ask-the-moor-house · 2 years
EVERYONE QUICK describe your oc story in the worst way possible
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ask-the-moor-house · 2 years
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
Tag the OC that's a vampire
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
i love talking about my ocs i feel like a proud mom talking about her kids and their achievements but my kid's achievements are acquiring trauma and adding to their kill count
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
when you see a catboy you know what to do
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
your catboy escapes while you’re at work and the local bird population is halved in one terrible evening of blood
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
OC Interview Questions
Send me a number and a character (or multiple!) and they’ll answer the question themselves!
Who makes up your family?  How close are you to them?
Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
Who do you look up to?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Are you a spiritual person?  If yes, what do you practice?
Where were you born?  Where did you grow up?  Where do you live now?
What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (on vacation or permanently!)
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
What are your favorite music genres?
Do you play any instruments?  Which ones?  How long have you been playing?
Describe your perfect day.
What makes you laugh?
What’s the best way to cheer you up?
What makes you sad?
Describe your biggest pet peeve.
Describe your ideal partner.
What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
Have you ever had a crush on someone?  Do you have a crush now?
What would you consider your main love language?
Freebie!  Come up with your own question for the character to answer!
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
Which OC is incapable of stopping a task when they start working on it?
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
Do the monsters have any specific powers?
Dexter here!
Cherie has some of the standard vampire stuff: can't be seen in mirrors or film photos, etc. She can summon fog though, which is really nice if we all want to go for a romp!
Genji can make illusions, and they're wicked accurate. Almost caught me in a pit trap a few times, the bloody bastard-
Clover has some sort of whimsical fairytale type magic going on, I'm not sure how it really works. Maybe she can explain it better in another post!
Stephanie can summon flames and hellfire which is... fun. I'm still not sure how the house is still standing after all her temper tantrums.
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
With that...
Basic introductions are over! The Moor House will be taking questions at any time, so don’t hesitate to send them in! Nixie will be heading home this weekend, so make sure you ask your questions for her by Friday, April 16th.
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
The special guest: Nixie Binx
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Nixie lives with another group of monsters, but pops over occasionally to see how everyone is doing. Quiet, but generally good natured, Nixie helped the Moor House get established in their current home. She won’t be here all the time, so we’ll make sure to let you know when she’s here to answer questions!
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
The hellhound: Stephanie
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Stephanie is the grouchiest of the group, but still a team player. She was the second one to approve the idea of a blog!
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
The magical dog: Clover
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Clover is sporty, but a bit shy. She loves fluffy sweaters and morning jogs!
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
The token robot: Mar10n
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Mar10n is a peppy robot with a love of music! Ask her to sing and you’re in for a surprise-
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
The creepily quiet one: Genji Korosenai
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Genji is a kitsune with a habit of not speaking for days on end. He also has a very unsafe idea of how pranks are supposed to work.
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
The default oldest: Cherie Montblanc
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Cherie is a French vampire who was born in the late 1800′s. She tries her best to be understanding and supportive, but she just doesn’t get these modern monsters. Memes confound her, but by god she’ll be the mom friend to this group of misfits!
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ask-the-moor-house · 3 years
The one and only: Dexter Gordon
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Dexter is your standard British catboy: sassy, conniving, and an absolute sweetheart. 
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