ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
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id l0ve t0 kiss and tell but nepeta might 0verhear me and thats s0mething i cann0t all0w right n0w
and t0 be h0nest i cant have him finding 0ut just yet 0u0
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
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hmm thats a bit difficult
at first i c0uldnt see past his arr0gance and the sn0bby way he used t0 belittle l0wbl00ds but bluebl00ds are just like that and ive accepted that being 0nce a bluebl00d myself
after spending a g00d am0unt 0f time ar0und him in the alpha timeline as well as all the d00med timelines in the dream bubbles ive realized im f0nd 0f his passi0nate spirit
n0 matter what c0ncept 0r physical being pleases him he has a STR0NG ( ha ha ) drive t0 0btain what he fav0rs the m0st
either in collecting fine art, in impr0ving skill, in strenghening his b0dy 0r in
well f0rce
like having me experience an insatiable l0ve f0r him against my 0wn free will 0_0
but thats in the past and im 0kay with it n0w
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
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0_0 0kay then give me 0ne m0ment as i pull 0ut the t00l 0f seducti0n t0 make this w0rk 100% there we g0
hey equius y0u can call me milk because i d0 y0ur b0dy well 0r h0w ab0ut
d0 y0u want t0 see what time tastes like because im made 0f it wait heres a g00d 0ne
equius lets g0 expl0ring ... in my respitebl0ck
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
question for the admins; how does one audition for a character?
[There are no auditions. This is purely a friend thing.]
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
[We've updated our character list. You can now ask questions to: MEULIN LEIJON ARADIA MEGIDO FEFERI PEIXES Have fun~]
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
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:33 < *AC's curiosity is piqued as she overhears mentions of her ships. She quickly springs into action, eager to sink her claws into the latest quadrant cat-punnings* (that was supposed to be "happenings." purrhaps that was overdoing it a little.)
:33 < of course, my furvorite otp is the best of meowrails. durrr!
:33 < oh! but the humans we have b33n m33ting are supurr candidates for shippings. the dave human and tavros have the most apurropriate relationship fur something red. (their sick fires have the pawsibility of getting out of hand... so maybe it's more of a black thing, and that could open up a whole bunch of new ships for potential ashen relations!)
x33 < *AC sh33pishly lowers her ears and wears a flustered grin, all the while licking the fresh b100d blood clean off her claws. she always has one secret otp that she k33ps hidden from the rest of her furriends*
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
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AC: :33 < *ac saunters into her hive to s33 furriendly messages! she gr33ts efurryone warmly and flicks her tail with curiosity*
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
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D --> First, one must distinguish the difference between D --> Sophisticated fine art and renditions of inappropriate pornography D --> I don't abuse my aristocratic conne%ions D --> If you are implying that I have insight on how to help your addiction, you are asking the wrong troll D --> My interests are not caught in the obsession with 100d behavior and scandalous videos of concupiscent acts D --> I only attain the most prestigious of ancient Alternian musclebeast portraits D --> In which the subject strikes a formidable and flattering pose, strictly to e%ploit his noble physique, muscular splendor, and STRONG endowment D --> Not porn
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ask-red-vs-blue · 10 years
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1LL 5H0W YU0 50M37H1NG CU73
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
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D --> The even took place when I was a f001 of a wiggler D --> I disregarded my own strength in an activity  D --> Which I intend to keep a private matter D --> I endured the pain and complications of my thoughtless mistake D --> I still feel it, now and then D --> Those tinges of pain serve as a reminder D --> I now have many friends, and a moirail to 100k after D --> Never again will I lose track of my STRONGNESS D --> No one will suffer the misplaced pain of my hand again D --> I will not repeat the a%ident 
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
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D --> Moirailegence is about more than just physical comfort D --> I pride myself in my cerebral incorporations D --> I've built many things with my prowess with mechani% D --> As an e%ample D --> I once built her a self-preparing tea making device D --> In conc100sion, you will no longer call into question D --> My proficiency as a moirail
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
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who me? have a cru2h on that 2hort, loud-mouthed wanna-be programmer wiith the troll napoleon complex? okay, well, the thought of u2 beiing iin 2ome kiind of concupii2cent quadrant ha2 cro22ed my miind. ii don't hate hiim enough two want two be hii2 kii2me2ii2. not two mentiion he, hiim2elf, probably ha2 that 2pot taken already. eheh. fuck, thii2 ii2 lame. ii don't under2tand why ii'm gettiing flu2tered. he'2... alriight two look at; he'2 not ugly or anythiing. ii admiit ii liike beiing around hiim even when he 2ubject2 me two hii2 romance fiilm2 and de2piite lettiing me diie early on iin the game... he diid... try two protect me whiile ii wa2 ko'd duriing tc'2 epii2ode. whiich ii2 cool, ii gue22. kk ii2 actually pretty - fuck - nevermiind. forget what ii 2aiid.
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
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D --> I will considerately a%ept your request without further di%ussion D --> We will now embrace with abso100tely no restraint [ > CRACK < ] D --> Fudgesicles D --> Pardon my sudden leave D --> I must fi% this device before the b100 team leader catches trot of my folly
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
So, Kankri, What Is The Best Way, In Your Opinion Of Course, To Confront A Very... Triggering Person? I Believe You Would Be The Best To Ask This To.
I’m s9 pleased y9u came t9 me f9r this answer. My resp9nse is quite simple; y9u must alert the pers9n 9f their err9r as s99n as p9ssi6le. A pers9nal fav9rite 9f mine is t9 6l9w my whistle first. I will even sh9w y9u h9w t9 present y9urself when env9king the p9wer 9f the s9cial justice whistle. Stay firmly planted where y9u are, f9cus intently 9n the pers9n [I w9uld like t9 n9te that eye c9ntact is a p9werful thing. D9 s9 and watch h9w y9ur influence gr9ws.] and sh9w y9ur utter disapp9int in the situati9n thr9ugh facial expressi9n. N9t 9nly d9es the pers9n halt in their acti9ns 6ut I have gathered the attenti9n 9f said pr96lematic pers9n and any9ne else in the vicinity. An audience t9 listen t9 y9u always makes s9cial justice 6etter. I find having m9re pe9ple seeing me in acti9n really 9pens their eyes t9 the f9lly 9f their acti9ns and their persecuting ways.N9w that y9u have their attenti9n, y9u must 6egin with9ut hesistati9n and explain t9 them in great detail what they did wr9ng. 6y great detail, I d9 mean explain every little p9int in y9ur speech s9 that they may understand. Take time f9r them t9 ask questi9ns and inquire; this is, afterall, a learning pr9cess f9r them and y9u are their 9pen-minded, reas9na6le and enlightened teacher. 9r at least, y9u will 6e after y9u take extensive n9tes 9n h9w I deal with these situati9ns.It may take a c9uple 9f h9urs at minimum t9 talk with them until they understand and change their triggering lifestyle and manners. It will all 6e w9rth it and d9n’t mind th9se wh9 think 9f y9u as f99lish 9r insuffera6le. If y9u keep at it l9ng en9ugh, they will c9me ar9und. I just kn9w it. 
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
Sollux, is that Soul Calibur you're playing there, or something else? I'm sure you'd beat anyone on that game against anyone in the veil anyday!
2orry two dii2appoiint but ii wa2 actually playiing my old copy of ocariina of tiime on the n64 when kk wa2 off doiing hii2 own thiing on the computer.ii’m flattered you thiink my 2kiill2 are exceptiional and you’re riight about that. not two brag or anythiing but ii kiick a lot of a22. eheh.
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
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no i aint a hipster howw could you be so imbecilic to think that noww if you dont mind im gonna go back to sippin a brand a tea youvve nevver heard a from a teacup wwith a design youre too uncultured to recognize
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ask-red-vs-blue · 11 years
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CT:  D -->  It's a mare coincidence that she has just been inc100ded AC:  :33 < *ac awaits incoming questions with her ears perked forward and a d33p curiosity* 
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