ask-spidersisters · 1 month
Thalia: Btw just wanna let everyone know Athena has named nearly all her spider bots.
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ask-spidersisters · 2 months
Athena: …..Θεία…..
Athena: Oh yeah I totally forgot, today’s the day of that space launch.
Hopefully this time no more symbiotes hitch a ride back down to Earth.
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ask-spidersisters · 2 months
Thalia: Yeah actually. The lead of the mission.
Athena: Oh yeah I totally forgot, today’s the day of that space launch.
Hopefully this time no more symbiotes hitch a ride back down to Earth.
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ask-spidersisters · 2 months
Thalia: Uh… we and everyone watching the news coverage might have just heard the audio of four astronauts er…. Yeah…
Athena: Oh yeah I totally forgot, today’s the day of that space launch.
Hopefully this time no more symbiotes hitch a ride back down to Earth.
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ask-spidersisters · 2 months
Athena: OH MY GOD
Athena: Oh yeah I totally forgot, today’s the day of that space launch.
Hopefully this time no more symbiotes hitch a ride back down to Earth.
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ask-spidersisters · 2 months
Athena: Oh yeah I totally forgot, today’s the day of that space launch.
Hopefully this time no more symbiotes hitch a ride back down to Earth.
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ask-spidersisters · 2 months
Athena: I’ve been saying this since the beginning, something is not right with that….thing.
Teddy: Tara won’t listen to me when I say that something is very wrong with Furby
Not sick wise… quite the opposite. She’s been kicking around for years now. When we take her to the vet, even they are surprised by how… little cognition she has but at the same time some sort of intelligence that rarely registers every few weeks in her life
I dunno I just think it’s… freaky. She’s staring at me right now!
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ask-spidersisters · 5 months
Athena: I guess generally I tend to lean on acrobatics and long distance attacks, utilizing my webbing and darts. I’m fast, and I try to utilize my speed and stealth to end things as quickly as I can or to wear down opponents.
I’m rarely on the ground if I can help it, but if I have to I can do hand to hand, it’s just I generally don’t like too (especially against opponents who aren’t as durable or have powers) because of the whole ‘can’t turn off the super strength’ thing.
But the biggest part of my very unprofessional and stitched together fighting style is environmental improvisation. Using my environment to my advantage, like pulling a fire alarm to activate the sprinkles against Electro, or strategically dodging Shocker’s blasts so that they damage the structural support beams so I can drop the roof on top of him.
Fellow spiders I have a question
How do you move/fight
I’m more rigid then I’d like, but I’ve gotten more acrobatisch of the years
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ask-spidersisters · 7 months
Thalia: Oh! Oh! I understand this reference!
if only I could allow the children to be raised by a hologram-powered simulated reality nursery equipped with an artificial intelligence and then I realize that in my absence the children have come to consider the nursery itself to be their mother and then I get torn apart by hard light construct lions
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ask-spidersisters · 8 months
Athena: I wasn’t aware you guys were already back at it. I’m assuming that means you’re both physically recovered enough to do so….
I don’t know if you’re planning to hit the same place as me but if you are I could help?
And yes. I’m trying my best to keep him out of this. At the very least until this whole OsCorp thing has been dealt with…
Athena: I need someone to watch Miles. I’m going on an OsCorp lab recon and I do not need him following me. Thalia can’t do it cause she’s going to be on my comms and tech support and Θείο is at work.
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ask-spidersisters · 8 months
Athena: I mean… either work but the second one might be a bit much.
I mean he’d probably be psyched to visit another dimension and get to know another spider person. Would probably distract him too. Just make sure to send home to his parents before 7:00 cause that’s his curfew.
Athena: I need someone to watch Miles. I’m going on an OsCorp lab recon and I do not need him following me. Thalia can’t do it cause she’s going to be on my comms and tech support and Θείο is at work.
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ask-spidersisters · 8 months
Athena: I need someone to watch Miles. I’m going on an OsCorp lab recon and I do not need him following me. Thalia can’t do it cause she’s going to be on my comms and tech support and Θείο is at work.
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ask-spidersisters · 8 months
I’ve fried my phone and several other electronic devices on accident so far BUT ITS STILL COOL!
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ask-spidersisters · 8 months
Thalia: yeahhhhh, you might wanna check the news for any sightings of, well, you, that might have happened when you were asleep.
Athena doesn’t talk much about her time with one of the symbiotes in our universe, but she did mention once it took her body on a ‘joyride’ when she was asleep…
I've been tryin' to talk to the suit since 7:30 and... safe to say, I have no idea what I'm doin'. I tried I talkin' verbally and communicatin' with my thoughts(really just thinkin' into the void, haha).
I shuffled through those research papers and, yeah, it's a livin' thing. The report says it's a symbiote and bonds itself to a host body, which explains why it's taken over as my suit. I've felt stronger because I am, that has to be the suit.
It's enhancin' my powers, but I have no idea what it's takin' from me in return. Aight, I'm headin' to bed, it's gettin' late.
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ask-spidersisters · 8 months
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ask-spidersisters · 8 months
Thalia: Excellent. Hit send.
Sending an email. How does this sound:
"I'm terribly sorry that you're upset over my 2 terabyte archive of Danganronpa Discourse Instagram Posts poisoning your machine learning database! To make amends I will be sending you an apology card written by ChatGPT upon my prompting and a very small violin.
Go to hell,
H. Osborn"
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ask-spidersisters · 9 months
Miles: Nice to meet you all!
My name is Miles Morales! About a month ago I got bit by this wicked freaky spider and now I have super powers! Athena’s still showing me the ropes, and has me laying low for now, something about this Doc Ock guy…
Anyway I’m really excited to meet other spiders! Or just people in the multiverse in general! This is so cool!
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