ask-lollypop-eyes · 4 months
What... is your name? What... is your quest? What... is your favorite color?
Beep beep….scanning subject….beep beep.. secrets revealed
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ask-lollypop-eyes · 4 months
HIII SCREWBALL!! let’s go cause some havoc together!
Hiii scoots!! YEAHHH LETS GOO!!! Here let’s sit on a Cotten candy cloud I get all my best ideas for pranks up here!
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Uhmm…. You okay scooter? You seem to be in a….. sticky situation heheheheh
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ask-lollypop-eyes · 4 months
Give u a banan
Ahhhhh!!!! Scary…strange rubbery yellow object! Heheh just kidding!! This will be perfect for a super duper extra tall banana split! Thanks friend :p
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ask-lollypop-eyes · 4 months
HIIII EVERYPONY!!! It’s me!! I, the humble princess of chaos have so graciously decided to let my public ask me questions!! :ppp hehehe!
Just kidding ehehe! Well— about the ‘humble’ princess of chaos part but for question asking I am completely serious!! Never been more serious!!! So serious infact everypony has started calling me serious screwball!!! Hehehe >:ppp
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