ask-lady-eleanor · 6 months
why- why does the child have FANGS
Lotus: you know the answer to that one? Mini Eli: yeah! my mama says its because of our evo.. evolo... uhh Lotus: evolution?
Mini Eli: yeah that one! because before when the world was all dangerous and we were still animals and stuff we needed to be scary and dangerous, but when ground people started becoming the ground people we became people right along with them! except we weren't ground people we evolutioned into the Luminary! Lotus: the what now?
Mini Eli: the Luminary silly Lotus: somehow i have more questions then answers
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ask-lady-eleanor · 6 months
so what's gonna happen once she finishes that chocolate
Lotus: thats a- good question- Mini Eli: your nice so i wont bite you again Lotus: oh well thats nice- Mini Eli: and if any of the other villegers are mean to you ill bite for you!
Lotus: wait no-
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ask-lady-eleanor · 6 months
Dear mod, Give us a major spoiler! Give us a spoiler of the narrative! (a hint at a characters past, some secret or a cryptic note telling what's yet to come, pls pls pls, anything you are willing to tell, yes yes!)
ok ok just one
Elinor has an illusion spell cast on her at all times
not telling why or what for tho
you'll just have to ak her };]
also remember how she was found when she was 16ish?
wonder what she was doing before that
who knows
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ask-lady-eleanor · 6 months
guess whos' back
back again lol
currently out of my art block/void parade and no longer pretending i dont exist
unfortunately i do not have a phone and wont have one until some period after charismas
ill still be answering asks it just wont have any art
when i do get a phone however i might reblog un-arted asks with corresponding art
key word might
so feel free to start sending in asks once more
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
maybe you should check her bag? see if she has anything that might help
"well I don't want to be rude, i can't just go rooting through other people's things without permission after all"
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The cow hybrid thought about it for a second then addressed the small child
"hey can I look through your bag real quick?"
"Worth a shot"
M!anon (4/?)
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
(I've finally gotten off my Sims 4 high, going to get back to arting soon ✌️)
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
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Just a little expression/pose practice I did over on the MC ask blog Discord server- harhar- Done over the course of, uh, months I suppose. For funss Original meme -> >> CLICK CLICK <<
All characters and their blogs:
Row 1 3 - Shark -- @asksharkmc 4 - Sol -- @dozen-arrows-in-my-chest - mine 8 - Mayir -- @askmayirmc 13 - Azure -- @ask-azure-the-enderman
Row 2 13 - Sol -- @dozen-arrows-in-my-chest - mine 10 - Fenris -- @ask-fenris-mc 12 - Grace -- @pixelizedgrace 10 - Allen -- @askendborntraveler
Row 3 6 - Lune -- @dozen-arrows-in-my-chest - mine 14 - Lune -- @dozen-arrows-in-my-chest - mine 1 - Vulcan -- @ask-vulcan-and-toby 14 - Penny -- @twinsinminecraft 4 - Tynan -- @ask-ender-trio
Row 4 8 - Sol -- @dozen-arrows-in-my-chest - mine 12 - Azrail -- @ask-the-withered-soul 6 - Edea -- @askstrikertheskeletonhunter 16 - Striker -- @askstrikertheskeletonhunter
Row 5 7 - Danny -- @ask-fenris-mc 2 - Brian -- @ask-brianmc 1 - Snatch -- @saint-askblog 8 - Eleanor -- @ask-lady-eleanor-and-silvester
Row 6 9 - Azrail -- @ask-the-withered-soul 2 - Azure -- @ask-azure-the-enderman 15 - Doodle -- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - mine 9 - Sye -- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - mine 11 - Daliah -- @asksharkmc
Row 7 11 - Meera -- @hexavexen 6 - Deny -- @askeindtheenderman 5 - Grace -- @pixelizedgrace 6 - Fenris -- @ask-fenris-mc
Row 8 2 - Riss - @twinsinminecraft 15 - Auris - @ask-aurismc 9 - Danny -- @ask-fenris-mc 13 - Evo -- @ask-evomc
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
Realized I forgot to post these
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Elude on the left and wink on the right
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
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Week 3
Lotus, after all the fun party games in the village, decided that to show Eleanor how good Halloween was that she should go all out. Trick or treating included. So she decided to take her to the city, ready for the full sized candy bars.
What she wasn't ready for was the famed headless horseman to scare the living daylights out of the both of them. Lotus was amazed by the costume once again but Eleanor wasn't as pleased. So lotus decided to make a few pitstops and chat with people she heard were also celebrating the spooky holiday before heading to the big party.
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
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Week 2
Lotus decided that the best way to introduce Eleanor to Halloween was obviously the party games. And what better game then apple bobbing!
Eleanor found it absolutely hilarious but reasonably enough decided not to join in as not to mess up her makeup.
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
Send me a word plus 'Headcanon' and I'll give a headcanon based on that word.
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
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After finding out that Eleanor doesn't really know about Halloween lotus decided to celebrate with her new friend.
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
Seasonal Event: Spirit’s Dawn
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It’s the spookiest month of the year, when the line between reality and illusion is at its thinnest. Join Shark in celebrating his species’ primary holiday, and maybe you’ll find out a few more things about how they work as you do!
The Inbox is now open for *specifically* Halloween-themed asks, and asks surrounding this mini-event! Depending on what asks are provided, you may end up getting some potentially interesting world-related lore.
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
Finally sharing Eli and lotus' costumes
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Eli is Emily with some minor glamour spells to look cooler and lotus is vector.
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
Halloween profile picture
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ask-lady-eleanor · 2 years
are those fangs???
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A pair of very sharp fangs could breifly be seen before baby Eleanor took as big a bite of the chocolate as she could. "Mh-hm"
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