(Should be active again soon)
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(ooc: always looking for more question's <3)
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- My answers will always be set before marineford but will role-play other times
- I headcannon Marco as 98% into men so selective on (romantic) style roleplay/interaction
- I personally ship Marco/Ace but will tag accordingly and it's not the main focus of this blog but will roleplay it. (Trying to keep the blog non shipped in questions)
- I also accept N/SFW asks
- if you want modern AU it up in messages/DMs I always respond in character.
- sometimes will use cannon images in replies but mostly responses in written format.
- open to discord interactions dm me (stating OOC) for more info
1. Don't send hate or be a dick
2. You can send as many as you like
3. No homophobia
4. This is a selective rp blog so I may not interact
@rosiinante did all the art for this blog
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Care for a cup of tea~?
He looks at the invite and smiles. "I think that would be lovely, I accept yoi!"
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Were you a troublemaker when you were young be honest
Marco grins when he reads the note, his sly smirk growing before he let's out a chuckle.
"In my younger days? Maybe." He starts as he looks out the window and watches the clouds roll past.
"Now? Definitely yoi..."
He thinks about the times he's looked at Thatch and Ace with straight faces and made them belive silly stories.
"I can't get drunk, something to do my phoenix power, so whenever we get a rookie join us who has no idea.. we get them to challenge me to a drinking game." Marco says with a laugh.
"I make some extra crash from the bet and they learn an important lesson yoi."
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Hello Mr. Marco, if I may ask.. How does one bite a pineapple as though it is an apple? Wouldn't it hurt the mouth?
"Like it's hard yoi?" he asks and looks at the pineapple in his hand quizzically unsure why people find it so difficult or why people ask him about his eating habit.
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(ooc: always looking for more question's <3)
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"I guess, it's at least different from the pineapple jokes yoi..."
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Yo ! I found this photo of you as a child
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He laughs at the photo and shakes his head. "I would never wear that colour shirt yoi! but very fun, it's what I needed today." he says with a chuckle.
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Yo ! I found this photo of you as a child
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He laughs at the photo and shakes his head. "I would never wear that colour shirt yoi! but very fun, it's what I needed today." he says with a chuckle.
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what’s your favorite thing about being able to fly?
He looked at the note and smiled, looking out the window with a wistful expression on his face, watching the wispy clouds float softly in the pastel blue expanse of the sky. 
“The freedom, I mean I know being a pirate means you live free anyway,” he said with a chuckle, closing his eyes and enjoying the breeze on his skin.
“But flying? It's entirely different and hard to explain yoi.” Marco sighs and gets up from his desk, opening the door to his office.
“No limits, no words, no nothing, freedom in its purest form.” he held his arms out, blue igniting, human limbs becoming wings.
The mood for a flight was stoked by the question.
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My question is crucial :
Do you like Stefan ?
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Is so cute i eat him
Marco looks at the doodle and smiles fondly, thinking about all the times the dog has curled up in his office, sleeping on the tatty armchair sitting in the corner, enjoying the rays of sunlight that poured in through the window.
“He’s a good boy yoi!” the doctor grins from ear to ear thinking how he should go and find the dog, maybe get out of his office, stretch his legs and play with the pup.
“Bu-but don’t eat him, I wouldn’t advise that..”
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Ace, what's the scariest thing you've seen in your hometown?
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Marco wyd if the shoe store runs out of strappy sandles and you need new ones
The look of abject horror crosses the doctors face for a moment before he laughs it off, his usual cool demeanour returning.
"D-don't joke about that yoi."
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chirp chirp! (a tiny duckling) *hops up* (it’s on your foot) chirp!
Marco seems confused at the appearance of a duckling but is also very delighted.
"Hello little one." He wiggles his toes and sees the little bird hop.
"I'm not your papa, yoi." He chuckles but also seriously hopes he isn't papa.
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Yo marco out of roger and whitebeard who was the lightweight with alcohol
Marco laughed at the question, a large grin forming on his face as he recalled all those years ago. A very young him cheering Pop's on from the sidelines but not really understanding who was actually the winner or the loser of the drinking contest.
"At the time I would have told you Roger, yoi." Marco chuckled and closed his eyes in thought, enjoying the moment of reminiscing.
"Now though? I think they were about even. Don't tell Pop's I said that though yoi."
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Hey marco which of the yonko crew gives you the most of a headache when you have to do business with them
Marco reads the note and drops his pen, he lets out a deep sigh and rubs his face with his hands as he recalls his interactions with each and every yonko with a drawn-out sigh. Sliding his glasses off his face and rubbing the bridge of his nose and mumbles.
“Oh Shanks, I’ve not tangled with many of them, but Shanks can be a very difficult person to deal with yoi.” He thinks back to all the time’s Shanks has aggressively flirted with him and carries on staring off into the distance.
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Hey, um, have there ever been any defected marines or runaways from marine households to join the White Beard pirates?
"So many of us come from different walks of life before we come here yoi" He said with a sigh thinking about some of the stories they'd heard.
"Pop's welcomes everyone with open arms." He smiled warmly at that, he himself had been shown kindness and salvation, a life and a family here.
"Yes, yoi"
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