ask-sonc · 1 month
Sonic hissed, the sting of alcohol coursing through his whole body (even if the wound was at his abdomen only).
"None of ya'." He replied dryly, relief settling on his chest. Minus one worry from the thousands he had.. "But thank you.. for healing me, I guess."
Sonic grasped onto his last bit of consciousness as he limped towards Eggman's giant monitor. He felt close to throwing up, the thick scent of blood forcing itself into his nostrils.. but no, not yet. He could not give up just yet, not until getting some sort of clue regarding his brother's location. After that, perhaps he could rest for a little.. Chaos, how comforting would it be to lay down against the cold metal floor, give in into sleep's warm arms while his problems magically got fixed? A little shut eye can't do much harm–
"N-No." He groaned, speeding to the doctor's keyboard. "Not yet, please."
- @ask-sonc
(GOD I TOOK SO LONG it was not easy guys BAHAH)
Orbot had been focusing mainly on cleaning duty lately. He was avoiding doing anything that would get him shut down- not that he even knew what would. Robotnik clearly wasn't the one doing it. He'd have to get someone to take a look at his code. Maybe Tails since the doctor was out. It could be a bug or something.
He got a notification that there was some sort of spill in a certain hall, and made his way down, finding the hedgehog-
"Oh my- oh dear- Sonic?"
It certainly wasn't Metal or Robotnik who had done this. Metal wouldn't leave that kind of wound- and the doctor would have made a show of it if he did.
He put down his cleaning supplies, grabbing for the first aid kit instead in a cupboard across the room before hovering over to the hedgehog.
"You're making such a mess" He shook his head. If he was mistaken and it was one of the two who had gotten him, he could play this off as a mistake, get disassembled for a week and deal with whatever happened after he got rebuilt.
He also probably owed the hedgehog and his brother a bit for the few times Tails repaired Cubot when Eggman wouldn't.
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ask-sonc · 1 month
At first he flinched, thinking Eggman, Metal Sonic, or anyone at this point would jump him from behind. Once realizing it was Orbot, though, he simply rolled his eyes annoyingly.
"No shit, Orbot." He groaned, leaning on the room's desk. Which was Eggman's password again? Chaos, he could not remember.
"Oh, is that a-" Sonic coughed blood into his fist. "-first aid k-kit? For me?"
Sonic grasped onto his last bit of consciousness as he limped towards Eggman's giant monitor. He felt close to throwing up, the thick scent of blood forcing itself into his nostrils.. but no, not yet. He could not give up just yet, not until getting some sort of clue regarding his brother's location. After that, perhaps he could rest for a little.. Chaos, how comforting would it be to lay down against the cold metal floor, give in into sleep's warm arms while his problems magically got fixed? A little shut eye can't do much harm–
"N-No." He groaned, speeding to the doctor's keyboard. "Not yet, please."
- @ask-sonc
(GOD I TOOK SO LONG it was not easy guys BAHAH)
Orbot had been focusing mainly on cleaning duty lately. He was avoiding doing anything that would get him shut down- not that he even knew what would. Robotnik clearly wasn't the one doing it. He'd have to get someone to take a look at his code. Maybe Tails since the doctor was out. It could be a bug or something.
He got a notification that there was some sort of spill in a certain hall, and made his way down, finding the hedgehog-
"Oh my- oh dear- Sonic?"
It certainly wasn't Metal or Robotnik who had done this. Metal wouldn't leave that kind of wound- and the doctor would have made a show of it if he did.
He put down his cleaning supplies, grabbing for the first aid kit instead in a cupboard across the room before hovering over to the hedgehog.
"You're making such a mess" He shook his head. If he was mistaken and it was one of the two who had gotten him, he could play this off as a mistake, get disassembled for a week and deal with whatever happened after he got rebuilt.
He also probably owed the hedgehog and his brother a bit for the few times Tails repaired Cubot when Eggman wouldn't.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
As he saw Nine's face shift through multiple emotions, all who were nothing but good, Sonic began to feel remorse build in his chest.
At first it felt mild, a small pain Sonic could easily shook away with a run, a chili dog, even by just ignoring it was there, but as he realized how damaging his words had been, the sting in his core only grew bigger, and bigger.. it felt so wide Sonic couldn't think of anything but pain, regret and righteous self-hatred. Chaos, he had stepped over Nine's boundary line, he had really fucked it up here.
"Nine, listen—"
A loud whine instantly jumped from his throat as Nine's metallic tail, the one Sonic had just made fun of, pierced through the hedgehog's lower abdomen. He gasped for air, attempting to drown the pain but it was to no avail.. the head throbbing ache in his stomach was here to stay, to tease Sonic of all the mistakes he'd make because he deserved this. He deserved the stab, and perhaps much more.
Feeling his vision flicker, Sonic allowed himself to limp down. All of his remaining energy would now purely focused on staying awake. Because if he passed out, then what would be next for him? Would Nine leave him behind, hoping the hedgehog would rot and die? Or would he mindlessly beat Sonic to a pulp, taking the advantage of his helpess unconsciousness?
Even if the idea of endlessly resting didn't ring as badly as it should've, dying was not an option for Sonic The Hedgehog. His duty was staying alive so other's could do the same— if he passed away what would be of humanity? Plus, the thought of leaving the physical world before seeing his friends back in the flesh didn't sit right with him. If he had to die, then let it be after Tails and Knuckles are no longer Eggman servants.. not before.
"Sh-Shit.." As the seconds passed, keeping his eyes open would only become progressively difficult. It felt as if his body no longer belonged to himself, because if it did, then why wasn't it listening to him? Why wasn't it fighting against the tiredness like Sonic desperately begged it for?
Sonic's last coherent thought before passing out was how Tails had to picture all of this. He wasn't sure if the kit was even there, but if he was... It only made the hedgehog feel worse.
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
"If Tails was in that position, I'm sure he wouldn't let power get to his head like you."
Regardless of how much his heart begged him to stop, Sonic's mouth continued to spit venomous words towards Nine.
The hedgehog was well aware he would hate himself for this one later on, but considering how far his bullying had gotten, backing away would give Nine just what he wanted, and Sonic wasn't letting that happen. He got himself in this one, which meant it was also him who would have find a way out of it. The only question was: how? Was Nine that easy to mess with? Had he made a mistake.
"Admit it. You just love power because without it you're no one. Just how you rely on your robotic tails, or am I wrong?"
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
"I could've easily defeated you myself— you were the one who used almost all of the Paradox's Prism power, weren't ya?" Sonic's lips pulled back, a furious snarl forming in his mouth. "You little power freak.. Just wanted control over everything back then like you do right now, hmm?"
Regardless if he believed on that or not, Sonic had to find a way to alter Nine. It'd be a lie saying he didn't feel bad, spatting so much hate felt completely unlike him, but what other thing could he do? Nine was right at one thing: He was the one at mercy, not the kit. The only weapon available was his tongue.. nothing more.
Oh, and maybe his teeth if Nine got close enough.
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Sonic stared at Nine's hand, mind realizing what was about to happen. Get himself knocked out.
"Oh, c'mon." Even under Tails' grasp, Sonic maintained his cocky smile, teasingly scoffing at the other's intention. "You really think you'll be able to cause any damage with those arms of you? Pray tell, do you even train?"
Sonic rolled his eyes, forcing any sight of fear down his throat. If he had learnt anything from being in disadvantage in his past encounters it was that, whenever foes got pushed enough to his limit, they'd do something stupid. Sonic had a feeling Nine was just like that, but what stupid thing would he do?
"Like, seriously man. You really need all the help possible to take me down, don't ya?"
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
The hedgehog tensed as he felt two metallic limps wrap themselves around his body. His breathing hitched at the restraint, arms and legs alike punching and kicking aimlessly in attempt to be freed. But considering this was Tails holding him back, there wasn't much Sonic could do... He unconsciously stopped himself from hitting too considering, giving Nine just what he wanted. His failure.
"Damn it, Nine!" Sonic furiously roared.
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Sonic flinched as multiple metallic tails went after him. He gets cut here and there, blood dripping down his limbs as a result, but thanks to his natural speed plus Nine's inexperience in combat Sonic doesn't get all that hurt. It is when Nine dares to use his baby brother against himself that things change for the cocky hedgehog. Unlike before, he now feels himself being held back.
"Nine–" Sonic scoffs disappointedly. "That's pretty low, even for you!"
The hedgehog jumps to Nine's side, successfully avoiding Robo-Tails, who he really doesn't want to hurt. Sure, in this state his whole body can undoubtedly be repaired, but it still felt morally wrong for to hurt someone so precious to him, regardless of all the changes he'd gone through. After all, the essence, personality, whatever you want to call it of Tails was still there.
"What do you even plan to do, huh?" Sonic raised his head to meet the fox's eyes. "Kill me? Is that what you want to do?"
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Sonic snickered at Nine's attempt to dash away. For someone so smart (because, heck, the kid was a genius.) Nine seemed to forget who he was battling against. That's right, it was none other than the fastest thing alive, a guy that could lap around the world and still catch up with the kit.
He gave Nine a five second advantage, convincing himself it was an act of charity and not to mess with the other. Once the time had passed, Sonic rushed to Nine's front and in a blink, he had his fist plastered against his cheek.
"Last warning." He grumbled. "And I mean it!"
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Sonic visibly cringed at Nine's claims. It was funny for him, considering how he'd always been authentic, only putting up an ""act"" whenever it was required. And what was that about being a fraud? What does even being a fraud mean? He can't remember ever trying to trick others— How in the world was he a fraud?!
"You think I-" Sonic scoffed. "You think give a flying fuck about the media? You really don't know me, do you?"
Sonic cockily flicked his nose, not really trying to hold back his laughter. It was mean and sarcastic, like a chuckle you'd hear from someone laughing at you, not with you. And Sonic was indeed making fun of Nine— he knew nothing and yet he was here believing he had Sonic figured out. How foolish.
Scraping away his want to find a middle ground, Sonic cracked his knuckles, determined to attack.
"C'mon, hand him over. You don't wanna fight me."
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Sonic's lips pulled back, a snarl coming from his mouth. Instinctually he thought his best option was beating Nine to a pulp, snatching Tails away from him and trying to amends their differences later. But like Nine had said, their fight would consequentially affect Tails, Sonic's number one priority.
So instead of listening to his short-sighted intuition, Sonic tried finding a common ground between the two. Which in this case, it was Tails.
"I just want him to be okay." He barked. "I don't care about anything else.. I just want my baby brother back. So why not work together, huh? I just can't leave his side, Nine. I think you understand."
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
"Failure... That's how people see me now, isn't it?"
Sonic wrapped his scarred around himself, attempting to replicate the physical contact he hadn't received in weeks. Only punches, kicks and cuts.. that was all he'd gotten from his friends– no, his family. His damned family that had been nothing but distant with him.. which, in some way, was his fault.
Oh, who is he kidding? Everything happening was his fault. His loneliness, his pain, his urge to run away and all he wished he could push apart was his fault, and it was about time he admitted it.
"I got the people I need to help Tails." Sonic straightened his posture, defiantly looking up to Nine. "I'm so close to saving him.. I just need you to fuck off and give him to me. I don't want to fight you, Nine.."
He wasn't giving up just yet. Things were going horribly wrong, but Sonic wasn't allowed to throw the towel and let Nine do Chaos knows what. If he was going down, it was happening in a fight.. not because he willingly let it happen. No sir, this hedgehog had lost it all but his stubbornness. That particular attitude was still there, and it would take a catastrophe for it to leave.
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Nine's sharp words felt like a thousand knifes stabbing Sonic from both his back and his front. He felt himself get poisoned, the venom from the other dripping down his throat and forcing a knot in it. The only thing his now fuzzy mind could think off was to hold back the tears forming in his eyes. To not let himself be vulnerable because Nine was wrong.
Fun? If anything Sonic has only felt the opposite of fun. And Chaos, you don't know how much he craved it! He missed his past life, where every bad moment would be shaken off with a laugh. Now every time things got out hands, Sonic felt himself get closer to breaking down.. Nowadays he was just glass waiting to be shattered, unlike the strong steel he'd been years ago.
He just wanted his little brother back. That was all he required to feel full filled once more.
"You're wrong.." His mutters were soft as a breeze. "I.. I've been trying. Things got out of hands, but I've been trying." Sonic clenched his fists, his vision getting blurrier thanks to the tears. "You know nothing!"
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Sonic tilts his head, seemingly confused.
"What do you mean?" He wrapped his arms together, shifting his weight to one side. "I've come here every other day.."
The hedgehog shakes his head disbelievingly, thinking maybe this is some kind of sick joke Nine's pulling on him. Why would the other make fun of such a fragile subject? It couldn't be that Nine was that insensitive.. even he, being the social inept he was, must understand the pain Sonic had been going through.
With a sigh, Sonic turned to Tails, looking for sure reassurance.
"You tell him, Tails. Tell him how often I've come here." He blinks as he gets no answer from the other. "...Tails?"
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
"W-WOW!" As his quills bristled Sonic tripped away, almost falling on butt.
He had to take a second to think, eyes focusing on anything but Nine. Sonic wondered if he'd done anything wrong, his fists clenching tight as his mind wandered to places he'd rather not go. Perhaps he'd crossed a boundary? Hugged Nine too strong? They were in an Eggman base, after all. The kit had all the right to be one his feet, it wasn't a secret they could get attacked at any given moment.
With that thought in mind, Sonic straightened his posture, hand facing Nine defensively.
"Yo, dude! Don't worry, it's me." Sonic scoffed teasingly. "Don't ya' worry, I'm not badnik."
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
Sonic was cheerful today... well, cheerful-er than he had been in the past week.
The hedgehog was convinced no other week before had been as lonesome, exhausting and hellish as this one. Sure, those 6 months he'd spent getting tortured by Infinite could totally overpassed this, but Sonic had suffered it so much his brain opted to block it, to protect him. Which, in a way, it was a good.. but unhealthy.
"Ooh, Tails!" The hedgehog confidently walked down the base's halls, for once taking his sweet time instead of running.
Chaos, he felt excited! Not only would Profesor Pickle come all the way from Spagonia 3 days earlier than what he'd said, but he'd also bring along biologists specialized in prosthetics and areas Sonic didn't bother remembering. After so long he'd comfortably hug his little brother again. He just had to wait a couple more days but their freedom was just around the corner.. What the fuck?!
"Nine?!" Sonic's tilted his head, confused. It took him the longest 10 seconds to realize that yes, Nine was indeed in front of him, alongside Tails.
"Chaos, Nine!" Sonic hopped to kit's side, hugging him tightly with no warning. Now Nine could also help them with this! It seemed like, for once, things were going his way.
Breaking and sneaking through the base was easier the second time. The security hadn't changed, just reinforced, which Nine thinks is another foolish choice.
A spider scampering across the walls, quick, but silent. Soon enough, he has landed in the same room as the fox, approaching carefully as to not startle him.
His footsteps are silent, but what point is there to stay quiet when they'll have to interact one way or another? Plus, surprising the mechanically modified, enhanced with new weaponry (probably), isn't the best choice.
He states, making his footsteps audible before he gets into the line of vision. He pauses before Tails, squinting slightly. Did... uh... something happen? Tails looks... different, to an extent.
He was a little confused when the cameras in the area around him shut down. All he could assume is that metal was doing it out of spite or something dumb.
What was he kidding, he didn't know what was going on anymore. Knuckles was off doing Chaos knows what. Apparently, Eggman wasn't around anymore. Don't even get him started on him failing to repair himself because he didn't know how- in his defense, he couldn't get a good angle, but that didn't make up for it in his own mind.
He flinched hearing the other's voice. It wasn't robotic... what was someone who wasn't a robot- shit whoever it is must think he's a badnik-
He turned towards the footsteps, generally for his sense of direction rather than actually looking at the fox. He kept the trinket he was working on in one hand, switching his grip so it was more of a weapon.
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ask-sonc · 2 months
"Yo, does that mean you can see me?"
Sonic turned to a camera, his grin growing wide it.
"Yoo, Tails! Knucks! Anyone here?"
- @ask-sonc
He used a wrench he found to tap on the doorway. He could... sorta... tell where the hedgehog was.
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