ask-the-dees · 2 years
"Right..." Bandana fills in a couple questions. "...Let's see... Blue... I don't like reading..." He mumbles to himself as he works on the survey. "...What's an extended warranty?"
"Hello, if you don't mind, could you answer some of my questions? What are your thoughts on our Lord, Zero? Please answer honestly and fill out some of my surveys, please." (@zeros-witness)
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Bandana: ...I dunno, anybody who gets beat up with something called a "Love Love Stick" sounds pretty lame in my book.
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
What is the worst thing a waddle dee could do ?
Bandana: Man, that's a good question. There's a lot of bad stuff out there... Maybe murder?
Sailor: Maybe tax fraud!
Bandana: Oooh, yeah. ...Wait. What's tax fraud?
Sailor: I'm not sure. But Sir Meta Knight says Miss Haltmann does it a lot, so it's probably pretty bad!
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
I just realized I forgot to add alt image text descriptions to all the drawn responses, gonna be working on that today!
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
"Eh." He shrugs. "Kirby's made friends with a lot of people he's beat up befor. If getting into a fight with Kirby was enough of a crime to send you to the dungeons, they'd be a lot more crowded! Even I'd be there!"
Bandana clicks the pen absentmindedly. "By the way, what's this survey for, anyways?"
"Hello, if you don't mind, could you answer some of my questions? What are your thoughts on our Lord, Zero? Please answer honestly and fill out some of my surveys, please." (@zeros-witness)
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Bandana: ...I dunno, anybody who gets beat up with something called a "Love Love Stick" sounds pretty lame in my book.
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
Has sailor or parasol ever tried using a spear ?
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Sailor: Yeah, haha... ha... once. When I was first starting out in Meta Knight's crew, I tried training with a lot of different weapons, actually! Everyone let me borrow theirs until I could find something that worked for me... But nothing ever did. Eventually we all agreed that I'm not much of a fighter. And that's ok! Sir Meta Knight said there are lots of different kinds of strength.
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Parasol: ...Maybe once or twice.
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
Are you waddle dees friends with susie and taranza ?
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Bandana: Marx is a lot of fun to hang around! ...as long as he's had a snack not too long beforehand, anyways. We pull pranks together all the time!
Sailor: Well... yeah... but sometimes his pranks are pretty mean...
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Bandana: As for Magolor... I don't know. It's still hard to get over everything he did... But Kirby and Dedede trust him, and he hasn't tried pulling anything big recently, so... I guess I can tolerate him.
Sailor: I haven't met him myself, but Sir Meta Knight and Bandana are wary about him... That's enough for me.
Bandana: Susie's in the same boat. She and Kirby look like they get along, but if she tries to pull anything around here again, I'll be ready for it.
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Sailor: Miss Susanna Haltmann is not legally permitted within 200 yards of Sir Meta Knight or the Halberd.
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Sailor: Oh, Taranza is really nice, though! Sometimes when the Halberd is docked in the area, he teaches me gardening tips over some tea!
Bandana: ...Yeah, he's alright. I feel bad for him sometimes, given everything...
...He looks like he's doing better now.
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
"Hello, if you don't mind, could you answer some of my questions? What are your thoughts on our Lord, Zero? Please answer honestly and fill out some of my surveys, please." (@zeros-witness)
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Bandana: ...I dunno, anybody who gets beat up with something called a "Love Love Stick" sounds pretty lame in my book.
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
What would waddle dees look like with noses?
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Sailor: Uhhh...
Bandana: Bad.
Sailor: Very. I'm happy just the way I am with only my eyes, thanks.
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
Alright, now that I got the theme and everything the way I like it, the current plan is as follows in terms of how often I'm gonna post on here:
I'm going to try to post at least 1 ask a day if I can. With my new work schedule (just got a new job!) and how long it takes me to draw, this might not be feasible, but I'll still try. I already have a couple answers in the queue, so at least there's that.
For a bit I considered making a new like "oh hey this is an ask blog" drawing for the start of it (I feel like I'm not describing it well, but like this one y'know??), but I feel like it would be better for me to just jump into things.
Thanks for reading, and have a good day! New asks on the way!
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
...So, editing the old posts brings up the old text editor. Tumblr never ceases to amaze me.
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ask-the-dees · 2 years
Hey guys!! So, it's been...
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....a while! I figured given the status of the blog (currently dead), I should give y'all an update!
Long story short, I'm giving the blog a soft reboot. While I'm not deleting any of the old content (that would be disrespectful to the old mod, of course), it's pretty much no longer canon. I spoke with the original mod and she gave me the go ahead, basically saying she won't have anything to do with the blog's content from here on out. Going forwards, I'll keep writing/drawing these characters with the same general vibe as the originals, but none of the old content applies anymore. Once I'm finished writing this post, I'll be working on tagging the old content appropriately. Something like "pre-reboot" or "old canon".
I know the previous mod had some kind of story arc planned, but I have no idea what she had in mind for it, so I'm scrapping it. But I have a story arc of my own planned, so look forwards to that!
With Forgotten Land (and spoilers thereof) in mind, I'm not sure if I want this blog to be before or after its events. As someone who's played the game myself (and 100%ed it (AND loved it)), it'll likely be after. I still might do a Forgotten Land arc/event sometime, I'm not sure. But the game is obviously gonna be canon, one way or another. Either way, I'll be more or less ignoring it for now until the ask box is clean.
Speaking of the (slightly overflowing) ask box, I'm not planning on just dumping that. I'll still answer as many of the asks here as I can! To space out posting appropriately, I'll be setting up a queue once I finish working on a few. (Hey, that rhymed!)
For some time I debated closing up the ask box while I worked on old asks so that I don't get overwhelmed, but I realized that wouldn't be a smart idea. Just know that I'll be prioritizing older asks over new ones for some time, so please be patient if I don't respond to your ask right away!
Oh yeah, and since I don't have access to the form the old mod used for new mod applications, there's not going to be any more new mods in the immediate future. That isn't to say that there will never be another opportunity to become a mod ever again, just that it's closed for now.
With that, thanks for reading, and see you around!
Let’s Welcome Our New Mod!
I’ve let the form below run on for a while, they will continue to run in case you’re late to the party and still want to join the blog, but let’s welcome Mod Dab/Mod Eggie! I’m confident he will do well on the blog, and bring something new and amazing. I’d like to thank him too for taking on this task.
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ask-the-dees · 5 years
Let’s Welcome Our New Mod!
I’ve let the form below run on for a while, they will continue to run in case you’re late to the party and still want to join the blog, but let’s welcome Mod Dab/Mod Eggie! I’m confident he will do well on the blog, and bring something new and amazing. I’d like to thank him too for taking on this task.
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ask-the-dees · 5 years
I know this blog hasn’t updated in months, but the truth is that I’ve kinda lost inspiration and willpower to continue? I remember the early weeks of this blog and being disappointed that no one has sent asks. I liked having maybe two or three asks a week, because to me that was manageable, but now my inbox is cluttered with 70+ asks and it became overwhelming and I started putting off answering asks until now.
Now I’m asking for help with running this blog.
I still enjoy this blog, I just don’t know how to run it anymore because I see those several asks, I don’t know where to start, and I give up. I feel bad because of it, and I wanted to continue running this blog.
I know it sounds repetitive now so I’ll stop, but if you’d like to join the blog, I made a form for it HERE. 
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ask-the-dees · 5 years
How do waddle dees grab things? I don't see fingers¿
Minecraft Steve doesn’t have fingers either but he holds stuff
I mean, Waddle Dees are able to grab things just as others without fingers would, such as Kirby or Poppy Bros. They do it through a weak telekinetic force, allowing objects they touch to “stick” to their limbs, much like magnets would. When they’re done “holding” the object, their force temporarily fluctuates and causes the item to drop out of their hand. This happens usually by choice, but also if they’re startled.
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ask-the-dees · 5 years
Did parasol bandana and sailor ever get a DNA test ?
As a land mostly occupied with magic, their technology has not advanced enough in that direction. Besides, whatever for would the test be?
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ask-the-dees · 5 years
Do waddle dees know how to swim ?
Only if they try to learn. Bandana learned how to swim after much practice with Kine nearby, but Sailor and Parasol can only float, as do majority of Dees.
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ask-the-dees · 5 years
What was bandanas, umbrellas and sailors first word when they were little baby’s ?
Bandana was a rather talkative baby. His first word ranges from anywhere between “Dedede” to “spoon” to “fuck” depending on who you ask at Dedede’s castle. No one truly knows his first word. (His true first word was “bird” when he saw a baby Coo outside his window, but no one was there to witness it.)
Sailor’s first word was “more”. Javelin heard it when he was on “Sailor feeding duty”. He recorded it and replays it to himself and the rest of the crew (excluding Sailor) when they’re feeling down.
Parasol didn’t speak until she was nearly a teen. Her first words were “I’m sorry”.
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