ask-hmtoby · 11 years
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Seeing Molly's bright smile, he couldn't help but smile alongside her. He was warm inside from knowing that he somehow made her happy.
The sun was starting to set, and it wouldn't be long before the sky would be swallowed by a golden glow.
At hearing Molly's question, he stands in silence for a few seconds, thinking, and responds, "Are you sure it's alright? It is getting late, and I wouldn't want to take to much of your time. And as much as I'd love to continue fishing with you, I think it'll be much more fun if you were fishing as well! Don't you think?"
He gives her a smile.
"Also, you don't owe me anything! The fish was a gift, but..." He pauses, hesitating, scratches his head, and then continues, "how about to make it even you come and fish with me sometime?"
He was a bit flushed at this point. Asking someone something like that wasn't his strong point. Especially when it was a pretty girl.
That's when it hit him. He realized that it sounded like he was asking her out! He quickly became flustered at the thought. He hurriedly tried to correct himself before she took his request the wrong way.
Waving his hands, and with stumbling words he exclaims, "I-I-I don't mean l-like a date! L-l-ike friends I-I mean!"
At this point he was crimson red due to nerves and embarrassment.
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 11 years
He nodded with a smile, still holding the fish towards her.
"Yeah, I'm sure! After all, you did keep me company." He finishes with a pleasant, gentle smile.
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 11 years
Toby turns around with fish in hand after unhooking it and setting the rod down. He couldn’t help but blush at the compliment!
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“Thanks! Hehe! And yes, they are actually!” He looks at the fish and back at Molly, and after some thought he says, “Here,” he extends the fish towards Molly with a smile, “I think you should have it! As a thanks!”
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 11 years
Toby tugged at the rod, and relaxed, alternating between so that the fishing line would not break from tension. The fish was surely putting up a fight.
After ten minutes of fighting, the fish finally gave up. Toby reeled it in to reveal a Huchen.
"Oh!", Toby remarked ecstatically. "It's not everyday I catch one of these!" He felt very proud, especially since he managed to catch the fish while someone was watching. Toby's face was beaming.
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 11 years
"I always see you running around so I suppose it IS a good thing you have so much energy. I'm a little jealous.", Toby smiles and laughs.
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With excitement and happiness in his voice he comments, "Oh I'm glad to hear that you fish! It's also good because you can eat what you catch!"
Suddenly his rod moves. Toby turns his head toward the rod and at the sudden bend in the pole. He looks out towards the river and sees that his bait has gone under. He quickly gets to his feet, and grabs hold of the pole with both hands. He gives a quick tug to secure the fish on the hook. With his feet firmly on the ground, he begins the battle between fish and man.
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
He laughs alongside her. "I'm sure it's a lot of work, but everyone says you have a lot of energy, I wouldn't be able to keep up with you even if I tried." He continues laughing.
Catching on to what she said about fishing, he perks up. With a little excitement in his voice he asks "You fish?"
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
Toby looks at Molly and grins. "I'm happy to hear that!"
He grabs his fishing rod from the ground and reels in his bait. Before casting it again, he adds, "Fishing's about all I know. So I don't know much about farming or ranching. Must be exciting."
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
Toby smiles and nods while chuckling, "Well, I was a kid after all. I did feel bad for making them worry, but I had so much fun."
He looks out into the river as well, a look of happiness on his face as he says, "I really do like fishing. I think it's good to work with something you like to do."
Toby looks at Molly and asks, "What about you? Do you enjoy farming?"
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
Toby scratches his head in shyness. "Hehe, thank you!"
He takes a seat next to Molly. He sticks his fishing rod into the sand, so his hands will be free while he waits for a fish to take his bait.
At hearing Molly's question he lights up seeing as Molly just touched on one of his favorite subjects, fishing.
"Oh! Let's see..." He puts his right hand on his chin as he stares at the sky in though.
After a bit he looks back down at the river and replies, "I've liked fishing for as long as I could remember. I don't know when I started, but I do remember that when I was younger I used to sneak out at night to fish. I would get in trouble with my uncle and the villagers because of that." He scratches his head again while chuckling embarrassingly.
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((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
Toby laughs, "Yes, they're quite relaxing and refreshing. I couldn't think of a better way to enjoy days like this. That and fishing of course!" He gives a hearty laugh.
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He picks up his rod and reels in the line, and then recasts it.
"How about we have a seat then?", he asks.
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
Toby nods, "You should always take some time to relax. Especially on days like this. It's good to take it easy."
He looks at the bobber out in the water, making sure it was still there. He turns back towards Molly.
With an inviting smile, he adds, "You know, since your not busy, you're welcome to join me. Maybe you can take a nap or two."
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
He stand up and looks at Molly, who is now next to him. "It is a lovely day! A great day to lay in some shade and take a nap." He lets out a light chuckle. As he says that, a nice breeze passes through.
He looks back towards the river. "Actually, I'm not really looking for any fish in particular. Just doing some relaxing fishing."
He looks back to Molly and questions, "So what brings you here? Going to do some fishing too, or are you on an errand?"
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
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Toby turns to the direction of the voice. He smiles as he's greeted with Molly's face. He waves back at her.
Still smiling, he replies, "Oh, hello Molly. I'm fine, thank you. How about you?"
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
It’s a warm sunny day. Toby walks past the bridge and right into Flute Fields. He slowly makes his way down to the side of the river. Once there he looks out at the river, observing it.
“Seems there’s a good amount of fish today!”, he whispers to himself with a smile. He pulls out his fishing rod, baits it, and casts it into the water. He then sits and patiently waits for a fish to take his bait.
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
((RP with GeeGollyMolly))
It's a warm sunny day. Toby walks past the bridge and right into Flute Fields. He slowly makes his way down to the side of the river. Once there he looks out at the river, observing it.
"Seems there's a good amount of fish today!", he whispers to himself with a smile. He pulls out his fishing rod, baits it, and casts it into the water. He then sits and patiently waits for a fish to take his bait.
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
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Hey guys, I'm sorry about being a bit inactive lately. I've been quite busy lately.
Unfortunately I hurt my hand a week ago and it's still recovering, so I might be a bit slower than usual to answer all your questions.
Sorry about this... I truly am.
((OOC: Sorry about this. I'm an idiot and hurt my hand. QwQ I can use my hand again now, but not for very long. I'll try to answer questions though if I can. In the mean time, Toby is open for Role-Play if anyone actually wants to in his blog. I'm a little inexperienced though, so sorry in advance. UvU Just check out the Role Play link on the Main Blog for info))
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
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After coming home from my trip, I was shocked and really happy to find this single Cosmos welcoming me back.
Such a nice flower~
Hope the others bloom soon as well.
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ask-hmtoby · 12 years
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Hello there! My name's Toby. It's a pleasure to meet you all.
When I'm not out relaxing, fishing, or taking a nap, I'll be here to answer any questions you have for me.
So feel free to ask. \ v /
((Please note that most asks will be posted on main blog.))
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