll hold each other to it. And if they say no…” A ghost of anxiety flashes in Hikaru’s eyes, but it’s quickly fought back, and replaced with his usual fierce determination. “…if they say no, we’ll always have each other. If Kyojuro says no, and refuses to train me anymore, then… I’ll find another way to perfect Beetle Breathing without his help. You’re right, little brother. No matter what, it’s not worth sacrificing my authenticity for. We can do this. We’ll do it together, and if it fails…”
Hikaru reaches out, and pulls Gideon in for one last fierce hug.
“…at least we’ll never be truly alone.”
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
Hikaru laughs as Gideon holds up the beetle, giving his two cheerleaders a lopsided half-grin.
“You’ve got a point,” he admits, sitting down on the remains of the log. A pillbug clambers onto his hand, and he raises it to examine as it crawls across his knuckles. “I guess I just worry.”
Hikaru sighs. “I worry that if he isn’t interested in men, he’s gonna be weirded out that I’m into him, and then he won’t want to train me anymore, much less be friends. And that can’t happen- I can’t perfect Beetle Breathing without his help, and…” The pillbug curls into a ball, and Hikaru tenderly places it on a nearby leaf. He gives it a gentle, sad look. “…I really, really like being his friend. He makes me feel… real.”
Hikaru looks up at Gideon, meeting the younger boy’s eyes. He’s trying to be strong, to appear infallible and fierce for his little brother, but there’s a vulnerable sort of curiosity in his violet gaze, the kind that only people who know Hikaru would pick up on.
“Do you ever feel… lonely? Like… you see other Slayers falling for each other, and you worry that there’s nobody else… like you?” Hikaru asks cautiously. “Like… we’re soldiers. Love is already so risky… what if there’s nobody else who loves the way I do? What if… there’s no one else like me?”
The indigo-haired swordsman shifts uncomfortably on the log, idly watching the pillbug scurry about on the leaf. The guard he keeps up so unfalteringly is slipping, and Gideon sees a glimpse of a rare side of Hikaru- vulnerability, and a deep sense of loneliness. Hikaru sighs again, shaking himself.
“Sorry,” he says quickly, his emotional walls back up in an instant. “Got lost in my head for a second there.” Hikaru gives Gideon another half-smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It just… does it ever get hard for you, too? Not knowing if there’s anyone who would… accept you?”
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
“Hey Karu..?” *Milo looks upset, there are small tears in her eyes*
(@ask-milo-suzuki) (HI LEONNN ITS LARZ<33333)
“Milo! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Hikaru puts away his notebook and quickly drops down from the tree he was sitting in, crouching to Milo’s level.
“What happened?”
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
As Gideon clings to Hikaru for one more hug, he feels a sharp pang in his chest as the younger boy starts to cry. His eyes widen as he looks at the silver-haired boy laugh-crying against his chest, and tears of his own begin to well up. He smiles down at Gideon, hugging him back fiercely. This was it, this was what Hikaru lived for, what gave him purpose. This feeling of brotherhood, the sense of belonging he’d been chasing from the moment he joined the Corps.
I hope you’d be proud of me, Father, he thinks silently as he hugs his adoptive little brother.
“Hey now, don’t go all teary on me, or I’m gonna cry too,” Hikaru teases playfully, silently praying his voice doesn’t break. He ruffles Gideon’s hair as the other boy steps back, giving him a lopsided grin. “You know I love you too.”
Hikaru laughs and protests as Gideon starts to grill him about his own Hashira crush, attempting in vain to wave the younger boy off. But Gideon is persistent, green eyes sparkling as he rattles off the potential Hashira bachelors. Despite Hikaru’s best efforts, he turns absolutely scarlet at just the mention of Kyojuro, and Gideon cries out triumphantly. Hikaru laughs, feeling flustered.
“Okay, okay, maybe it is Rengoku, maybe it isn’t,” Hikaru laughs, attempting to deflect. But Gideon gives him a look that’s simultaneously stern, teasing, and entirely unconvinced, and Hikaru turns a deeper shade of red.
“Okay, fine, yes, it’s Kyojuro,” he admits bashfully, rubbing the back of his head. “He’s just… gods, Gideon, he’s incredible, how could I not fall for him? Ever since he started helping me develop Beetle Breathing, we’ve been spending so much time together. We’ve become good friends outside of training, and he’s just…” Hikaru trails off, a slightly giddy smile on his lips and a dreamy sparkle in his eyes. If it was even possible to blush harder, Hikaru’s managing to do it. “He’s strong, and kind, and so, so passionate… and gods, he’s beautiful. He’s just… he’s amazing.”
The same melancholy returns to Hikaru’s violet eyes, and he deflates a little. “He’s beyond amazing. And he’s a Hashira, while I’m only a Hinoto. There’s so so much in the way, so many reasons why I shouldn’t, why it’s frankly inappropriate of me to even fantasize about him seeing me the same way… for gods’ sakes, did I mention he’s a Hashira??” Hikaru sighs. “It’s too risky, and there’s no way he possibly feels the same.”
He cocks his head curiously at Gideon, grinning. “What do you mean I mirror him?” he asks genuinely, unable to resist the opportunity to talk about Kyojuro.
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
Hikaru stops, his face softening in sympathy for his little brother figure. He smiles gently, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
“Gideon,” he says, placing a reassuring hand on the younger boy’s shoulder. “Do you want me to be honest with you?” Gideon nods fervently, and Hikaru meets his eyes with a gentle, serious look.
“To be honest, I don’t know the kid,” Hikaru begins soothingly. “I don’t know if he’s gonna like the beetle. But Gideon,” Hikaru says quickly as he sees anxiety spark in the other boy’s eyes, “it’s not about the beetle. It’s about the effort you went through to catch it for him, the thought you put into a rhinoceros beetle specifically. You didn’t go catch him a bug because you like bugs, you caught him a rhinoceros beetle because his brother has one, and because his brother is Sanemi fuckin’ Shinazugawa, I’m willing to bet that he isn’t the easiest brother to get along with.” Gideon laughs, and Hikaru smiles at him.
“It doesn’t matter if he likes the bug or not, little brother,” Hikaru continues. “If he’s worth your time, and worth your love, he’ll love it, because it was thoughtful, and it came from you.” Hikaru clasps Gideon’s shoulders, pulling him in for a firm hug. “And if he doesn’t like it, then now we know he’s not worth your energy. The world keeps spinning, and you’re still gonna keep being the awesome, passionate Demon Slayer I know you are.”
Pulling back, Hikaru gives Gideon a comforting grin, still gently holding the silver-haired Slayer by his shoulders. “Besides, look at the size of that beetle! He’s fuckin’ awesome. If Genya doesn’t like him, then he’s lame anyway.”
Hikaru withdraws his hands, and reaches into his haori for his notebook. He opens to a blank page, and starts scribbling.
“Here, I’ll write up a care manual for Genya, so the beetle’s still got what it needs to thrive if Sanemi’s a little bitch and won’t teach him.” Hikaru tears off the page, handing it to Gideon with a knowing smile. “Here. Now you can come save the day if Genya can’t care for the beetle.”
Still sensing Gideon’s anxiety, Hikaru chuckles sympathetically. “Gideon, look at me,” he says gently.
“You’re gonna do great, and it’s gonna be okay.”
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
“It’s a moth, actually,” Hikaru chuckles, tucking the jar into his haori. “Not sure what your stance on moths is, but regardless, he’s contained, don’t worry.” Hikaru steps back as Gideon lifts his hammer, tearing off the decomposing wood in a long, crumbling strip. “Nice!” he praises as bugs skitter in all directions.
Suddenly, a loud buzzing noise emanates from beneath the log, and a brownish-red blur streaks past them as the rhinoceros beetle takes flight.
“Whoa, that’s a big boy!” Hikaru exclaims as it streaks past the two of them. They both whirl around to see a huge rhinoceros beetle landing on the trunk of a nearby tree, nestling its wings back beneath its elytra and hissing apprehensively. Hikaru grins, holding out an arm to gesture for Gideon to hold still.
“Watch this,” he says in a low voice, his eyes sparkling. Hikaru crouches down and slowly approaches the tree, eyes fixed on the beetle. He cocks his head, and lets out a long, low hiss from between his teeth, followed by a series of clicks and whistles with his tongue. Gideon watches with amazement as the beetle gradually calms down, allowing Hikaru to slowly approach it and deftly scoop it into another jar. He turns around, presenting Gideon with his prize.
“Ta-da!” Hikaru announces proudly. “One rhinoceros beetle for my little brother and his boyfriend.”
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
Hikaru laughs loudly as Gideon threatens his enemies, giving the silver-haired boy a friendly punch as he flushes a deep scarlet.
“Okay, okay, I hear myself. So what? I’ve got a crush on him. It doesn’t change the fact that this guy is off-limits.” Gideon cocks his head curiously, and Hikaru chuckles. “He’s… kinda sorta a Hashira,” he admits sheepishly.
Gideon listens intently as he pulls aside the chunk of rotting wood, and starts to reach inside the log.
“Wait!” Hikaru cries suddenly. His hand shoots out to grasp Gideon’s forearm, tugging him away at the last second. “Don’t touch that!”
Hikaru produces a clear glass container, and deftly scoops up a large brownish-gray caterpillar covered in long silky hairs. “Chadokuga caterpillar,” he explains. “Ultimately pretty harmless, but they’ll give you a nasty rash if you touch ‘em. Shinobu’s been looking for one to study, good find!” He grins. “Maybe watch where you’re touching though.”
“Here,” Hikaru suggests, pointing to a spot near the base of the log where it meets the damp earth. “Try using your hammer tooth to chip away that bit… I’ve got a good feeling about this spot.”
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
Hikaru laughs, moving one of Gideon’s feet to poke at the soft bark beneath it.
“Oh, it’s nobody,” he says affably, but there’s a strange glimmer in his eyes, a mix of emotions that even Hikaru himself can’t quite identify. “It’s not important.”
But Gideon only raises his eyebrows at Hikaru, completely unconvinced, and Hikaru laughs, the tips of his ears turning faintly red.
“Okay, okay,” he relents, “but it’s not really a crush. I mean, yeah, he’s gorgeous, and tall and strong and kind, and he’s got these eyes, and these really nice hands…” Hikaru cuts himself off suddenly, turning bright red and clearing his throat. “Anyways,” he says abruptly. “It’s not a crush. I just admire him. Besides…” Hikaru’s still smiling, but a layer of melancholy settles itself in his eyes, flickering faintly behind his blush. “…I don’t even know if he likes men at all, much less an …unconventional… man like… well, like me.” He shakes himself, exhaling pointedly. “Regardless. It’s not a crush, so it’s okay. It’s not important, and even if it WAS, there’s no way he’d return my feelings, so it doesn’t matter.”
Hikaru grins, nudging Gideon off the log so he can seize a loose strip of softening wood. Bracing himself against the trunk, Hikaru grunts, and tears off a large strip of rotting bark. Several different species of insects scurry away in the sudden light, but still no rhinoceros beetle.
“Besides, that’s not even what we’re talking about!” Hikaru chastises playfully. “We’re talking about you and this Genya kid. Don’t get off topic, little brother,” he laughs.
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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ask-hikaru-eritora · 2 months
Hikaru feels a warm burst of pride in his chest as Gideon calls him “Aniki”. This young man thought the world of him, and it made his older-brother instincts soar. He grins impishly at Gideon, mischief sparking in his eyes.
“Oooh look at you, you’re turning all red!! You LIKE like him!!!” Hikaru cries, teasing good-naturedly. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it!! This is so cool, you’ve got a crush!” He gives Gideon a playful shove, laughing as the younger Slayer turns a deeper shade of crimson. “I think I’ve seen that guy around, actually! He’s a cute kid… I had no idea he was Shinazugawa’s brother!! You really know how to pick ‘em, Gideon,” he teases. “You sound like me talking about… well, never mind.”
Hikaru straightens back up, still all smiles. “Well, now we’ve got ourselves a mission! Come on, Lover Boy, let’s get you a beetle!” Hikaru lifts his chin proudly, setting off towards the fallen tree with newfound determination.
“And of course I’ll look out for you. You know I always will.”
"KARU!! HI!!"
Gideon was excited to see his adoptive older-brother. He was on his way to do something else but it wasn't super important he was sure. He jogs over to beam up at him.
"Can you help me find a Rhinoceros Beetle? Sanemi has one... I'm uh... Sort of looking for common ground with him? I also think they're really neat! And... I want Sanemi to not want to kill me." :3
“Gideon!! Hey!!”
Hikaru looks up towards the sound of the silver-haired Slayer’s voice, grinning. He stands up from where he’d been poking at some rocks, brushing the dirt off his hands on the canvas of his pants.
“Good to see you! You’re looking for a rhinoceros beetle? I’m your guy!!”
Giving Gideon a friendly clap on the shoulder, Hikaru gestures for him to follow as they trot towards the woods outside HQ.
“So rhinoceros beetles are all herbivores, and they eat things like fruit, sap, leaf litter and dead plant matter, and the best place to look for them is cool, damp areas during the day. They might hiss at you if you pick them up, isn’t that cool? It’s not actually a vocal noise, they’re rubbing their elytra against their abdomen!”
Hikaru chatters away, happily infodumping about their target insect as they make their way through the forest.
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