ask-orkiindah · 2 months
Teacher: *Talking about history and such as an example.*
Casthia, unable to let anything go, ever:
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ask-orkiindah · 4 months
Sun Spots: Miraak, First Servant, Slayer of Dragons, Herma-Mora's chosen one, my favo-
Miraak: You can't get the jar open?
Sun Spots: I can't get the jar open
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ask-orkiindah · 4 months
Casthia paces back and forth in an office, she is muttering to herself, a dark scowl on her face. "I have fought against the dead, vanquished foes that would have kings cower, I have bested fate and tricked death himself.." She says.
The camera pans to a printer on a table.
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ask-orkiindah · 5 months
Durnehviir: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Sun Spots: They do.
Miraak: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
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ask-orkiindah · 6 months
(characters) do you guys have an accent?
Maxine gets one that sounds like a southern accent, but only when she starts yelling. Also, whenever she's pissed it shines through very strong.
Casthia sounds slightly British, and had to look up Britan the first time someone pointed it out.
For Alduin, Paarthurnax, and Odaviing, all three have a slight accent, but no one can really place where it belongs– 🤷
Durnehviir will unironicly speak with a Scottish accent. He doesn't really know why either and just rolls with it.
Miraak has an accent that sounds Scottish, but it has something else accompanying it. No one can really figure out the name. (Minus Casthia, as she recognized it as Cyrodillic)
Sunny's accent is bizarrely deep southern while simultaneously Italian, no one is quite sure what to make of it
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ask-orkiindah · 6 months
Have any of you ever played Mario Kart?
Character wise
Maxine is absolutely the one who taught Odaviing, Durnehviir, and Miraak.
Casthia was eventually roped into the shenanigans and now has discovered minecraft.
Author wise
Vex - I've played it since I was maybe 5? I know that I've unlocked almost everything.
Loki - Samesies, I dominate on Sherbert Land and the Maple Treeway
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ask-orkiindah · 7 months
Miraak: Why were you up yesterday until 3am?
Sun Spots: How did you know I was up until 3am?
Durnehviir: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.
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ask-orkiindah · 7 months
(all) whose your favorite housemate/s?
Casthia is not ashamed to show favoritism towards Paarthurnax and Durnehviir.
Paarthurnax claims he doesn't have one, but its definitely Sun Spots.
Alduin tolerates Maxine(a friend of the family), but Casthia thinks he's a bad influence.
Odaviing is practically best friends with Durnehviir.
Miraak has no favorite, but it's definitely not Casthia.
Durnehviir can empathize with Miraak, so they get along well.
Sun Spots will say she has no favorites, but the friendship bracelets with Miraak and Durnehviir say otherwise.
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ask-orkiindah · 7 months
"The only thing hotter than the matches used to burn the foundations of trust is her dragon fire within."
And possibly the conversations that will be had. Tea being hot and all that.
Chapter Three: New Beginnings
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ask-orkiindah · 7 months
Sun Spots: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Casthia: Can everyone in this talos-forsaken family please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"?
Alduin: Ya know... it might be.
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ask-orkiindah · 11 months
Paarthurnax: Guys get out of the tank.
*Alduin, Casthia, Sun Spots, and Miraak pop out of the top of a tank like meerkats*
Alduin: You're not our dad
Paarthurnax: Get out of the fucking tank, I'm your legal dad!
Miraak: You're not our dad 🎶
Akatosh, in a flash of light: I'm your dad, get out of the fucking ta-
Sun Spots: We're in a tank and y'all ain't!
Akatosh and Paarthurnax: Get out of the fucking tank!
Casthia: We're literally in a tank and you're not.
Miraak: You're not our dads
Akatosh: Literally get out of the tank
Alduin, Casthia, Sun Spots, and Miraak: No!
*Odahviing and Durnehviir pull up in their own tank*
Paarthurnax: I'm done *goes back inside*
*Akatosh vanishes*
Bonus Scene
*Alduin, Casthia, Sun Spots, Miraak, Odahviing and Durnehviir pull into a drive-through with their tanks*
Odahviing: Can we get two liters of cola?
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ask-orkiindah · 11 months
Casthia: *doing the macarana, and also being a glowstick*
Alduin: Sunny! For the love of Akatosh, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Sun Spots *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem!
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ask-orkiindah · 1 year
*asked to introduce self in class*
Sun Spots: I'm Sun Spots, I'm 4,000 years old, and I never learned how to fucking read English.
*similar intros follow from the dragons*
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ask-orkiindah · 1 year
Sun Spots: Alduin tried to outsmart Paarthurnax again, he failed, miserably, again. In other news! Masser is red
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ask-orkiindah · 1 year
Alduin: Why are you leaving at 2am?
Casthia: No reason..
Alduin: Dad said no more breaking into abandoned buildings.
Casthia: Fuck-
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ask-orkiindah · 1 year
Casthia: Would burning it be better? No- wait.. freezing it?
Sun Spots: I have a problem.
Miraak: Kill it. 
Sun Spots: Can you chill for like, two seconds? 
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ask-orkiindah · 1 year
Durnehviir: *shatters a window and climbs through it*
Durnehviir: *turns around and helps Casthia through it* Breaking and entering is wrong Cas.
Casthia: Okay?
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