What still scares you as a grown up?
“Fires. And explosions. Fiery explosions.”
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Do you wear any sort of make-up your highness?
“Mmmm.... sometimes.”
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Pirates or ninjas? Which do you think is cooler?
“Hmm... if I were to have an opinion, no matter what I say, someone would say... Someone would find fault in my words. So, I guess they’re both cool?”
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What is the most difficult part about ruling the moon?
“....Dealing with the moon rabbits. Some of them are compliant, others not so much.”
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Sorry but the princess is in another castle.
“Ahaha, you caught me! I am in a another castle!”
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Have you ever considered sneaking out of your castle, and blending in with the other villagers in animal crossing?
“Mhmm! I actually have thought about doing that. I’d have to be careful though, you never know when Mokou could be sneaking around. I am not in the mood to deal with her right now.”
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Are you the absolute authority in Eientei, or is there some other body like a parliment or ministry or a villager that could override you in any given decision?
“Nope, I have total authority here. Well, Twei’s the leader of the Earth Rabbits, so she keeps them in line, but even then, she still listens to me! As it should be.” Kaguya winks.
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Are you tall?
Kaguya: “I’d say I’m about average height.”
Twei: “Are you sure about that?”
Kaguya: “Yes, I’m sure.”
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What is your favorite moon phase?
Kaguya: “The full moon for sure, it’s so pretty.”
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Can you sing? If so are you more of a rapper, harmonizer, or do you lead?
Kaguya: “I’d like to think I’m good at singing. Since I have authority, I am totally a lead.”
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How's your princess life been? Can it be as fun as people make it seem?
Kaguya: “Eh, sometimes it’s fun, sometime it isn’t.”
Resien: “Master’s not gonna approve of that talk, though.”
Kaguya: “Yeah, yeah.”
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If you had to chose, between only these three: fairy, elf, or mermaid, which one would you be?
“I’d be a moon fairy.”
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Do you have a military? And if so, why?
“Does a army of rabbits count?”
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What is your favorite planet, Kaguya?
Kaguya grinned. “The moon.”
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Which one would you rather give up? Pizza or sweets?
Kaguya gasped in horror. “H-How dare you make me answer this? I simply cannot answer…! To give up two of mankind’s greatest inventions ( besides video games ) would be awful!”
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As a princess what exactly do you do?
Kaguya: “I rule over Entei! I used to rule over the moon, but I got kicked out because...”
Kaguya: “....”
Kaguya: “Bah, never mind.”
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You know we don't see you often, did you ever manage to become good friends with the other mayors? c:
Kaguya: “Maaaaaaaybe.”
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