ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
//Yep, I'm alive. And gonna use this as an opportunity to explain some stuff.
-I've been burned out from IDV for the past...while now I would say? The release of Emil and Ada just added onto that due to their relationship making me uncomfortable and setting me off in some ways, which has caused me to avoid them more. Will still play it, but at this point, probably only to get Joker's Logic path skin and try to grab Galatea's S teir. Maybe next season I will be more active? Who knows.
-I'm starting school pretty soon too. And already on day two of orientations, and I'm already burnt out. Most, if not all, my attention will be going to it, especially since I have an AP Art History class.
So I guess a long story short? A lot IRL stuff has just brunt me out, and I have to focus all my attention on other stuff too.
Once I get my bearings with this new school semester, I may try and be active again? Who knows.
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
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1. V.E. Schwab // 2. Unknown // 3. Rudolph Vitkauskas // 4. Charles Bukowski // 5. Margaret Atwood
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
A young blind girl makes her way over to Kurt, somehow knowing it was him. "Hello Mr. Frank. Care to join me in the library?" (ask-the-minds-eye)
It took Kurt a moment to process before the usually explorer self to snap back in.
"Oh but of course Miss Adams! It would be quite lovely to accompany another bookworm and spend some time with ya!" The explorer said with a laugh.
"My, I can even share a story or two if you want!"
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
have you ever tried to ride a bird?
The explorer shook his head.
"Oh finally, a normal question!" Kurt coughed, laughing a bit.
"Ah, sorry for the rudeness, but to answer the question: No! I have not. Seems fun though, a bit of a challenge. Maybe I could practice with Brooke. If our dear ol Seer lets me, of course"
"...he probably won't, but asking couldn't hurt!"
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
kurt!! hi hello um,, are u single by any chance
"Ahahahahaaaaaaaa...." the explorer's face was still bright red from the last question, laughing nervously.
"Yes...yes I am...why are you asking..."
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
The explorer stared at the question, facing going bright red.
"K-kissing...f-flirting..I..i um..."
The explorer quickly covered his face with his book.
"Ahahaha, dear anon! I think you meant this question for the more bolder survivors here! Like Jose! Or Kevin! Or Demi! Or uh...hell! Even Edgar I guess. Don't know if the man has every kissed anyone, but yes, yes, he's probably better suited for this question than I!"
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
heyo !! would it be fine if I got a promo ? it’s fine 2 ignore ofc !!
- a robbie white ask blog
@ask-the-minds-eye @ask-idv-explorer @askseer @askidv-the-seamstress @ask-idv-the-caretaker
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
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//Hi mun here, school has stacked lots of work on me sooo asks may come slowly? I will try to get to them all I promise, just school comes first right now. Thank-you for understanding ;v;
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
KURT FRANK YOU ARE SO CUTE I LOVE YOU !!!!!! Could you perhaps tell me a story from one of your adventures ? I would love to hear some !!👉👈
The explorer’s face flushed when he was given the compliment. “Oh, um thank-you!”
Kurt cleared his throat before smiling brightly. “Oh sure! I would love to! I have many to tell. From my matches but ah, some from my time traveling around Europe for a bit! It was so much fun! Going from port to port, train to train, seeing new things, learning new things, haha. Do tell me when you have the free time, my dear anon!” 
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
//Okay, soooo. School is still packing work onto me, but! I am gonna try and answer some asks since a lot have been sitting in my inbox. Again sorry for the delay!
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
//God I have four asks I still need to answer and a RP responses. Sorry for the lack of activity, I have been busy with school!
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
hey kurt, do you prefer to be small or at your usual height?
The explorer hummed as he thought about it. “Well, my usual height is 5′10 and I don’t mind it in all honesty, even if I get teased by the cowboy and the first officer sometimes. Not my fault they were born to be a bloody 6′1 and 6′4 giants” The explorer let out a laugh though. “But I’m rambling.”
“To answer the question, I guess I prefer being small. Tons of hiding places, amazing things to find and people don’t really bother you when you are the size of a small doll, if that.” Kurt answered, “The only downside are...bugs..yuck”
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
“Oh it truly is! There such little lovely shops to run around in, oh! And one has a working furnace. Quite cozy, well, would be cozy if we weren’t being hunted down” The explorer said.
“There is also a big, huge, giant tree in the center of the town. It’s quite beautiful, I’m sure the more artistic manor dwellers here will get a kick out of it. I do like it of course, wish I could climb it in all honesty, it’s just…to out in the open for me” Kurt said, covering a bit of his face with book as he spoke.
Way too open for his liking. Too many easy ways to sneak up on him, he much preferred the shops that were more closed off and claustrophobic. Easier to hide or run. 
A small, tiny man was running around before hoping up and down to grab Aesop's attention. "Aesop! Aesop!" @ask-idv-explorer ((throws a Kurt at you))
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How may I help you? @ask-idv-explorer
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
kurt my homie bro friend chum amigo best friend buddy compadre homeboy buddy classmate companion homêre intimate main man mate playmate schoolmate sidekick workmate associate friend brother compeer (insert synonyms for friend here) hi
The explorer blinked.
“Um...hello?” The explorer said, chuckling nervously.
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
The explorer adjusted the strange little owl in his arms, it almost looked like he was cradling the thing. It was a bit weird how much the owl looked like the manor’s dear seer. Did Brooke have little owlets without anyone knowing and the dear seer dressed one up as himself? Strange, but ah, the manor had stranger things going on.
“Mmm” Kurt thought about it. It had been awhile since he had an adventure. Plus, it remembered Miss Woods mentioning how fun it is to plant things.
“Sure! It’s been awhile since I had an adventure outside, plus it may be fun little owl friend.” Kurt said.
(Picks up Owl Eli) Friend-shaped:D. @ask-idv-explorer (( hi >:3))
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"Are you perhaps interested?"
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ask-idv-explorer · 3 years
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“Kurt, I beg of you! DO NOT RUN INTO THE HUNTER” “...Yeaaaah, about that.” //sweats
Drawing based off me and @seer-is-here ranking experiences.
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