What about ducks vee? Do you like ducks? I like them I think they're underappreciated for being so squishy
Virgil: they’re funny. I like the quacking sounds they make and they’re funky beaks. Also naming ducks very dignified names is funny to me. ‘Hello I’m Virgil and this is my pet duck 🦆 his name is Augustine.’
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I just really wanted to do this one!! I want to be a Tiefling SO BAD
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Real Me vs Fantasy Me via this piccrew
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Virgil V buddy I need to know what you think of bees. It’s very urgent. -Blue
Virgil: bees, uhhh bees. Okay between you and me those little bitches terrify me to my core. I got stung once and I swear to god I thought my soul was leaving my body.
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Thomas: I’m a dad, what do you want from me exactly?
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Hey ro.... One day you're going to have to get therapy instead of projecting yourself into theater and fairy tails.... I mean yeah I know you're technically already getting therepy but still
Roman: HAHAHA I DONT KNOW WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT . . . listen here you little shit, I know that, you know that, but the longer I ignore this, the more likely I am to get into college
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Viv ur the purp manzzz
Virgil: I don’t know what this means but I’m gonna assume you’re insulting me. And to that I say F off. But if you’re complimenting me then thanks I guess. I am purp manzzz.
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Virgil what was your first opinion of the Rangers?
Virgil: well Thomas was just kinda this strange old guy-well not old old but you know-who like said really cheesy things. And I don’t know, we sorta vibe I think. Then uhh Roman was annoying as shit. Always acting like he’s Superman or whatever like dude you’re 6’1” and weigh like 90 pounds get over yourself. I could easily take his knees. Remus was fun. Different. He laughed at Red and that was nice cause at least one human had some humor. Even if he did say the weirdest things. Logan was honestly kinda boring. I don’t know. There wasn’t much too him other than being the only person with a brain cell. And that gets old after a while. Patton was interesting cause like he was trying to not actually kill me so that was a bit of a change of pace. And Janus was easily the coolest out of all of them so ya know, at least someone was controlling those dorks.
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Virgil: You called?
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Do you guys ever feel any different when your zords activate? I mean besides the ovious physical strength and power any emotional change?
Janus: well I’m still new at it but honestly when I’ve summoned Maureen, I feel more, well, stable. I feel like I have more support behind me, like I’m able to make a mistake because I know she’s there to help me.
Thomas: I’ve had prectically the same experience with Teddy. You just feel more comfortable with yourself.
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If everyone went to a phych ward what would be the reason they went? (I'm curious sue me)
Alright let’s do this:
Roman would go because he screamed at his parents and they don’t take that well
Remus would go for arson, murder, and more.
Logan would check himself in becuase he overworked himself terribly and he can’t catch a break anywhere else
Patton would be admitted because he needs some treatment
Virgil because they’re literally a war criminal
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Hey Remus....... let's go deck your parents
Remus already out the door: I thought you’d never ask
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YESSS FINALLY THE PINNING GLASSES GAYS GOT TOGETHERRRR time to start plotting the next ship nyehehehehehehehe
Oh ho ho ho ho ho just you wait. Hehe just you wait
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On a scale of 1 to 10 how excited are you about the trip?
Remus: 10! 20! I’ve been to New York once before but i was with my parents and I couldn’t use my fake ID. Now though oh-ho-ho I’m gonna tear shit up!!
Janus: ehh like 8. My family goes to New York to visit my aunt every year so I’m used to it. But I’ve never been with Remus. I’m excited to see what happens.
Logan: 7. It’s just a city, but it’s a large improvement over ehhh anywhere in Florida.
Patton: Ooo I’ve been to the Big Apple a few times but I’ve never gone with friends before! And we’re gonna be in the parade!! So like a solid 11.
Virgil: I’m scared about being locked in a car for over 10 hours with these people, but eating free food sounds nice. And also I’ve never seen a parade so that’ll be cool.
Patton: You’ve never seen a parade?
Logan: You didn’t give a number.
Virgil: uhh 6.
Roman: I’m gonna say 6 too. It would be a 10 but we’re not-
Everyone but Roman: Flying!!
Janus: God we know
Remus: Seriously bro chill out about the plane.
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Pat? Pat honey you are doing gods work out here yes yes yes PARENT THE SHIT OUT OF VIV
Patton: I try my best. Someone’s gotta make sure they don’t light something on fire.
Virgil: or light myself on fire
Patton: Virgil put tHE LIGHTER DOWN-
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Virgil babey I will protect you so fucking much your safe now you diserve love holy shit aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA-
Patton: what?
Virgil: . . . affection
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The Power Rangers and friends are available for questions!
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Power Rangers AU Masterlist
AO3 Link
Wattpad Link
Season 1 Character Designs
Some cool af fanart by @anxious-chaos-art
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter  9  
Chapter 10  
Chapter 11  
Chapter 12  
Chapter 13  
Chapter 14  
Chapter 15  
Chapter 16  
Chapter 17  
Chapter 18  
Chapter 19  
Chapter 20  
Chapter 21  
Chapter 22  
Chapter 23  
Chapter 24  
Chapter 25  
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 
Chapter 28 
Chapter 29
Season 2 Character Designs & OCs character designs
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