ask-the-fusions · 1 year
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Intril the Remus/Virgil fusion. The Hypochondriac. Smol bat. Full of anxiety and the disturbing facts to back up his fears. Jumpy/skittish and very liddol in size (like…. 3 feet). “Don’t tell me there’s nothing wrong with me just cause I have a “““mild””” tummy ache! Do you know how common tapeworms are?!” 
And Intreit the Remus/Janus fusion. The Kraken Captain. Suave, debonair, enjoys skewering things way too much. Tentacles! 8D Treasure hoarder and menace of the high seas! “It’s not just about the treasure, darling, it’s about the class! The name you make of yourself! The chase in a storm when the winds are fierce and the boat rocks like it’ll topple! the stories they tell of your heinous deeds!”
As always, alternate versions of these WILL become my OCs once I develop lore for them.
If anyone calls Intril a clown because of the Joker colours I will take your kneecaps and shove them up your ass.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
OK this is where you ought to go to see the new updated masterlist of characters and about the comic! (sorry i’m braindead today i had my booster shot and i’m exhausted) 
https://starcrossed-comic.tumblr.com/ @starcrossed-comic​
I just discovered your blog. Is there a master post for new comers to understand the AU and protagonist?
uhhhhh I THINK I have a masterpost tagged Masterpost? let me go check....
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
I just discovered your blog. Is there a master post for new comers to understand the AU and protagonist?
uhhhhh I THINK I have a masterpost tagged Masterpost? let me go check....
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Is catnip an illegal drug in Creaity's world?
No, it doesn't make them high it's kind of like burning scented candles in that it's a pleasant smell. It's calming but it doesn't affect them the same way it affects cats in our world.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Are all of the people in Creaity's world cats, or are there different animals too :0
They're all cats!
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Does Creaity have technology where is has modern tech like cars, tv, and modern day tech?
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Since they're completely OCs now, have any of the fusion's backstories changed besides Lodecs?
Only a little. A good example is Anvity because both his components are separate people, Prince and knight, who fell in love and it was forbidden so their fusion was considered a Bad omen because anvity is a dragon. Other than that his backstory is the same. Knight gets poisoned defending his prince and they fuse to save him and the poison slowly takes him even fused so when they separate he has no use of his legs and such. That's why he needs a cane! Anvity has a lot of pain but he manages.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
If Decan, Laurel, and Hyde all have different speech-based powers, does everyone in Decan's world have them? If they don't, what made Laurel and Hyde different from everyone else?
It's kind of a leader based thing. People with high leader abilities have manipulation abilities if they are Villains and tracking and healing abilities when they are Heroes. Their respective abilities are meant to inspire or force flowers.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Would Creaity playing Fencing as kid or in general? Or does he play any sports in general?
He likes soccer, fencing, any sport really, he likes being outside but he gets tired really easy.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Wait, wasn’t Viridian 15 before? 13 is farther away from 19 than 15 is???
I have memory problems, if he was 15 sure, whatever, let him be 15 I don't care any more. Please stop asking, it's making me self conscious.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
I think they’re catboys? Rather than…strictly full furry?
Well yeah but they also have a culture based around cat behaviour and somehow people are crying bestiality which is just a really weird place to go. Like, take your mind out of the gutter. Cats cuddle, it's what they do, Nothing weird or sexual about it.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
What is Illness goal in Creaity's dimension besides being rival of Creaity? Also his design pretty please.
Illness is hellbent on making as many Corrupted Monsters as possible because he hates the system abandoning the poor people to turn into monsters and then treating them as people that need to just be tossed away. They end up only as rivals until Creaity realizes this. Also I just haven't designed him yet oops XP
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
If they're literally anthropomorphic cats, wouldn't that technically make any ships with Creaity beastiality then?
You don't understand furries at all do you
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
I know you've said Moxie is Gaelic, but do you mean Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, or Manx Gaelic?
Well she speaks what we would call Irish Gaelic, but the problem is, our idea of Gaelic isn't the same as hers. They speak the same language but she's from a different world so the customs, location, and traditions would be slightly different from what we would know. So you'd recognize the language but her customs might seem really strange or different and not quite right. (Also her world is a cyberpunk "utopia" so she might not even know what a sheep is).
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Why is a child being a therapy animal?? And assumingly to grown adults??? Are people with cat ears and tails just animals now??????
1, they are anthropomorphized animals in a fantasy world- they're literally cat people. Their way of life is not the same as ours and shouldn't be held to our standards of what we think is "normal". (IE, things like it's common for them to bathe in public because they groom their fur, they tend to sleep in large cat piles with members of large families of community cuddle piles, It's often considered rude to grin with teeth showing to each other because it's a threat display etc).
2, he is in training to be a therapy cat which is something they do on his world, and that position is kind of like half mental health specialist, half therapy animal. His job (when he gets older) would be to sit by a person who is anxious and purr and help talk the person through what they're feeling. Calming techniques often include head nuzzling and hair grooming, both of which are platonic and expected in polite society. Right now he's just learning the basics and practicing with his family, IE, how to speak gently when someone's anxious, how to purr at the right frequency to be comforting, how to listen, the proper cuddle pile position to stimulate a proper calming effect (IE how much cat pile is a good cat pile and how much cat pile is too many) etc. As he is still a kitten he won't learn the rest until he's older, and real life application of certain grooming techniques and cuddle pile procedures are done while in the company of an advising adult and a littermate (In this case Moxie and Creaity)
But you have to understand a therapy animal on his world isn't supposed to be responsible for the person's full mental wellbeing, that's what a therapist and doctors are for. A therapy animal is more like... They are there to comfort and give hugs and help a person calm down if they are having a horrible day and help out before it becomes worse. You have to remember that on their world, superpowers are exceptionally common but what's also common is Corruption where a person will turn into an absolutely horrifying monster of malice and anguish due to overtaxed and untended emotional distress. Rather than continue having the heroes just defeating the monsters, the trend now is to try and help them cope with their feelings way before they get to that point. (Yay mental health!)
Viridian was one of those monsters once and so he asked to start Therapy Animal training because he doesn't want other people to suffer like he did.
Does that make more sense?
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Would Patteit just- become a form of transport for some of the smaller fusions? Like if they were tired, they’d just cling to Patteit and they’d take them back to their rooms to sleep? To add onto this:
Anvity: um, what do you have there, dear?
Patteit, holding Decan, Moxie, Vircei, Creaity, and Lodec: friends :) :)
Patteit has 4 arms and a big long snake tail and they WILL make a cuddle pile of sleeping tiny friends.
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
But wasn't he 15 before? Wouldn't 13 make him further from Creaity's age?
Was he? I might have mixed up the two, not sure. All I know is he is kitten age by his world's standards.
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