ask-spider-men · 11 months
“And when we get evidence on Tombstone, I think we should bring it to JJ.” Peter said seriously. “Jameson’s a jerk, and a loudmouth, but he’s got integrity. He just doesn’t like us Spider-Men because he thinks there’s no accountability.” With that, Peter pulled up the morning issue of the Daily Bugle on his phone and showed it to Scott and Miles. On it was a public apology to Spider-Man about what a journalist named Eddie Brock made up about him, and an end to the bounty.
“Okay, gotta respect Jameson for that.” Miles admitted surprised.
“Hi Mr. Lang!” Spidey said hanging upside down from a street light, wearing a new black suit with a white spider on his chest. “It’s been a while!”
Scott looked up and grinned excitedly. “Spidey! Hey, buddy! It really has been a while. It’s good to see you.”
“Wow,” he commented as he noticed the new suit. “You’ve got some new threads I see. Going for a different vine, huh?”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Good plan. But even then we have to be careful.” Peter pointed out with a wince. “I made the mistake of confronting him when I found out. He broke my ribs and none of my hits even fazed him. It was like punching a wall.”
“Great. He’s got powers too.” Miles muttered. “I vote we go with Mr. Lang’s plan.”
“Hi Mr. Lang!” Spidey said hanging upside down from a street light, wearing a new black suit with a white spider on his chest. “It’s been a while!”
Scott looked up and grinned excitedly. “Spidey! Hey, buddy! It really has been a while. It’s good to see you.”
“Wow,” he commented as he noticed the new suit. “You’ve got some new threads I see. Going for a different vine, huh?”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Thanks.” Peter said taking the containers and putting them in his fridge. “Anybay, I wanted to tell you something. Before Symbie and I dated, I found out who the ‘Big Man’ who’s ruling the criminal underworld is.” He started moving to a cork board covered with pinned pictures connected with string. “His enemies call him Tombstone. To the public he’s L. Thompson Lincoln, one of the city’s biggest philanthropists.”
“Well…crap then.” Miles summarized. “He’s got money, I bet dad’s entire salary that he’s untouchable because of that.”
“Hi Mr. Lang!” Spidey said hanging upside down from a street light, wearing a new black suit with a white spider on his chest. “It’s been a while!”
Scott looked up and grinned excitedly. “Spidey! Hey, buddy! It really has been a while. It’s good to see you.”
“Wow,” he commented as he noticed the new suit. “You’ve got some new threads I see. Going for a different vine, huh?”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Well I’m glad you’ve moved past that.” Peter said rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “Had enough of that in high school.”
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Sometimes you need help from someone before you help yourself.” Peter said wisely. “Besides, I just like helping people.”
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Do I need a reason to help someone?” Pete asked with a chuckle. “I’ve always willing to help someone with their studies if they want.”
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Yeah, been friends with him since high school, why do you ask?” Peter asked curiously.
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
Peter winces in sympathy. “Yeah, been there with the bills.” He said guiding her to the table. “Everyone, meet Onyx. Onyx, these are my friends. Gwen Stacy, the smartest girl around, and Harry Osborn, my best friend.” He introduced gesturing at the blond girl and the red headed boy at the table.
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“WACHOO! Come in…” Pete sneezed miserably. “Stupid symbiote making me miserable even after we separated…”
“Oof. Tough break dude.” Miles said sympathetically.
“Hi Mr. Lang!” Spidey said hanging upside down from a street light, wearing a new black suit with a white spider on his chest. “It’s been a while!”
Scott looked up and grinned excitedly. “Spidey! Hey, buddy! It really has been a while. It’s good to see you.”
“Wow,” he commented as he noticed the new suit. “You’ve got some new threads I see. Going for a different vine, huh?”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
Peter looks up from the table and walks over to Onyx with a friendly wave. “Heya. I’m Peter. Peter Parker, I heard that you wanted to join a study group?” Pete asked as introduction.
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Alright, looks like this Parker guy’s at table three in the library. Have fun!” Miles said as he shot another web and swung away.
Meanwhile Pete checked his phone and smirked. “Guys I think we might have another student with us.” He said getting Harry and Gwen’s attention as he shot Miles a text saying “thanks for keeping my identity secret Miles.”
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Well, maybe a study group would help some things click.” Miles suggested hopefully as he landed on the roof of ESU and checked his phone. “Darn, the OG’s study group is full, but he’s got a friend who’s got his own study group that has an open spot. Peter Parker’s willing to help if you’re interested.”
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Ordinarily, I’d propose a physics question to help with your swinging.” Miles said, slowing down his swinging so she can keep up with him. “But you said that physics don’t really click in your brain. Good thing we’re not too far from ESU.”
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Not yet, but Ma said we can talk to him if we’re careful.” Miles said holding the door open for Scott. “Apparently, Symbie took over for his immune system, and now his body’s adjusting from their breakup.”
“Hi Mr. Lang!” Spidey said hanging upside down from a street light, wearing a new black suit with a white spider on his chest. “It’s been a while!”
Scott looked up and grinned excitedly. “Spidey! Hey, buddy! It really has been a while. It’s good to see you.”
“Wow,” he commented as he noticed the new suit. “You’ve got some new threads I see. Going for a different vine, huh?”
135 notes · View notes
ask-spider-men · 11 months
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Invincible Iron Man #11 - "The Honeymoon is Over" (2023)
written by Gerry Duggan art by Andrea Di Vito & Bryan Valenza
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“From my understanding, the lectures are optional.” Miles said with a shrug. “But what do I know, I’m still in middle school.”
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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ask-spider-men · 11 months
“Sure. Let’s swing by ESU, he should be getting out of class soon.” Miles said leaping off the building and started swinging to the college.
Onyx swings through the city streets, much more confident in her movements than when she first started out though her timing is still delayed as if second guessing her spider sense with every web. She sticks to the side of a brick building to catch her breath and take in the autumn sights. It was starting to get cold out and she'd need to think of ways to keep warm in her costume without bulking it up too much or making it from unbreathable fabrics. As it were, she'd already made a lot of changes to it, making it more uniform, adding gliders under her arms so if she makes a mistake while swinging she won't hit the ground right away, and she changed the belts and skirt a bit to be more spider themed. The mask changed the most, going from a drippy makeup like look to a spiderweb look around the eyes, even her hood was less chunky with better seems now. Once she's caught her breath she continues on her patrol, having skipped classes at college once again looking for crimes in progress to help out with. She'd much rather risk her life than humiliate herself trying to do math or read a dumb textbook at the cheapest community college in the area
“Oh hey Onyx!” Miles exclaimed as he swung next to her. “Look at you! Looks like my advice helped! And I like what you’ve done with your suit!”
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