UPDATE: 08/30/2016
Hello, everyone, mun here! As it has become clear, I haven’t updated this blog in some time! As to why, I shall explain.
I started this blog around the end of my junior year in highschool as for fun. Skip forward and I am now in college and employed, so im now doing all that “fun” stuff. This combined with just over all horrid spells of my anxiety and depression flaring up have lead to quite the pause for this blog.
I wont try to get into too much detail, but i was going through a very bad time for a while and im now still picking up pieces and trying to tie up some loose ends. I was so anxious and depressed that I even considered ending my life an option or self harm. Luckily, i did neither and am currently doing average I would say.
I still apologize for the lack of content though, truly. I will do best to respind to asks and reply, though i wont set myself to any sort of schedule and reply when i feel best, so i can either churn out ask after ask or go through a dry spell of nothing, for I still do enjoy Lysandre and you guys, so ill do my best to hang in there for you guys and others.
Again, I apologize and I hope to get some asks out soon, which as a heads up, do ask away, I really need some new asks! :>
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Same goes here!
Send me a ✍ and a character and I'll draw the character horribly on MS Paint.
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UPDATE: 08/30/2016
Hello, everyone, mun here! As it has become clear, I haven’t updated this blog in some time! As to why, I shall explain.
I started this blog around the end of my junior year in highschool as for fun. Skip forward and I am now in college and employed, so im now doing all that “fun” stuff. This combined with just over all horrid spells of my anxiety and depression flaring up have lead to quite the pause for this blog.
I wont try to get into too much detail, but i was going through a very bad time for a while and im now still picking up pieces and trying to tie up some loose ends. I was so anxious and depressed that I even considered ending my life an option or self harm. Luckily, i did neither and am currently doing average I would say.
I still apologize for the lack of content though, truly. I will do best to respind to asks and reply, though i wont set myself to any sort of schedule and reply when i feel best, so i can either churn out ask after ask or go through a dry spell of nothing, for I still do enjoy Lysandre and you guys, so ill do my best to hang in there for you guys and others.
Again, I apologize and I hope to get some asks out soon, which as a heads up, do ask away, I really need some new asks! :>
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Haven’t I made this clear before?
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If you want something badly, sometimes you gotta take it into your own hands to make it, lol Basically just a Vampire!Lysandre is all, because of reasons. Plus, tis the season 🎃
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Morning reblog, because I posted at a weird time last night!
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Admin: he’s been awake for a whole three days now.. and sorry for the kinda crummy quality scan, everyone, but I have not my tablet with me, so until I have it back, just doodles on paper!
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I honestly think that this particular doodle of Lysandre and Augustine in my sketchbook is one of my favorites still to this day.
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OOC: I've had this in my ask box for some time now, and I am so sorry, but I had to, forgive me, anon and others
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I don't even know how he got in here in the first place, forgive me..
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Feast your eyes upon them as you may, but no touches allowed.
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If you use an amulet coin, then by arceus, that's even better ;D
in pokemon x, it's stated that it takes $50000000 to join team flare
Admin: If Team Flare were real, this would be the “perfect” way to help boost our U.S economy. Join Team Flare, kids, don’t be shy. If you ask nicely, I’m sure your parents will loan you the money! Just do some extra chores around the house for a few hundred years, and you’re set!
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in pokemon x, it's stated that it takes $50000000 to join team flare
Admin: If Team Flare were real, this would be the "perfect" way to help boost our U.S economy. Join Team Flare, kids, don't be shy. If you ask nicely, I'm sure your parents will loan you the money! Just do some extra chores around the house for a few hundred years, and you're set!
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OOC: Thank you so very much, I'm glad that you and others are enjoying this little ask blog of mine, I really appreciate it!! <3
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eeeeeeeeeesh your art is so damn cute! keep drawing!
AAAAAAAHHHH, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!I sometimes (OK, a lot) doubt me and my abilities, thinking I'm not that great, but then it just fills me with so much joy when i read messages, such as yours, that say otherwise. You're the kind of person that keeps me wanting to draw and make others, and myself, happy with said ideas and drawings.Just thank you, and you all, again for giving me that much needed boist to keep on trucking. You're all awesome and I hope you find money on the ground or something, love ya. 💕
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Thank you for all the support guys, couldn’t get here without all of you. Sorry I don’t update very quickly, but being I’m in the second semester of my Senior year of highschool, things have been quite busy with getting collage and all that fun jazz..
But regardless, you’ve all made this blog real fun so far, and I’m hoping that with all your guy's help we can make it something more! Perhaps I’ll think of some sort of ORAS/ X and Y pokemon givaway for reaching 100 since I do have quite a few pokemon in my PC and some shinies ;)
What do you all think? Does a givaway sound good?
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Admin: Both of your suggestions were REEEAAALLLY good, but I decided finally on Fire Opal! (because it's a rather pretty stone and has all that orange flaming goodness you could ever want)
I made his hair also literal fire that fluctuates in intensity depending on his status or mood. It can never go out either (unless he were to perish, of course..)
His gem is located over where his heart would be, due to the great emotion and passion he has inside of him. His weapon would then be a rapier, because I've seen so many lovely pictures of him wielding one.
Hope this is ok!
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