JT held their arms open, hoping for a hug. "Really? You 'member me??" A small, hesitant smile formed on their face, looking slightly hopeful.
JT hesitantly stepped forward, looking up at her with their big brown eyes. "...Mommy?" Their voice is so quiet that you can barely hear them. "Do you 'member me yet?"
“I… JT,” Mary whispered her voice cracking. There was a shadow in her mind, and a tugging at her heart. “I… know who you are,” she said cautiously her heart aching at her inability to remember, or even to lie.
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"Ohhhhh," JT nodded in understanding.
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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"Oh! I thought you said you did, but okay!" they smile brightly. "You're welcome!"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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JT giggled. "Yeah! And I'll tell you! Then maybe he'll be nicer and you won't need to sneak around anymore!"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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“Okay, I will!” they laughed when she laughed. One of the many reasons they loved being with Ana-she let them say words like that. 
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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“Maybe Daddy will be nicer if I ask him?” they ask hopefully. “Why is Daddy a hard ass?” JT had no idea what that meant, but if that’s how she described him, they thought they should use those words too. 
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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“What’s the difference?” JT asked curiously and laughed. “Not judging, just saying...”
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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JT giggled. "But you sneak around Daddy and everyone a lot!" They pointed out. Not that they were judging, just making an observation. "But it's okay."
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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They smile shyly. "Really? Thank you Auntie Ana,"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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JT giggled. "Okay!"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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"Good! And-and if she doesn't I can make her more." they shrug.
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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JT smiled brightly. "Thank you! I hope she does."
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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"Ohhhh, okay!" JT smiled. "Oh! If Auntie Susan is in the hopsital she's gotta wear that hopsital dress..." they grabbed some of their sparkly stickers and jewelry they made themselves from a toy jewelry kit, "Here! So she can look really pretty too!"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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"Yeah! Yeah!" They laugh. "Oh. I thought people wear dresses to weddings, but that'll be pretty too!"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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"Yay!! Then we can go shopping then!! And it'll be really fun!" Even though they didn't seem to do it often, JT loved to go shopping. They put their arms out for a hug. "I love you Auntie Ana!! What are you wearing to /your/ wedding??"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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JT smiled proudly. "You'll look really really pretty! Wanna look for a dress like that sometime??"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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"Hmmm...I think you'd look really pretty in red! With some black or white! Or both!"
"You're getting married??" JT asked excitedly. "To who? Is the person nice? Can I meet them??" ((feel free to ignore))
“Oui- two girls, Ange and Susan. They’re really nice. And maybe.” Ana smiled at the thought of her impending marriage, chuckling softly.
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