ask-the-ancientalia · 2 months
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Art for @j0jorocity !! ❤
Hope you like it!! ^-^ I had so much fun with colors ‼️
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ask-the-ancientalia · 6 months
It's an April Fools ask game! Send this to an ask-blog to tag them next. Copy & Paste this message with your choice of a hashtag for them to use as a prompt. Don't be the last person "it"!
Your prompt is: #history
this... doesn't really seem like my kinda thing, so...
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ask-the-ancientalia · 6 months
//I'm open, I even have ocs
// ok ok if ur an ask blog and ur open for interacts can u reply to this post cuz ill make openers :3
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ask-the-ancientalia · 2 years
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Cherusci tribe
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ask-the-ancientalia · 2 years
✏️ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/ask-the-ancientalia/649372487172374528?source=share ?
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4/ 12
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
Winter Wonderland?
December 18th Prompt: Under the ice/Frozen
Character(s): Rogaland (Gunna Kákrsdóttir), Grenland (Heimdallr Salvisson)
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Gunna typically didn’t hang around people that much, unless the representative from each of the different petty kingdoms were meeting up and she had been sent to go. Luckily there wasn’t one of those meetings today, so she didn’t have to go. That and it was a fishing day today. Not just any kind of fishing, but ice fishing. She always did like fishing, especially during the winter. Whereas most people would use bait and a line to go fishing, Gunna would use a stick turned spear. She found that more effective than a line. This is where she would prove her point to Heimdallr. Literally and metaphorically. The taller male had come from Grenland for whatever reason she never bothered to ask.
“Here’s where we’ll go fishing,” Gunna said. It was then that Heimdallr cut a hole in the ice so they could go fishing. In a sense that’s how he’s stronger than her. It was a big enough hole for if she caught a big fish. Gunna got on her hands and knees, holding up her spear. If a fish happened to pass by she would lunge and stab the fish with her spear, pulling it out of the water. In the end it took essentially half an hour for her to finally finish spear ice fishing. Once she finished she had quite a few fish and there was a couple big ones. “That’s how you do it without freezing your hands in the process,” Gunna said. “Now let’s take these home and cook them.”
Both Gunna and Heimdallr took two handfuls of fish to her home, carrying them by their tails. This is where she cleaned the fish, descaled, and deboned them. Heimdallr ended up seasoning the fish since she was busy. He also started a fire and set a pan on the hooks over it. Just have to wait for it to get hot. Once it was, he greased the pan and set a couple fish on at a time as they cooked. As each fish finished cooking, Gunna would take them out and feed the homeless kids. Each kid smiled and tanked her for the fish. Heimdallr looked at her as she did all this. When she looked back at him, he said, “There’s two fish halves left and no more kids to feed, so I’m guessing they’re for us.” “That would be correct,” Gunna said.
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
Snowy Times Means Grandpa Time
December 17th Prompt: Bundle up/Snow Day
Character(s): 2P Sweden (Beck Oxenstierna), 2P Kievan Rus (Rurik Bjornsson), 2P Ukraine (Yulia Chernenko), 2P Russia (Zakhar Braginsky), 2P Belarus (Natasha Arlofskaya)
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(2P Belarus art by 2P Jamaica on 2P Amino. 2P Ukraine, 2P Russia (in the cat sweater), and 2P Kievan Rus made with Gacha Club)
“Who wants to go see grandpa?” Rurik asked. “I do!” Natasha said with a bright smile. She loved seeing her grandfather and jumped at the chance to see him whenever he could. She had inherited Rurik’s red eyes and strawberry blond hair, just as her brother Zakhar did. Yulia is the only one with auburn hair. But she happened to have their red eyes. The three kids didn’t have school today since there was more snow than there was the day before. Rurik looked at Zakhar and Yulia. “Do you two want to see grandpa?” “Yeah,” the two say. “Let’s go see him,” Rurik said. The four of them then got their boots and coats on before they headed out to see a certain redheaded Swede.
When Beck answered the door, there was Rurik with his three kids. Seeing them brought a smile to his face. He did invite them inside. Once their boots and coats were off, Natasha was the first to hug Beck. A hug that was returned. He did love the moments he got to spend with his grandkids. Yulia and Zakhar also hugged Beck and he hugged the two of them.
“Pappy, guess what?” Natasha asked. “What is it, sweetie?” Beck asked. “We have a snow day today!” Natasha said. “Is that why you’re here?” Beck asked. She nodded. “Well, I’m happy you’re here,” Beck said. “I was just thinking about how I wanted to see you and your siblings.” This earned another hug from his youngest granddaughter. She was picked up and spun around a bit, earning laughter from the girl. Rurik smiled at the interaction. He always liked seeing his family happy and this made him happy. Yulia tugged on Beck’s sleeve. “Grandpa, can we draw?” “Of course you can,” Beck said. He took the kids to the living room and got them paper, pencils, crayons, and colored pencils.
Red eyes look at Rurik when he joined them. An arm was placed around his shoulders and a smile crossed the Swede’s face. Rurik smiled more and hugged Beck, saying, “You’re the best, papa.” Beck hugged Rurik and held him close, kissing his head. “That means a lot to hear you say that.”
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
December 16th Prompt: Culture/Love
Character(s): 2P Germania (Egino Bauer), 2P Svealand (Yggdrasil Darrhǫðrsdóttir), 2P Hálogaland (Loki Aðagislson)
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Egino didn’t typically stay in relationships. He was normally the heartbreaker. There was one he could never get to, though. And that’s the red headed Yggdrasil. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to have her and no one else. That’s why he’d been in so many relationships before. The purple eyes brunet tied his hair in its usual ponytail.
“You know, there are other ways of getting her attention other than trying to make her jealous,” another voice said. Egino looked over to see that it’s Loki. Of course it’s him. The northern folk have to stay together it seems. “What would you suggest then?” Egino asked. “Make her dinner,” Loki said. “Give her a gift. Let her know you care about her.” With that, Loki walked off and left Egino to think about that.
When Yggdrasil opened the front door, there was a snowman in the front yard and it looked like there was something on one of its hands. Curious, she put on her boots and coat before walking to the snowman and looked at what it was holding. It was a necklace with mjölnir, Thor’s hammer. She smiled and took the necklace, putting it on. She may not know who gave it to her or who made the snowman, but she did appreciate it. When Yggdrasil saw Egino next, she was still wearing the mjölnir necklace.
“Hey, Egino,” Yggdrasil said. “Oh, hey Yggdrasil,” Egino said. “Nice necklace.” She smiled and touched said object. “Thanks. Someone left it on a snowman in my front yard. I figured whoever left it there left it for me.”
That night, Egino had invited Yggdrasil to his place. Just before she had arrived, he had finished making dinner for the both of them. As the time had gone on since then, Yggdrasil noticed the way he was acting. Leaning forward, Egino pressed a soft kiss to Yggdrasil’s lips. Did she push away? No. Instead she kissed back.
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
December 15th Prompt: Free Day
Character(s): Pictland (Coinneach Agnew), Scotland (Allistair MacRanald-Agnew)
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Coinneach Agnew. A green eyed brunet that’s taller than the others at 6’6, or 198 cm. He also happens to be a recent father, as his Dal Riatan wife had given birth to their son Allistair the month before. At the moment, the brunet watched as Fland Ingen (his wife) played with their son and smiled. Hell, there have even been times where he was caught playing with Allistair. No one blamed him for it as he loves being a father.
As a child, Allistair spent a lot of time with his father. Of course Coinneach loved every moment of it. Mainly because he got to spend time with his son. Like right now. Coinneach was practicing a spell as Allistair watched him. What happened next made green eyes of Allistair widen. Right in front of him appears flowers.
One night, Allistair ran to Coinneach and clung to his leg. Getting to his level, Coinneach asked, “What’s going on Allistair?” “I keep seeing things,” Allistair said. “What kind of things?” Coinneach asked. “They look like tiny humans with wings.” This had Coinneach thinking. “Sounds like fae.” Allistair tilted his head. “Fae?” Coinneach nodded. “There’s one way to keep the fae away from you.” “How?” Allistair asked. It was then that Coinneach handed him a piece of jewelry. “Iron. Keep this on you at all times and they won’t do anything to you.” Allistair took the ring from his father and put it on. “Ok, dad.”
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
December 14th Prompt: Wrapping paper/Family
Character(s): Agder (Asa Kárungrsdóttir), Norway (Lukas Toresson), Iceland (Emil Kallisson)
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(Art by @askfairyromano )
Brown eyes of Asa looked around. This little blond child had showed up at her doorstep saying that he had lost his parents and had nowhere to stay. She sighed and let him in. Couldn’t leave the child on his own. The boy walked into her house and immediately made himself home on her couch. Looks like she has to deal with this random child now.
“What’s your name, kid?” She asked and looked at him. Big purple eyes look at her. “Lukas,” was the response she got. Lukas, huh? If she recalled, that’s the name of Thorir and Katla’s child. What happened to them that Lukas ended up with her? “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your parents?” Asa asked. It was then that Lukas looked at the ground. "Mama and papa left and they're not coming back." She couldn't help but feel bad at that.
When Lukas reached his teen years. Asa decided to teach him how to hunt. Their weapon of choice? Either traps or bow and arrows. Some animals they caught they did release due to them being inedible. On one hunt, they heard rustling from behind them. Asa immediately turned and aimed her bow at... a small blond child. Two sets of eyes look at the child in confusion as Asa lowers her weapon. What's a child doing here?
"Mamma?" The child asked. "Pabbi?" “Let me guess, you lost your parents as well?” Asa asked. The child looked at her and nodded. “I guess this means I’ll be your parent.” She then picked up the child that looked at Lukas. “Pabbi?” He asked. “I can only assume what that means, but I’d rather be called big brother,” Lukas said. “Bròðir?” The child asked. “Yeah,” Lukas said. This brought a smile to the child’s face. “What’s your name?” Asa asked. “Emil,” was the response from the child.
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
Fireside Treats
December 13th Prompt: By the fire/Hot cocoa
Characters: 2P Svealand (Yggdrasil Darrhǫðrsdóttir), 2P Sweden (Beck Fáfnisson), 2P Denmark (Mikkel Tryggvason), 2P Götaland (Stigr Darrhǫðrsson)
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Yggdrasil smiled. Ever since she found out what Mikkel’s birth mother had been doing to him, he’d been living with her, her twin brother Stigr, and her son Beck. There have been times where the small blond had been nervous, but recently he’d been coming out of his shell little by little. Like right now. The boy is curled up in her lap and hugging the blanket she gave him. She gently ran a hand through his hair.
“You are kind, you are sweet, you are loved.” Purple eyes look up at Yggdrasil after she said that. “Really?” Mikkel asked. “Yes, you are,” Yggdrasil said. “Do you know who loves you?” Mikkel shook his head. “I do,” Yggdrasil said. “I love you like I love Beck.” It was then that the boy clung to Yggdrasil with tears in his eyes. “Mama.” She hugged Mikkel and held him close. "Do you want to help me make a snack to have by the fire?" Mikkel nodded at that. "Ok, let's go make a fireside snack." She picked Mikkel up and carried him to the kitchen.
Yggdrasil Darrhǫðrsdóttir. Long orange hair in a ponytail with a braid at the left side pulled into it. Also has red eyes. While she may technically have birthed only one child, that didn't stop her from taking in Mikkel when he needed her most. His birth mother hadn't wanted him around and took her anger out on him. She had wanted to get him out of that situation. Yggdrasil's biological child Beck came from a one-night stand. At this point she didn't remember who the father is, but that didn't stop her from loving him. Beck had inherited her red eyes and orange hair.
Stigr Darrhǫðrsson. Yggdrasil's younger twin brother and Beck's uncle. Also, Mikkel's adopted uncle. The third member of the family with red eyes and red hair. Difference is his hair isn't long like his sister and his nephew. He looked down at Beck when the boy approached him. He held up a log. Looks like he wants to make the fire. A faint smile crossed Stigr's face. Of course, they can start the fire. This brought a smile to Beck’s face. The two of them placed some logs in the fireplace and it was Stigr that lit the fire. Did Beck sit next to Stigr and curl up to him? Yes he did.
“We have snacks,” Yggdrasil said as her and Mikkel walked into the room with two sets of plates. Mikkel’s carrying a child sized plate to share with Beck while Yggdrasil’s is to share with Stigr. On the way to the coffee table, Mikkel had tripped. Before he could hit the ground, Beck caught the plate and therefore caught Mikkel. Purple eyes look at the other boy that smiled at him. “I’ll help.”
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
Die Beste Kekse (the best cookies)
December 12 Prompt: Traditions/Cookies
Character(s): 2P Hálogaland (Loki Aðagislson), 2P Vingulmǫrk (Alfhildr Audasdóttir), 2P Norway (Eirik Lokasson)
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Alfhildr Aðagislsdóttir. A woman with long brown hair and brown a curl. She also happens to have brown eyes and is typically seen wearing white or blue.
When Alfhildr found her child, there were upset and hiding under their bed. She didn't say anything, just sat by the bed and let them come out when they're ready. When they did so, brown eyes of Alfhildr glance at them. Purple eyes of the child look up at their mother. Nothing was said between them for a while. She would wait until they’re ready to speak.
“They were making fun of me for wanting to use they/them instead of he/him,” Eirik said. Alfhildr gently wrapped an arm around Eirik. “They’re just mean,” she said. Eirik leaned into her hold. Mama always made them feel better. “And they don’t understand you, nor do they want to. But you want to know who does?” “Who?” Eirik asked and looked at Alfhildr. “I do, so does papa.” This brought a faint smile to the child’s face. “Do you want to make cookies with me and surprise papa with them?” Alfhildr asked. “Yeah!” Eirik said. They then smiled brightly. “Let’s go downstairs and make some cookies,” Alfhildr said. She then picked up her child and carried them downstairs.
Eirik is the child she had with her husband. They had recent mentioned to her that they don’t feel right being called a boy and that resulted in her suggesting they use they/them pronouns. Once that started they seemed happier. Eirik inherited her brown hair and curl but his eyes are purple instead of brown. She set them on the kitchen counter and smiled at them. Eirik smiled at her.
Loki Aðagislson. Eirik’s father and Alfhildr’s husband. He has long auburn hair with a braid on the left side and purple eyes. He’s more commonly seen wearing red as compared to his wife. Not to mention the fact that he’s more commonly out of the house during the day due to his job. While Alfhildr could technically get a job herself, right now she didn’t want to because she wanted to look after their child. Didn’t blame her for wanting to do so. Eirik’s a sweet child. As soon as he walked in the door, he noticed it smelled sweet. Curious, he walked to the kitchen to see Eirik sitting on the counter and Alfhildr pulling out a tray of cookies.
“So that’s why it smells sweet,” Loki said. Both Alfhildr and Eirik look at the other. “Papa!” Eirik said with a smile, reaching for their father. Loki smiled and walked to Eirik, picking them up. “Hi, you. Did you want to surprise me with cookies?” The child nodded, resting their head on his shoulder. “Try one, papa.” “Alright.” Loki then picked up a cookie and ate it.
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
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I posted 16 times in 2021
8 posts created (50%)
8 posts reblogged (50%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 11 tags in 2021
#2p estonia - 4 posts
#2p lithuania - 2 posts
#2p latvia - 2 posts
#behind the baltics - 1 posts
#2p nyo estonia - 1 posts
#2p nyo latvia - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 18 characters
#behind the baltics
My Top Posts in 2021
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Taimi: pride month it is
0 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 03:19:17 GMT
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Rivo here
1 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 21:24:42 GMT
hey um, i'm the owner of Ourtalia and i tried messaging you but i couldn't but i just wanted to ask if you could resubmit your submissions into the au, i must of forgotten to open the submission box and i am extremely sorry if this is any trouble
it’s no trouble, I just didn’t know what to do at first so that’s how I sent it in
1 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 01:06:25 GMT
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Rivo: it's pride month
2 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 21:03:10 GMT
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Madis: "It's pride month, so..."
2 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 20:21:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
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@helltalia-inc @heta-on-the-books @hetaliahappenings
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!! Also sorry for taking so long. 😅
Rules + Prompt List!
1. All content is accepted! (Art, fanfic, cosplays, ect.)
2. Please tag your works accordingly. (Tw blood, NSFW, ect.)
3. You are allowed to make NSFW content, but please try to not make it extremely explicit. Same goes for any gore content.
4. You can use Canon, nyo, 2p, and ocs in this event!
5. Ships are allowed!! So ship with all your heart!
6. You can included the ancient's families, just be sure the ancient it equally portrayed.
7. In order for your works to be reblogged, reblog this post, @ this blog, and use #AncientaliaWeek!
Day 1 (12th): Traditions/Cookies
Day 2 (13th): By the fire/Hot cocoa
Day 3 (14th): Wrapping paper/Family
Day 4 (15th): Free Day
Day 5 (16th): Culture/Love
Day 6 (17th): Bundle up/Snow day
Day 7 (18th): Under the ice/Frozen
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
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1P!Land, a petty kingdom that would make up Norway. Name: Kárhildr Kolrsdóttir
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
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✏ ( @ask-the-ancientalia )
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ask-the-ancientalia · 3 years
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