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Sorry, but I’ll be ending @ask-mer-josiphine and @ask-murderer-mae I’ve lost inspiration for them and no one really seems to like them. So if y'all want more mermaids or Gore just follow my personal, @chesshirebunn ,for more
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Sinday! Send me some dirty anons!
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1, 20, 47
1: "now I can't tell you that~"20: "of course"47: "many things, mostly jewelry and little trinkets"
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"Humans, anything they do can make me pissed"
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Normal ask meme
Nothing odd here, just some normal asks.
1. Where did you hide the body?
2. Favorite rock?
3. Worst dream you ever had?
4. Answer this with a lyric from the first song that comes to your mind
5. Does blood make you uncomfortable?
6. Even numbers or Odd numbers?
7. Something you hate that you love?
8. The first initial of someone you hate?
9. Make up an Acrostic for the word “Exsanguinate”
10. Do you enjoy corndogs?
11. Favorite movie from the year 2005?
12. Least favorite music genre?
13. Have any terrible restaurant experiences?
14. Three things that you would never want to come near you?
15. What is the worst way for you to die? (In your opinion)
16. any unsual habits?
17. One emoji that you probably have never used?
18. Write a three sentence horror story about a gatorade bottle.
19. Do you know what old bay is?
20. Can you dance?
21. What first comes to mind when you see rope?
22. Make an obscure reference
23. What is your favorite color for a balloon?
24. If you were ever to got court, would you most likely be innocent or guilty?
25. Are you hungry?
26. Do you have an unlucky number?
27. What does “JMD” stand for?
28. Random Inside joke?
29. What sends chills up your spine?
30. How many questions are currently in your inbox?
31. Someone (real) who scares you? 
32. Run or Hide?
33. Who is the last person who made you angry?
34. What’s going on in your head?
35. One little thing that makes you smile?
36. Are you a decisive person?
37. Would people describe you as a paranoid person?
38. What store would you be the least likely to be found in?
39. Do you like hats? If so, what’s your favorite type?
40. Bowties or Ties?
41. Who?
42. What?
43. Where?
44. When?
45. Why?
46. How?
47. Do you collect anything?
48. What time is it?
49. Favorite mode of transportation?
50. Would you ever kill someone to save someone else?
51. Make a joke
52. .eserver ni gnihtemos etirW
53. Would your dash be considered SFW?
54. Do you like to cuddle?
55. What makes you angry?
56. How many voices are in your head?
57. Do you consider yourself mentally stable?
58. Are you easily offended?
59. What’s wrong with taking the backstreets?
60. Any questions you want people to ask you?
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Updated Magic Anon List!
❣ – VISITOR – A creature has paid a visit to your muse, and they show little signs of being a benevolent soul.
♚ – STARVED – Your muse suddenly becomes very hungry for power, willing to do anything to reach the top and claim glory.
☠ – TOXIC – Your muse has lost any faith in life and humanity and decide to take action, and may deal with that as they may.
☒ – CENSORED – Your muse can no longer tell the truth, and they only speak in lies.
✒ – REVEALING – Your muse cannot lie, and can only speak the truth, whether they know it is true or not.
⇺ – REVERSE – We see an event from your muse’s past, played out in full, as specified by the asker.
웃 – IDENTITY – Your muse must switch bodies with another muse, as specified by the asker (with permission from other blog).
℺ – MEDULA – Your muse will switch personalities with another muse (with permission from another blog) or adopt the personality of another muse of the asker’s choice.
✁ – PERSONA – Your muse will lose a trait of their personality, specified by the asker.
☻ – DECEIT – Your muse will act as their polar opposite.
✷ – KIN – All asks will  be directed towards a family member of your muse.
❥ – STARCROSSED – Your muse will fall in love with another muse of the asker’s choice.
† – HOLY – Your muse will become an angel or demon, as specified by the asker.
❇ – MUTATION – Your muse will transform into some kind of monster or animal, specified either by asker or left to mun’s imagination.
⊛ – WITHIN – Muse becomes their spirit animal.
π – TECHNOLOGICAL – Your muse has become an automaton.
☢ – DISEASED – Your muse has now fallen incredibly ill with a mysterious disease and must be taken care of.
⌚ – CLOCKWORK – Your muse is now older or younger, as specified by the asker.
♘ – PURITY – Your muse wants nothing more than to help others and see to their well-being.
✾ – INHABITATION – Your muse has become possessed by another, foreign entity.
¿ – ALTERNATIVE – Your muse is now part of an alternate universe (crossovers included) of the asker’s choosing.
ᵜ – ANIMALIA – Your muse is now a half-animal being (animal is specified by asker).
☐ – LAME – Your muse loses one of their senses, specified by asker.
✷ – MAGICA – Your muse develops magical powers, as specified by asker or left to mun’s imagination.
◌ – ABSENT – Your muse has amnesia and cannot remember anything about themselves.
♔ – OBEDIENCE – Your muse must obey any commend given to them, or any command given to them by a specified Master.
♡ – LIBIDO – Your muse’s sex drive has gone overactive, and they will lust after anyone they see or after a specific person, as specified by the asker.
☿ – PRONOUN – Your muse is now of the opposite sex or gender. If they are transgender, they have the body they aspire to have. If they are nonbinary, the mun can decide what this will mean.
☯ – SEPARATED – Your muse will be split into two opposing halves based on their personality.
の – NEGATORY – Your muse will only be able to deny things and say no, no matter what is being asked of them.
☣ – INTOXICATION – Your muse is very high on a particular intoxicant/drug, as specified by the asker.
▨ – TRANSPARENCY – Your muse is now a ghost separated from their body and cannot be easily seen, heard, or felt by any living person.
☤ – MISFORTUNE – Your muse has a terrible accident and barely survives.
♛ – HIGHNESS – Your muse becomes that of royalty and/or high status.
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What do you feed your pets?
"Only the best, purest mortals"
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Doing these was so much fun! Feel free to share and try them yourself~
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What happened to ours? Jeeeezzzz))
Can I have some asks/interactions I can do text replies to? I’m a little lazy and don’t want to draw right now haha
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For every "★" I get, I will post a fact about myself.
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"Hmm......the way everything was nice and happy and I wasn't treated like a monster~"
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Rainbow Ask Meme!
Red- What makes your muse angry?
Orange- What does your muse like to eat the most?
Yellow- What makes your muse happy?
Green- What would your muse do with a million dollars/pounds/euros/etc?
Blue- What makes your muse calm?
Indigo- What does your muse miss the most from their childhood?
Purple- When does your muse feel the most confident?
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She raised a brow but didn't question it, "Alright, welll, I'll be on my way now" she turned to walk away
Mae walked up, "I've noticed you're not human, and you looked like you could help me...." ~ ask-murderer-mae
“You would be correct. I’m very not human. How may I help you, sugar?”
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"Good, now, just tell me when and where to find you and I'll bring the person"
Mae walked up, "I've noticed you're not human, and you looked like you could help me...." ~ ask-murderer-mae
“You would be correct. I’m very not human. How may I help you, sugar?”
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"Easy as pie~" she smirked, "I already have the perfect person in mind"
Mae walked up, "I've noticed you're not human, and you looked like you could help me...." ~ ask-murderer-mae
“You would be correct. I’m very not human. How may I help you, sugar?”
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"What's the price?" She watched, no emotion on her face as she did so
Mae walked up, "I've noticed you're not human, and you looked like you could help me...." ~ ask-murderer-mae
“You would be correct. I’m very not human. How may I help you, sugar?”
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camera + ❓
Mae loves photography, she's obsessed with it. It's also a good way to hide the fact she always takes a scenic picture of the places she hides the bodies. Nobody suspects it, they just think she's really into photography
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