ask-muun · 9 years
Is your name pronounced like "Moon"?
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this anon got it!
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ask-muun · 9 years
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favorite thing: giegue
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ask-muun · 9 years
:< hey, I know a small, but likely useful, way to fix that. ________________________________________ how???
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ask-muun · 9 years
heathertfennec replied to your post:what am i doing with this blog? is there any point...I know the reboot get delayed due to computer problems, but things will come together soon enough! __________________________________________________ it’s not that, i feel like no one gives 2 shits about this blog any more, their actions show it so i know my place...
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ask-muun · 9 years
what am i doing with this blog? is there any point to it?
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ask-muun · 9 years
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This was only meant to be an experimental piece, but it turned out so good. ;.;
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ask-muun · 9 years
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Giygas nips meet Giyg-ass
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ask-muun · 9 years
sorry i am late . happy birthday . hope this helps .
it would help if i knew who this was
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ask-muun · 9 years
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not gonna murder me in space!
so tell us, why is "Bee" in your name?
( Context: In every other platform I use my name will always have something to do with bees and ghosts. Usually it’s “Ghostybees”. )
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“ I am literally a swarm of bees mascaraing in a weird furry costume.Now that I told you I actually have to murder you now, sorry mate. “
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ask-muun · 9 years
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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno
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ask-muun · 9 years
Venting Stupid Shit
((I can’t help but feel no one gives a shit about me any more. cause like, my birthday came and went, and how many of you guys wished me happy birthday? 1... JUST 1 OF YOU FOLLOWERS!!! meanwhile i sit through a bunch of art for other blogs on someone’s b-day and a shit tone of birthday wishes, hell, i even recently made a birthday pic for someone with a recent birthday, the person didn’t even like it or anything, and i reblogged it when i knew they were on, and they couldn’t miss it. and no, i’m not asking for art (even if i was it would be to late now) but you know, more then 1 FUCKING PERSON WISHING ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOULD OF BEEN REAL NICE YOU KNOW!!! why am i making a big deal out of this? well, in my family, birthdays are a big deal, even if all you do is just act a little extra nice to a person or say something special them, it goes a long way, but you guys made me feel useless, and unwanted. thank you.. thank you so much...))
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ask-muun · 9 years
Thanks for the B-day wishes and gifts guys!
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ask-muun · 9 years
Steven Universe Blog!
I made an ask blog! AGAIN! For what? MORE CHARACTERS!
This time for STEVEN UNIVERSE! It has Gemsonas, they’re stuck on a ship together and are pretty darn bored.  http://allaboardthespacetrain.tumblr.com/ Ask the Homeworlders!
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ask-muun · 9 years
Today i am Birth! Happy Birth to me! And now we celebrate me having 1 less year in life until i am dead! c:
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ask-muun · 9 years
Tomorrow… it is the annual celebration of the day i was successfully birthed!
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ask-muun · 9 years
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CHAPTER 1: CHILDHOOD once upon a time, a little Geeg was born, his name was Muun. growing up, Muun was a shy but nice child, who unfortunately was born with a big pulsating vane on the back of his head, tho this wouldn’t lead to any complications of his life, still felt very awkward going around with it on his head. His parents cared about him greatly, and tried to spend as much time with him as possible, being he would reframe from making friends with others. His parents had a hard time doing so tho, being they both had military jobs that consumed a lot of their time. Muun grew up under the watch of a baby sitter who only seemed interested in keeping Muun physically okay, and nothing more. However, at night, his parents would always return home, to see a tired but excited Muun in his bed, waiting for them. The parents would then tell Muun a bed time story. but sadly, when Muun became the human equivalent of 10 a travesty happened to him. a rebellion broke into the government building and took casualtys, Two of which were Muun’s parents. hearing the news, Muun cried like any other child would. Muun was then taken to a orphanage. Muun was scared and alone, as he met the other children, tho they never said anything to his face about his vane, he knew they were talking of it, so he reframed from interacting with others as much as possible, instead, he would develop his barrier PSI abilities, in case anyone were to try and harm him similar to his parents. as Muun grew, his barriers also became stronger, as well as his fears of what he’d do when he grew up. Muun wasn’t sure what he could do in this world, so he decided when he grew older, to do something that would take him away from this world... End of Chapter 
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ask-muun · 9 years
Does Muun have a story to him? I wanna know!
((Yes, but i plan to reveal it in parts, however, this ask inspired me to get off my ass and get started on that :y so thanks!))
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