Rich What Do You Think Of Lee Revkins As A Racer And A Roll Model
Rich: Lee Revkins... I don’t know. He doesn’t seem that mainstream, and he doesn’t sound mainstream either, because i have no idea who you’re talking about. BUT, let me look into it- or him, or them- never mind I’ll come back to your question later. AFTER LATER... Rich: OOOOOH so THAT was the guy causing discourse in my backyard with his ragtag... squirrels. Easy misconception, asker! He’s actually my neighbor :) As a racer, I think he’s got the experience of a veteran, which probably won’t be enough against someone like me (haha major ego boost). Maybe I could be his role model, who knows!
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For all the next gens: Do y'all have favorite animals?
Rich: A question... for ALL of the Next-Gens...? This space is aboutta get crowded!  Rich: Wait, I have an idea! What if I took one at a time and asked them individually? That way it’ll be much easier on me and there won’t be any hard feelings about certain choices! Rich: Wow, Rich, you are smart! :D Rich: I get it from the best :)
(This get quite long ee)
////////// Rich: Alright, let’s go by... racing number! Our first subject is Flip Dover! Flip: First subject? Rich, what is this all about? Rich: Oh, nothing :)) Just want you to answer a single question for me! Flip: Then why not do it in public? This looks like a therapy room! Rich: ...You... never... know...? Listen, just, what’s your favorite animal? Flip: Oh, easy! I thought it was gonna be something major! Rich: This IS major! The animal kingdom in withering in your grip, and you can only choose one soul to save. Flip: Is it that serious? Rich: YES. Flip: THEN HOW CAN I CHOOSE?? IT’S NOT LIKE THEY’LL HAVE MUCH LONGER TO LIVE, RIGHT??? Rich: No, well yes, but- just- just answer the question! Flip, more calm as if nothing happened: *ahem* I’ll choose the average pet. Rich: *sigh* THANK YOU. ///// A LITTLE LATER \\\\\ Rich: Alright, Danny, I want you to answer just a single question. Danny: What makes you think I’ll answer more? Rich: The previous one didn’t know the meaning of “single” let’s just say.
\\\\\ FLASHBACK ///// Harvey: But how can the question be single if there’s two? Rich: WHERE DID THE OTHER QUESTION COME FROM? Harvey: LOOK I couldn’t let the guy be lonely. Even words need a friend or two, so add in “question” with “questions” and you get a couple of question! Rich: You answered it already just get out. \\\\\ END OF FLASHBACK ///// Danny: ...I mean he’s not wrong. Rich: Please don’t start. Do you have a favorite animal? Danny: Parrots, obviously. Bro, they’re so smart, they can learn the words your speaking out of your own mouth! That’s why Harvey sneaked one in before he entered the room. Rich: Wait, what? Parrot: He asked you a couple of questions :) Rich: Why is the parrot’s voice so strong and fluent in English? ...Also how did I never notice this? Danny: You haven’t? Parrot: Make that five! ///// LATER AGAIN \\\\\ Cam: Ooo! Quiz time! Rich, smiling: Yep. I just need you to answer one small question, alright? Cam: Okay! Rich: Do you have a favorite animal and if so, which is it? Cam: Hmm... Which is it...? Rich Yeah. Cam: *snort* Rich is it...? Rich: Cam: Rich: ...Are- are you kidding me? Cam: Sor-ry, man! I just keep Mixon up your name with stuff, and I can’t help it! Oh, and I don’t have a favorite animal :) Rich: I’ll forgive you JUST THIS ONCE. Cam: You said that last time, too! You’re really merciful! Cam: Speaking of you, what’s your favorite animal, Rich? Rich: MY favorite animal? Cam: Yeah! Rich: Huh... if I had to pick... I’d go with sponges! Cam: Sponges? Oh yeah, they’re animals too, right? Rich: Definitely :) //////////
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Who's your least favorite other racer and why?
Rich: HOLY S- I DESPISE Harvey sometimes something doesn’t sit right with him Harvey: HEY >:0  Rich: Don’t worry you’re not the only one! There are quite a few racers that could use a little shake.. Harvey: I don’t like the sound of that too much.... Who are they? Rich: Why would I tell you? Harvey: Because I asked...? Rich: *sigh* Harvey: What? Rich: I just realized that the question says “least favorite” rather than “hate” or whatever Harvey: OOH XD Thank goodness! I thought you hated me! Why, though? Rich: Like I said, something doesn’t sit right. Harvey: ...Is it because I look like Storm? Rich: OHMYG-
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Hey Rich, what do you think of Miss Natalie Certain?
Rich: Good question! What do I think of Natalie...? Rich: Well, for sure, she’s got a way with numbers! She seems nice, too. I kind of feel bad that I don’t have much to say about her, to be honest- OH! WAIT! ONE MORE THING! Her bond with Chick is fairly impressive! From what I hear and believe, most can’t stand him, so it shows she has patience as well, I guess you could say :) Good person, good person.
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Posting these here because why not :)
Late night doodle dump!
Where Storm and Rich are probably high af
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And Cruz is.. I dunno but she's there
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Also I'm making this ask blog dominantly my human AU, if that's alright (and possibly a Next-Gen ask blog in general because I love them). You can still ask questions and such, don't worry, I just think that if I were wanting to sketch out an ask, I wouldn't have to worry about car proportions too much qwq I might bring the mix back but fn it just human AU because I'm highly passionate about my designs 💖✨
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Alright, here's an ask: which of the next gens does Rich like, and which do he despise?
Rich: If I just HAD to be honest, a lot of people are REALLY indifferent. I haven’t been able to get to know to many super well, because Cam’s always wanting to spend every second of the day with me >:/ Cam: Heeeeeeeyyy!  Rich: What? Cam: No, I’m just saying “Hey, you like me, right?” Rich:  Cam: Rich: Rich: I mean, you’re my best friend, too, so... Cam: Awesome :D Rich: But I also hate you as well. Cam: I know~ uwu Rich: How did you do that? Cam: Do what? Rich: Y’know, that. Cam: What? uwu? Rich: I- yeah, nevermind. (I hope this was an acceptable answer lol I just got done with my school stuff so my brain was like “TAKE A GODJAM BREAK” but I saw this and I just HAD to answer it) (To put into context, Rich does’t actually mind Cam at all, he just get highly flustered when he’s around him and says stupid stuff, which I guess he hates him for that too....? Look it’s better out of context aight? XD) (He’s also friends with Cruz and Storm individually and hopes that the two of them can get along so they can all be mutuals :) It seems to be working to him but you can never be too sure lmao)
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Would you go on as a guest on Chicks Picks with Chick Hicks? I hear hes been sending out invitations to Next Gens he says are 'better than decent, at least'.
(in case you haven't heard, I'm going to be answering questions in text for a while until I get my school schedule in tact and also having motivation to draw afterwards; I also didn't want these sitting here for too long lol)
Rich: hmm... I don't see why not. While I'm not the biggest fan of interviews, and I will admit that I can be shy sometimes, but I can handle it! As long as it's not too late, I should be fine :D
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That exact thing ended up happening...
Chick: So, first question: What's your favorite part about racing? Any competitors you think stand out?
Rich, sped af due to lack of sleep: Huh? Oh yeah, racing. When it comes to the racers, I think it's fun...
Chick: What?
Rich: I said Cruz. I don't know if it's her paint job or what, but she's hard to see in the light..
Chick: ...o...kay? Anyone else?
Rich: There's also Cam, I guess. He's a good friend of mine, and him being on the track alone gives me mobity.
Chick: Mobity?
Rich: *yawns* Yeah, mobitivartion. You know, that one feeling that gets you all worked up inside?
Chick: Sure.... But back to my first question! What's your favorite part about racing?
Rich: Can I go home?
(lol these two questions went GREAT together when I first read them I was like "AWE HERE WE GOOOOOO")
(I also decided to answer the anonymous ask and just tag @jbreaker2033 to get them both in :>)
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hh man i was gonna continue to draw out asks for my rich mixon ask blog but I’ve worked ALL DAY on school stuff that I am no longer motivated for tonight;; I think I might do my first few asks as text responses until I’ve actually worked out a way I can moderately keep up with school stuff AND still have motivation left to put into them i hope that’s not an issue :)
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reblogging for 18 hours of good luck :) (and filler)
I ran out of time to do a LOT of things last night, and I didn’t feel like sleeping, so I decided to wip out some paper and draw my next-gen gijinkas :) (I ended up messing around w/ storm’s hair one day and now im keeping it like that)
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i was gonna put an itty bitty rich in the drawing but he didn’t survive the photo
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lmao and theu’re just like v
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As someone whose played PLEANTY of Driven to Win with a brother whose anonymously AMAZING at coming up w/ headcannons (half of mine come from our time playing together), a major one is their friendship, which i am DEDICATED to
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one more
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…is what i would’ve said if there wasnt a MASSIVE CRACK DRAWING on the back LOL get fooled!
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i dont remember if I was high or what but i do remember being fully aware of everything a drew, and tbh I think my art style IMPROVED from this
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half of it is just Cruz being sped af
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^^ I love that song ^^
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Based on another day of my brother and I being stupid w/ cam and rich in Driven to Win
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cam and storm try to understand cruz and why she’s turned into a night time alien
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he better do something :l
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he did something :)
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funny friend cosplays lol AAAAAND NOW IM DONE THANK GOD FINDING ALL OF THESE IN MY FILES WITHOUT PROPER NAMES FOR EACH MADE THIS POST TAKE AGES TO MAKE I’m so dumb at night I apologize hh but being a fan of theirs and a next-gen brainwashed idiot I had no choice but to i hope this is okay
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Main: @randomdidsomething
This is my minor rich mixon ask blog that I've been meaning to start up!! While questions are to be directed to rich, if you have anything next-gen-related in general, this could be a place for you! (Keyword is "could" I'm still trying to decide this).
*Contains various personality headcannons and maybe some low quality arte in some spots too but THAT'S OKAY
*If i dont feel like drawing cars then I’ll insert my human au characters bshjsjk
* Edit: I'm making this dominantly human au now suckers you can't do smack about that >:)
Edit: okay this was fast lmao
I've decided that hints of other next-gen stuff is valid, adding a bit of spice (or salt, maybe paprika? I prefer pepper sometimes but-) to the blog as well! Y'know, to make things interesting
Also I’ll be asnwering asks with text currently rather than drawings, due to being overwhelmed with my schoolwork and not wanting to overwork myself :)
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