ask-the-grian · 9 hours
"Scar if you don't get up I'm going to break something and I'm not too choosey about what probably something important." He said sternly.
"Knock knock!" Mumbo called in lieu of actually knocking. He carefully stepped into the room, cautious of disrupting Grian from his perch by moving too fast. "Sorry we kind of disappeared on you there. You still awake in here buddy?" @askmumbojumbo
The room looked nearly empty, and there was barely any sound beyond the quiet whirring of Scar's oxygen concentrator. The nest looked empty at first glance.
If someone were to look for a moment beyond a glance they would notice the tube of Scar's oxygen concentrator disappearing into the nest and his grey and brown furred tail drifting lazily from side to side, but the nest itself seemed nearly undisturbed.
Every blanket looked like it was in almost the exact same place it would be if Scar was never in the nest at all, despite him being burrowed inside of it sleeping soundly.
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ask-the-grian · 11 hours
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“Did you choose to ignore the fact that it was you, or-
Did you not recognise yourself?”
From the latest Guess The Build video
That line just went crazy for some reason, felt like it needed to be used in some way
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ask-the-grian · 11 hours
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Based off personal experience with the one time I used a wheelchair
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
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Color studies!
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
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pretty sure this is the blog's third pride month. wow.
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
……maybe mumbo should go in the trunk instead of scar
I'm seriously contemplating it but then I'd miss him and have to ride alone with scar.
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
Probably wouldn't care as long as there's a blanket and a pillow....
Gotta disable any trackers on Scar before anything else right?
Oh god we forgot to search Scar
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
Idiot you said you'd do it!
Gotta disable any trackers on Scar before anything else right?
Oh god we forgot to search Scar
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
a beaded curtain, but instead of beads they’re worms on strings
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
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Rainy day
(My piece for @boatemvillagezine!)
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ask-the-grian · 2 days
L + ratio + when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night with your head in your hands you're nothing more than his wife
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ask-the-grian · 3 days
Wouldn't breaking Scar's stuff without at least telling him why be really crappy though
I didn't say I wasn't going to tell him. I'm not that much of a monster.
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ask-the-grian · 3 days
Like that one anon said before, just stick scar in the trunk then you won’t have to worry about people questioning you
I think if people see us stuffing a man in a trunk we'll have bigger issues. Unless they sent tim. Then there's no questions if I also shove tim in the trunk as well.
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ask-the-grian · 3 days
Oh yeah destroy his gear, things he needs to literally get around independently at all, totally a good idea.
It's probably riddled with bugs. I bet if mumbo even tried to plug them in our whole system would be vulnerable. Mumbo and I are smart we can make new gear. Gear that won't get us killed.
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ask-the-grian · 3 days
How would you get Scar into a taxi? A loopy, half naked man with blue skin isn't exactly inconspicuous. Plus his gear needs to be dealt with still. And you still have broken ribs and all that other stuff.
I'll destroy the gear then. Also it's not hard to get a man dressed. They'll just think he's had a few too many or something. Also blue skin isn't unheard of. There's selkie hybrids and water hybrids. You all are way too paranoid.
Also my ribs are fine. Drop it.
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ask-the-grian · 3 days
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grian chillin at his base
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ask-the-grian · 3 days
Idk considering Tubbo told Lizzie that Cleo gave Lizzie her favorite flowers I think Lizzie would probably just punch her in a gay panic
Shed probably punch me.
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