ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
2 hours, barring any technical difficulties 💛
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
Welp, if anyone has time in 4 hours I’m considering streaming working on this game to motivate myself.
I’ll mostly just be making event interactions on the maps I’ve already shared here, but I’ll also be making a few other maps too.
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
It burned very beautifully.
made nice yule goat!
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it would be so sad, if something was…
to happen to it……..
very tragic……….
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
Who said it's still standing?
made nice yule goat!
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it would be so sad, if something was…
to happen to it……..
very tragic……….
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
Day 3: jealousy
“So how’s my family in your universe then? They all just as depressed as you are or what? Haha oh my god I bet you guys are called, like, “The depressing five” by your fellow countries!”
“Uuh, no, they are more.. Crazy, compared to yours, I guess. Norge tends to be rather clingy and annoying, stay away from him, he plays with fire. And-”
“A clingy Nor!?! Wow that is the dream… I wish my Norge was like that…”
“I don’t think you- ugh who am I kidding take him I’d gladly switch with you. Honestly I’d take the other Nordics in your universe over the ones in mine any day. I’m jealous, yours are so… calm.” 
“Well, they are pretty awesome! But.. heh…
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“Don’t take them away. 
“I will fight you.”
“Oh my god… I’m not-!
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“I’m not going to take them away!”
“Good! Because I wouldn’t hold back in the fight. You’d loose so hard you’d regretted even thinking about kidnapping them!” >:(
“I said I wasn’t- ugh. You are such a child, jesus christ.”
((here we go! Mikkel is like 1p sweden tbh, done w matthias and his over-dramatic outbursts 24/7,,,, @aph-mirror-week owo))
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
Day 2: Opposites
“Okay, so, if you’re my opposite…
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"Does that mean that.. like.. your history is different from my history?
"OH MY GOD! Does this mean you’re stil the ruler of the great north!?!” :0
“No it doesn’t,
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"It means I don’t like coffee.”
*Mikkel takes a sip of tea*
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*Matthias spits out his coffee*
“In the name of Odin, man, please lower your volume and stop screaming, I have a headache…”
((Matthias is fkn shook and Mikkel is already done with this shit, save him,, @aph-mirror-week owob (it seems like I stil can’t get the gifs to work on browser so y'all just gotta check the app if ye wanna see them rip)))
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
"ah, let's see... It was because Denmark was on the loosing side of a war and Sweden the winning... So the Denmark-Norway union was no more! Which was good for me but I heard modern you say before that- and ice was still with Denmark- I'm not supposed to be telling you all this!"
Kalmar-Union-Event Start!
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“Uh…does this in anyway refer to what another person told me about being married to Sve what I can’t really believe because why would I do that???”
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“Uh…did..did anything very badly happen? Since you said something about it not being a happy time…”
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“At least…I’m not really sure what you want to tell me…”
//Mun: event is officially opened! your officially allowed to tell her about Kalmar-Union now so do your worst ;) actually the event will have 2 parts but I won’t tell you about part 2 yet just because… anyways, enjoy :D or suffer with Lovise, whatever lol. xD (also Mun was stupid and accidentally posted this on her main-blog……)
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
"Well it's not like we were given any input in whether or not we would marry Sweden... But... I definitely am happy that we - I mean I hear it was worse- ah. Helvete-"
Kalmar-Union-Event Start!
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“Uh…does this in anyway refer to what another person told me about being married to Sve what I can’t really believe because why would I do that???”
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“Uh…did..did anything very badly happen? Since you said something about it not being a happy time…”
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“At least…I’m not really sure what you want to tell me…”
//Mun: event is officially opened! your officially allowed to tell her about Kalmar-Union now so do your worst ;) actually the event will have 2 parts but I won’t tell you about part 2 yet just because… anyways, enjoy :D or suffer with Lovise, whatever lol. xD (also Mun was stupid and accidentally posted this on her main-blog……)
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
Who here remembers my love of steampunk?
I downloaded a bunch of steampunk cc for the sims
So uh. I’m absolutely making Sims for a certain hetalia AU
And I’m gonna be sharing screenshots.
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
What made you decide to write this muse?
If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
What do you love about your muse?
What do you hate about your muse?
What about your muse amuses you?
What about your muse makes you sad?
How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
Why do you think you connect to your muse?
What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
[come up with your own question for the mun, regarding the muse]
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
Mildri: This kitchen fire is now getting out of control.
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
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"coffee is disgusting caffeinated sludge. Sealand drinks it. Probably for the best if you listen to Erin, but I get in trouble for burning it a lot of the time."
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“I would be ever so grateful. But it’s a little late, one already dead dragon isn’t going to be less already dead if we head off now. I can’t really think.”
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“Could you maybe come with me in the morning? And for now …. drink?”
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
"Skål... Or something... Feel free to get yourself some coffee? Heck, hardly anyone in my house drinks it?"
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"....hopefully Hanne's alright..."
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“I would be ever so grateful. But it’s a little late, one already dead dragon isn’t going to be less already dead if we head off now. I can’t really think.”
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“Could you maybe come with me in the morning? And for now …. drink?”
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
As a side note
Mun here is legally old enough to drink in her country. No laws are being broken.
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
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"It's good stuff. And it's helping me calm down?"
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“I would be ever so grateful. But it’s a little late, one already dead dragon isn’t going to be less already dead if we head off now. I can’t really think.”
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“Could you maybe come with me in the morning? And for now …. drink?”
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ask-irl-nyo2p-norge · 6 years
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"I would be ever so grateful. But it's a little late, one already dead dragon isn't going to be less already dead if we head off now. I can't really think."
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"Could you maybe come with me in the morning? And for now .... drink?"
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