Hay shiri have you ever ment ivonkov and did you try becoming a male just out of curiosity also why are you so damb cute
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I don't believe I've met Ivankov-san, but Luffy-san's older brother works with him, does he not? I don't know if I would do it, I'm happy as I am and after my mother passed I am the only remaining girl in my family, so that might be kind of sad.
(Hi! Super neat that you found this little blog after all these years, that said it's already been 9 whole years since I last posted anything and I don't intend on coming back to it. Sorry to disappoint)
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ooc: It takes a me a bit of time to answer questions, but don't hesitate to put some in, I don't get very many and my ask box is currently empty
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What did you do closed in that tower for years? Except talking with Megalo.
I pretty much just played games with Megalo the entire time. There wasn't really much else to do. I was able to teach him a few neat tricks though.
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Of course. It would be a little difficult to hug you at my current size so I drew myself smaller.
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have you got to see anyone you didnt know too well now that youre safe, like madame shyarly or jinbei?
Of course I have. My brothers have been taking me out to different places and to meet up with a lot of people. It's been so much fun.
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Dear Shirahoshi, do you have milk on fishman island? because I wanted to share some milk and chocolate cookies with you, only if you would allow me to of course :3
Some of the sea creatures are mammals so they produce milk, but it's not very common for us to drink that. Any milk we have is imported from above the water so we do have some. Of course I would love to share some cookies with you, that's very nice of you to offer. Did you make them yourself? They're very good.
(ooc: sorry I took a little while to reply I wasn't sure what to draw and ended up reusing a picture. Oh well)
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Why are you so lovely?! Tell us your secret.
;u; Wah t-thank you Miss. Uh I don't think I really have a secret about that though. I'm sorry.
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Shirahoshi, dear, do you spend some more time with your family, now?
Well since Mr. Vander Decken is in jail I don't really have to stay in the hard-shell tower anymore. My father still want to keep me safe, but at least now I'm not alone. So yes we spend a lot more time together now.
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Uwaaa w-who are you sir? How did you get in here?
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ooc: Hey guys put in some asks I can't answer questions I don't have
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Who took care of you the most when you were little?
My parents were really busy so when they couldn't watch me my brothers would take care of me. They still look after after me and I'm extremely grateful for that. 
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Dear Shirahoshi, you are very very beautiful and I must say I admire you so much for what you did to not hold a grudge against Hordy. You go girl! My question is, do you think Captain Luffy is cute? n_n
Thank-you very much, all of you are so nice. I don't think it's a big deal though, holding a grudge wouldn't change anything and I promised my mother that I wouldn't.
As for Luffy-sama I find it fascinating that he can do so much despite being so small. He's much braver and stronger than I am. I don't think that cute is really the right word for him. (I do think he's cute, but I'm not sure that he would agree)
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Anonymous asked ask-princess-shirahoshi:
Why are you awesome?
Anonymous asked ask-princess-shirahoshi:
Shirahoshi-chan, you are beautiful :3
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Thank you both Mr. Anons.
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Hello I'm a pacifista and even though I'm a human weapon I was wondering if I could help with your mission for peace.
Of course don't be silly sir. Everyone is welcome, we don't discriminate.
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Hello, I want to help Fishmen and Humans to understand each-other better. Please ask me if you have any questions. I'll try my best to answer.
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