Konnichiwa, Delta Cadets, Admin speaking.
So I know I kind of threw everyone for a loop with no build up for free questions, so I'm restarting the page.
I've turned off asks.
I don't know if I want to fully restart this and delete everything from before this point, but as I change everything around, I'll be sure to think about it.
I don't want messages complaining. This is my blog and my choice so if you have an issue, go take it up with Jevil and Sans.
If I do end up fully restarting, realise I'm turning this to it's own AU and it's not going to be "ask-kris-frisk-chara" as I'm changing it.
It's name isn't certain but I want everyone to know I won't design characters perfectly to how you see them or how the actually look in the games.
I'll be designing them in Gacha Life and I'll also be making a reference sheet for the main characters [Kris, Frisk, Chara, Toriel, Asriel(he's here, just not in the beginning when I choose to start the story), Flowey(Don't. Ask.), Sans, Jevil, Spades, Lancer, and Heartlight].
If I can't draw them, I'll be making the references in Gacha Life as well.
Anyways, I bid you farewell.
I'll reblog this post with my desicion.
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I'm new but Frisk, Chara, everything is going to be alright. Stay determined and you will get through this. Also Heartlight. Who are your parents? How did you meet Jev-Jev?
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Don’t worry guys Kris is coming to rescue you
Frisk:I really truly hope so... <she looks at the two>
Chara:<he'd probably have an input by now, but he seems silent>
Heartlight:<she looks like she's going a little too twisted for her age> They won't!~ Not when they're driven to insanity!~~ <she laughs chaotically...>
You seem to notice a pattern. Jev-Jev? J? All the talk of chaos? Insanity? Her echoing laughter and yellow, crazy colour pallet? The twisted act of someone who hasn't been free from madness for a while? The twisted act of someone who hasn't been free, period?
It seems familiar...too familiar. Maybe a certain someone is behind the wicked scheme, working alongside the King?
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*'A lot... I really would rather focus on the objective at hand... But to quickly brush it over, Chara and Frisk were kidnapped by King Spade to spite me because he wants his revenge.'
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Kris, the king of spades wants revenge... on you and think he has captured frisk and chara to spite you
*'Oh? He does, does he?' (they chuckle, darker than usual.)
*(They clear their throat, which seems a little scary as they usually refuse to speak.)
*Then let's see how he'll be after the wrath of 1,000 suns rains upon him. (their eyes seem to glow a bright, neon shade of red.)
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I’ll try my best to help you guys. Though my connection to this world is limited I’ll do what I can
Frisk:Thank you, Y/n.
Chara:<he tries to reach towards you, but is push back by the little girl>
Heartlight:<she's violently glitching> Ñ0. N0 ØN3 ẞHÅLL HËLP THEM-
*'Thank you...Y/n...' (they give a slight smile, and their eyes gleam with DETERMINATION™)
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Hello everyone, this is Admin Leila here.
I wanted to apologise for the lack of posts. My sister had uninstalled a lot and I hadn't bothered getting Tumblr back because I needed space since I've been working on my YouTube channel and Instagram.
For now, posts will be in an Undertale/Roleplay set up.
*'He has, has he?' (they chuckle) 'Let us see what he shall think when the fury of 1,000 suns rains upon him.'
Kris:'He has, has he?' <they chuckle> 'Let us see what happens when the fury of 1,000 suns rains upon him.'
I'll probably be using the Undertale format when there's a singular(1) character in a scene.
But if it's in a little group, it'll be the RP format.
Apologies again.
Now <chuckles> Let's get back to the tale, shall we?
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Heartlight, do you know what “papa” plans to do with frisk and chara
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Kris you need to be very careful someone has captured your siblings and if they see you, you could be killed. Stay determined Kris
*Blood and dust will be spilt.
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So... uhh heartlight, (I think) why have you captured frisk and chara
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Chara, Frisk, hang in there Kris is coming to help you. You need to stay determined.
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Kris be careful I think someone could be targeting your siblings. They are in trouble but you can’t save them if you’re trapped too!
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The older I get the more fiercely protective I get of younger girls. I was heading into work yesterday and I saw that 12 year old (I mentioned her before, the one who wore makeup) talking to this older man. She’s normally really bubbly but she looked a little more subdued talking to him so I go over and loudly say “Hey sweetheart, who’s this?” And the guys just glares at me and she says “oh um his name is Justin.” And I’m like “Hi Justin, how do you know her?” And he gets nervous and is like “I just saw her jogging and thought I’d give her pointers.” So I just kinda tilted my head and looked at him for a minute. He literally asked me “are you a cop or something? I haven’t done anything wrong.” So I took her to the McDonald’s near by, bought her something and had a talk about not talking to strangers. Low key I’m debating the next time I see her parents (they drop her off at the gym and leave her there for hours) to maybe have a talk with them or something. Idk if it’s my place tho
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Hold on- Hold on, what? Kris, I don't believe your siblings would turn on the town they grew up in, try calling their cell phones if they have them, ask people in town where they might've seen them go, but don't jump to the worst possible conclusions yet.
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*Kris seems on edge...
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