Hey guys! Remember me?
I know I just come on here and apologize for never being around and then post nothing else but this time I am SUPER EXTRA ULTRA SORRY cuz its literally been like over half a year since I even posted anything worthwhile and I am REALLY SORRY
You guys are awesome if you’re still following this blog and if enough people are still interested in seeing me update this blog I will totally try my best to get back into updating at least once a month!! I just don’t want to get all excited about going back into doing this and have no one still around who cares ;o;
so please like this post if you still want me to update this blog and make videos! I really miss having fun with you guys!!!
in the meantime I will reblog some of my favorite posts from the past and photos and stuff!! 
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awwwwwwwwwww thanks :3
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Nice try…. but no!
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Lol I Had To
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Sakura always wins XD
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Poor Naruto.
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Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Naruto/Sasuke Original [x]
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Staggering beauty….
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so please support me by liking it! I will post exclusively about my cosplay and stuff like that so yeah!
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Hey guys! Remember me?
I know I just come on here and apologize for never being around and then post nothing else but this time I am SUPER EXTRA ULTRA SORRY cuz its literally been like over half a year since I even posted anything worthwhile and I am REALLY SORRY
You guys are awesome if you're still following this blog and if enough people are still interested in seeing me update this blog I will totally try my best to get back into updating at least once a month!! I just don't want to get all excited about going back into doing this and have no one still around who cares ;o;
so please like this post if you still want me to update this blog and make videos! I really miss having fun with you guys!!!
in the meantime I will reblog some of my favorite posts from the past and photos and stuff!! 
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Naruto Comedy Theater
You guys submitted lots of great jokes! So here's a video for you!
((OOC: sorry im never around anymore guys. being an adult sucks and life is crazy @_@ Also sorry for how painfully awkward this video is. corny jokes are just...so corny...I love them ;w; ))
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((OOC: Sorry for another lack of updates! The holidays were pretty crazy for me and the other day I came down with the flu so I'm currently a bed-ridden vegetable :< Hopefully I feel better soon and will have a chance to update or make another video when I don't have work! In the mean-time I do have a video to upload so keep an eye out for that!))
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Merry Christmas, peasants.
Nyao-Nyao Cosplay
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((SOrry its not Naruto related, but this year I did my Christmas cosplay photo as CIel Phantomhive and I wanted to share it with you guys! I hope thats okay?? D: I am far too busy with preparing for Christmas and working that I didn't have time to make anything for Naruto's Christmas...I'll try to throw something together if I can! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Merry Christmas :] ))
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Merry Christmas, peasants.
Nyao-Nyao Cosplay
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